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    Hi all,
    After another school visited this evening (my son is transferring to in September) secondary school & wandering around viewing the science dept. & said apparatus it takes me back to my school days! I did science & economics (& was majoring in alcoholism but didn't quite know it yet) and had the geekiest & most innovative business plan to open...wait for it...A chemistry bar! Spirits in burettes, shots in test tubes, light your smokes on bunsen burners or 'go outside' to the fume cupboard. Darned would have made a mint. Obviously it would've ended in Diasaster - I would have drunk myself out of business. I didn't really like the school before we went but secretly really liked it! Ultimately it's whatever he feels happy with & depends on his grades he gets next Saturday. Lots of emphasis was put on him 'doing his best' & rewarding him when he finished his tests rather than when the results are due but hope he does well as it gives him greater choice in schools next year so fingers crossed! In other news I'm at 3 weeks AF today, go me...
    Hi Marthadan, lovely to have you here :welcome: I'm in early days of my sobriety but have found the folk here hugely supportive & being here is really helping me achieving sobriety, slowly & in the knowledge I'm not struggling on my own.
    Hey Roobs - a book club dinner? Sounds very sophisticated - I'm glad you had a good night AF
    Alive, good job on 10days AF! I got terrible sleeping patterns at the start when I did a AF stint before Christmas but has settled down alot more now - I felt really rubbish but it is improving! Good luck for the weekend too I hope your daughter has a lovely party & isn't too stressful for you x
    Glad you're feeling a bit more rested Ava & Pauly I hope things stay safe & peaceful in your area - people have way too much aggression, where's the love? Orimus - glad to see you!
    I hope things are good with you Ann, & your not too stressed out with family x
    Wishing all a safe & sober Friday
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.


      wow - its been a week since I signed in - unreal - life keeps overtaking me!
      All ok though - busy at work, busy at home, just plain busy....
      Been wet and stormy too, and trying to get on with living in inclement weather makes everything take longer...
      Did a quick read back and all looks good in the nest.

      LC - thinking of you.....
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Its been raining here ALL day too,saps my energy and I don't feel like going anywhere so I won't did make it to my $ store and spent nearly $70! Think I need an intervention haha,went to lunch with daughter and g-son at Jason's deli had 1/2 turkey sandwich and a big salad,all in all a nice day,stay safe nesters
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Congratulations Birdie on six AF years! Amidst the addiction we all battle, your sober time, encouragement, truth, humor, and cookies are inspirational. Thanks for being my role model!
          Last edited by Marylou123; January 21, 2017, 03:58 AM.
          Mary Lou

          A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


            Good evening Nesters,

            CONGRATS to my long time friend Byrdie on 6 years AF!!!
            It's an awesome achievement & a wonderful feeling. I know that you know to always protect your precious quit :hug:

            Hello & welcome Marthadan, glad you found us. Just settle in, make yourself a good working plan & check in with us frequently We all have had to face that day 1, not easy but necessary if you want your freedom. You can do this, lots of us have

            LC, I certainly hope everything is OK with you! It is completely normal to have cysts on an ovary - maybe that was what the doc saw.

            Everyone sounds pretty good tonight so I'll just go ahead & wish everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!
            It's cold & raining here & rain predicted all weekend I think, yikes.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hi Dutch! We're ya been? Doing some sober karate-kick-butt I hope?

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Good morning happy nesters, its great reading the posts here... Welcome Marthadan you have come to a great forum & thread & you certainly not alone...
                Just thinking there when I started this journey here first, Some other person here told me I have to learn to think straight, I have to change from alcohol thinking to sober thinking, I must build up a new way of looking at things, When we are drinking everything is artificial, That kind of life even looked normal to us then, But when I now look back I know now that it was nothing at all normal about it, In fact it looks & was crazy, Point is we have to reducate our minds as well as our body's.

                Have a good day folks.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Morning Nesters!

                  Thanks for all of the good wishes.. after sitting in the waiting room for quite a while yesterday, I got an appt. for Wednesday.. let's see. I'm not particularly worried and am trying to be positive. Mostly it's just crazy timing with so much going on at work plus renovating and moving. Crazy February this year!

                  Welcome, Marthadan! Like the others have said, our perception of life on the "functioning" level changes as we get some time without alcohol to reevaluate.. Really scary is that at some point we can't even maintain that crappy level of functioning in life. As we've all seen and know, this is progressive and only gets worse if we continue to drink. So, find a cozy branch here in the Nest and use the support to find your way out! We all deserve so much more than we've been (not) giving ourselves..

                  LS, Yayyy! to 3 weeks!! It feels so good, doesn't it? I have to say, I'm very excited about celebrating 30 days next Saturday. I haven't decided yet what I'll do, but I know I want to acknowledge the milestones with celebration.. I will NEVER celebrate 30 days AF again!!!:happy2: Thank you so much for your presence and thoughtfulness here.. it means a lot..

                  Alive! way to go on getting into the double digits.. your attitude is great. I love that you are looking at your sober time in a positive way. "Nothing bad about one more day without drinking.." You (we) are not losing anything by not drinking.. of course we're gaining so many things. Sleep is still a bit funny with me. Some nights it's amazing, some nights I wake up often or have so many crazy dreams that I feel like I've run a marathon (this morning!) and wake up exhausted and with a head ache (too much sugar!).. but I think it just takes time for our bodies to figure out what "normal" is. I've decided to give myself a lot of time to do that. Basically, for me, anything thrown my way is better than how I felt while drinking! How has your nutrition been? Have you found some time to exercise? The more careful I am with those things, the better I generally feel..
                  Speaking of.. yesterday I was exhausted. I didn't sleep well and then got up at 430 so that I could work for a couple of hours before going to the doctor at 9. Afterwards, around 2, instead of having something nutritious to eat and a nap, I did some appliance shopping (ughhh!) and ate a bunch of junk food.. lots of sugar in an emotional-stress kind of eating way.. and made myself quite depressed. Then I watched a movie, ate some more junk food and finally went to bed at 8pm.. I had a huge sugar hangover and have promised myself to take more care. But I guess some days are just like that. It scares me a bit.. because though drinking didn't cross my mind, it was a situation where I would have had a drinking binge in the past. This relearning to how to live is a long-term process, I know. I am definitely very happy to be feeling better today! Byrdie always says, we don't typically have more than one or two shitty days in a row and I am finding that to be true.

                  Pauly, I would love to hear what you got for 70, at the dollar store..! Sounds like you had a fun day.

                  Ok lovely people..
                  Time for me to get a few things done.

                  I'm missing you, J-vo!:hug:
                  Last edited by lifechange; January 21, 2017, 05:06 AM.


                    Brydie is a classy cookie!

                    Congrats dearest T- Byrdie.! You have been such a bright light of encouragement for so many of us! With respect and deep gratitude .....
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      Hello nesters,LC,I bought 3 packs of felt hangers cuz I hate when my shirts slide of the hanger! A couple of cute measuring cups for me and my daughter,a couple of nice candles, and just junk! My bill gets so high cuz some of the things are 1.99 I bought a couple of cute scarves too which I could probably make if I knew how to knit ugh,another Saturday working with turds at least I have celebrating my daughters early b-day after I get off,she lives in Portland but is her for a catering job,her birthday is on Feb 3 but we figured we'd have a few presents,decs and a cheesecake to celebrate on Thursday I had out of control drink thoughts,I think its cuz my coworker and I were talking about our wild days together and it planted a seed(don't do that!),I was so worried they would carry over to Friday cuz I was stressed about the political scene yesterday and it was my day off so too much time to think,however I didn't think of drinks at all! I kept myself occupied and fed,hydrated,just goes to show you that just cuz drink thoughts can be overwhelming one day,they usually fade out the next and you're like "wth was that!?!" Exactly why I included that phrase in my signature about getting through the shitty days,the next day is always usually OK,from now on if someone around me starts bringing up drinking or memories from the old days,I'm plugging my ears!! Hoping for a wonderful AF day for us all
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Dutch and TurnAgain, I cant believe my eyes! THANK you for the good wishes, I hope you both are thriving! Wowzers, what a wonderful feeling.

                        Ive just finished a batch of cookies and I have a great sense of accomplishment!
                        Pauly, I bet you would like knitting. I only know how to do scarves but I enjoy it. They have some really pretty yarns out there and when you have an AC Moore or Michael's coupon, you can get it for half off! You are artistic so it is a hobby just waiting for you! Bahaha!
                        LC, hugs to you.

                        Hope everyone has a great Sattidy. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Thanks for the welcome guys. I have to say. I'm not ready!!! I've spent most of today bargaining with myself! This is the second time I'm trying to get sober. First was in 2009-ish. When I first read my way out. I got to month 9 sober. Then backtracked. Thought I could handle it. But clearly - I couldn't. Which is why I find myself looking for y'all now. *sigh*. So I'm attempting to gear up to - well - sobriety from yesterday. My heart wants to, but my mind is MAD!! Rebelling even!! Funny thing is - I know this feeling. I've been through it before. Though last time I had a counsellor. This time I'm all alone in a foreign country. But I know what time it is! Glean to see al your positive posts. Thank you all. Have a great evening! ����������




                              Here on another wet rainy day, supposed to be stormy again tonight! Pretty dang sure our drought is done!
                              Not much to report - staying the course...
                              J-vo, thinking of you...
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Hi Nesters...well here I am back at day 1. No reasons or excuses here... I just lost the battle with alcohol ...BUT not the war!
                                Gonna have a good read around now to see what's going on and am going to look through the toolbox again. Catch up tomorrow. Tony

