SL - Glad you were able to book the trip to see your family in June.
DTBA - As I wrote on your thread - Welcome! The Nest is a very lively place these days, and we're glad you're here. Personally, I appreciate that you posted your story, and I'm guessing many other people feel the same. I think one of the main purposes of the Newbie Nest is to be a place where we CAN be honest, to share our ups and downs, to deal with triggers, and to find support when others in our lives don't even know we have a problem (or perhaps they know, but we haven't told them we're quitting).
I'm one such person. My friends and family all know I'm taking a break from drinking, but I have not told any one of them that I feel I have a real problem and that I'm quitting for good. And I'm on day 173 of "taking a break." I've recently started to say things like "I feel so much better I'm just gonna continue my break - it seems silly not to when the benefits are so clear" but I still haven't said "I have a drinking problem and I'm trying to save my life." I'm sitting right next to my partner right now as I write this, and I have never said anything like this out loud. My plan is to be more forthcoming this year, but baby steps - the most important thing to me is to preserve my quit.
TLDR; Glad you're here - you're in the right spot and we welcome you with open arms and wings
