The difference is amazing. It's still difficult. I find myself longing for that glass of wine when I get home to "relax". When in reality, it did the opposite of relax me. (Well, maybe if I could stop at one I'd be relaxed.)
I like what you said: "In the short term you might be able to forget for a moment..." and that is what I have to keep reminding myself of. That the short term feeling of drinking is nothing compared to the misery that follows - both physically and mentally.
I'm really trying to focus on the short term right now, you know, "What's one more night of being sober going to hurt?" Because if I start thinking long term, I immediately think: "I'm sure in a couple of months I'll be able to drink like a normal person. It'll be fine." According to my track record, it won't be fine. So one day at a time.
A dip in the Indian Ocean sounds amazing! But, I'll have to settle for something else. Since it's San Diego, I'm assuming the weather will be nice enough for me to go for a run - if not, I'll head to the gym. I also plan on scouting out some museums and amazing restaurants to stuff my face with as much seafood as I can. Screw the wine, give me shrimp!