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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    not sure I am ready for that yet...even though I only smoke about 5 cigs a day....unless I am drinking....
    go check out the bikini I found for you
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Newbies Nest

      All good here!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi I gave up smoking so many years ago, I think it was about 24, and I still dream I smoke, I wake up in a panic and realize it was a dream.


          Newbies Nest

          HEY LITRE!!!!!!!
          so glad you came over and joined us in the nest...grab a twig and hang on......go back and read some old posts so you can get a feel for your new family......just read and post, read and post.....
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            well I will call it a night, not that it is late, but I have to do dishes and then I must watch DANCING WITH THE STARS, sorry I am hooked. Will catch up tomorrow thanks again mama bear


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning to All.
              And a very happy "Hump Day" (Wednesday) to everyone.

              Damn the cold is charging in here at a fierce rate of knots.
              The heating was turned off in the office overnite and it's a fresh 14* C in here this morning.
              The boss is walking around looking for the 'Polar Bear'
              But could be worse, at least my head is clear.

              Emcee - I note with interest that you tried a couple of the supplements a couple of months ago, may I suggest that you add a mega dose of vitamin B to your list.

              Anyhow I've finished my 1st cup of tea so I'd better wrap up and get stuck into my work.

              Day 15AF.

              Have a great day.

              PS "wolf whistle" mama bear

              Jacq xxx
              Happy to be back


                Newbies Nest

                I agree with you about not caring who knows I'm here (although I understand some people have some precarious situations that they need to be careful of). I even told my chiropractor today that I am taking Antabuse...well, they asked for my medication to say he'd never heard of it and asked me what it was for. I had no problem telling him, he looked at me kinda odd, but oh well!

                I haven't made it to "hump day" yet...a few more hours.

                Hope everyone is well!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Chook,

                  You made me jump then! :H
                  Morning Jacqrabbit.. beautiful sunny day here in NSW!!! and a Happy Hump day to Litre, K9Lover and all that follow..
                  Katie xx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning All,

                    Mama - I think Senior Member is when you reach 1000 posts. It means you talk alot. So it's well deserved in your case :H:contrat1000:

                    Spam xx


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone.
                      I kinda like hump days cause its my day off.

                      Litre - I have dreams that I am drinking. I am enjoying the feeling but feel guilty and know I shouldnt be doing. But then I tell myself in the dream, its only a dream so enjoy it!
                      Katie - dont forget the term F*&% tard for your ex!
                      1adam12 - Why not think of riding your bike sober without a hangover as a goal? Day three was the HARDEST day for me. I tried for years to give up (before MWO) and day 3 always got me. I could do two days as I was usually recovering from a two day hangover - but the third day, just couldnt do it. But when you actually do get over that third day you will feel brilliant. Good luck
                      Coco - I loved your quote - so true!
                      Emcee - keep trying. I havent used topa so cant help you with that. But I think a combination of everything suggested in the book is probably the way to go to give you as much ammunition against the beast.
                      Ringing Cedars - glad to see you still around. Hope it's getting easier for you.
                      Nora - That is how I feel about everyone here. Well said. We love having your here.

                      I have to go and sort out my two kitties. I picked up my little girl kitty from the vets yesterday after she was attacked by that tom next door. She has 15 stitches and two tubes hanging out of her! So when I do see that mongrel I will make sure he gets put in the stock pot for Fennels taco's.... And I think I will hand the account over to his owners!
                      Take care and stay focused.
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Hippy,

                        Glad to have the real you back.

                        You're sounding a bit more chipper these last few days. Are you feeling hapier?

                        Spam xx


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone,
                          Just finished catching up on the posts. Busy day today in the nest!! Glad to "see" everyone and you all sound fab!!
                          MB: you are one hot Mama!! You keep going and stay sober so you can live many many more happy years!!
                          Katie-you sound great! Hang in there girl and don't give up! don't give that F**tard any more ammo!
                          HC-so glad you're back as you-you sound great and I'm very proud of you for standing up for your rights. That took a ton of guts to confront the stalker.Hope your kitty recovers quickly. What a scare.
                          Adam-hang in there-you can do it-just choose the water, not the vodka
                          MC- don't give up on the supps-In fact, I would highly recommend adding all the supps on the program-it's helped me tons. It's been almost 2 months for me now and I didn't do the topa.
                          Coco-yep, great quote-gotta keep that front and center!
                          Chook-Boo back!!
                          Ringing-keep up the good work. Your posts are so clear and intelligent and insightful (when you're not drinking-there is a huge diff)-please keep them coming.
                          Spam-you're close to the 1000 mark yourself!!Keep posting so we can send you that great smiley!!
                          K9-nice pic of the kids. Be careful tho!! I'm always so paranoid about using pics of kids anywhere public. I hate when I see little kids walking around with their names on their hats or jackets. Makes me shudder to think what could happen. Anyway, that's just me. Personally, I love the dog pics-can't get enough. I think I have my 3 as my profile pic. they're cuter LOL!!
                          Hey JR-congrats on day 15 AF. That's awesome!!
                          Nora-glad to have you back-how are the kittens? Stay with us OK?
                          Litre-:welcome: to the nest. velcro yourself in and stay awile. We're fun!!
                          Lavande: how you doing today?
                          Gosh, hope I haven't missed anyone!

                          So a little brag: My sister orchestrated a last minute dinner out to say goodby to my dad who's leaving for FLA on Thurs for about 10 days. I had planned to do food shopping after work but family does come first. Anyway, the whole way to the restaurant I kept going back and forth-a glass or two of wine or not? I got there and the waitress took her sweet time coming back to the table (my fam had gotten there 30 min before and all had their wine infront of them) so I was getting really antsy. She finally came and asked what I wanted and ....."ice water with lemon please." Yea!! Once I got it out of my mouth that was it, craving gone and I was able to relax and enjoy the company and my yummy dinner. Whew!! Felt so good to drive home unbuzzed and alert.
                          So, it can be done folks. It's a choice only we can make for ourselves-no one else forces the booze into our mouths. Choose to unbooze. LOL!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Well Done, PM3!

                            And I love that comment - Choose to Unbooze!

                            Spam xx


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all
                              Hippy, Wednesday is my day off too. I's lovely to have the whole place to myself.
                              And with only thurs & Fri to go at work it feels like a short week.

                              I am loving reading all the posts here. There are alot every day. I like the fact that there's almost always someone here.

                              Lavande - I wanted to tell you about my Mum who was 48 when my Dad went to work one morning and left a note on her pillow saying their marriage was over. Of course she was hit hard as we all were. But after a while she went on with her life, her good friends, her church mates, her tennis (oh how she loves tennis). She is the happiest, most loving mother I know. I often reflect on how she might be if their marriage had continued. My father is quite the opposite, very negative and self centred. It's my Mum's 80th birthday on May 16 and she's having a party at the RSL Club with all her old cronies, family coming from near & far. She is so full of live, love and laughter. My Dad, bless him, is in an old peoples home in the final stages of cirrhosis of the liver. It is astounding how much more alive my mum is than dad. She has been on her own now for 30 years. She would never have been this way if Dad hadn't left her.

                              Thanks for your wise words, Lav. You are important to us Nesters.

                              AF since 12 April 2010


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone.

                                Sounds like there's a lot of good healing here. Way to go Chooklets! You sound fantastic.

                                KB, nice quit on the smokes. Did it myself and never went back!

                                Papmon - good job on the "ice water with lemon please". I know how hard that is - way to go.

                                Ok. Gotta sleep.

                                Hi Lav. Tryin' not slack off on the vp job!

                                Take care nesters!
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

