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    Morning Nesters!
    I'm also very happy to be back on track..
    Martha, Congrats on one whole week! awesome work! ADP, Congrats!!
    and LS, this must be 30 days for you!!! So proud of you.

    We managed to get everything moved out yesterday!! I'm not quite sure how, but it happened.:happy2:
    So now I've got some empty space to clean and paint.. which seems like a ton of work, but which I don't really mind doing. I'm taking everything in my life one moment at a time at this point.

    Will check in this evening.. hope you all have a nice Sunday!


      Originally posted by abcowboy View Post
      Howdy ho y'all, always great reading in the Nest from beginners to old timers alike! Just a quick question, has anyone seen the movie "The Girl on the Train"? I just finished reading the book and wondered if the movie was just as good? It's a definite must for reading in my opinion!
      Hi Cowboy, I haven't seen the film either but the book was brilliant
      One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


        Good morning nester,
        Thanks L and LC! The week flew by! Yesterday was harder. I got to a point where I craved a glassa in the afternoon. I guess it was the sitting around at home. And then got busy - went shopping. Then stayed to browse. Quickly reminded myself that I'm sober now. So today I'm going to be vigilant! But watching tv series has helped pass the time. Have a great Sunday. :heartbeat:


          Thanks for the moons birdlady!! :victorious:


            Good morning nesters, in work , have a good day.

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Hi nest...bright sunny day here in the Highlands... off out with the dogs soon and then off tomorrow


                So great to see folks hopping right back in the nest after stumbles, and starting to rack up days (or a week, or many weeks) again!

                Roobs - checking in here is one of the best ways to help stabilize those wobbly days. Tuck yourself in tight - you can do this!

                Cowboy - Haven't seen the film either but am curious, so please report back if you do.

                Marthadan - Yep, staying busy can really help us with staying AF. Sometimes it's just doing something, anything, other than drinking. Other times it'll really feel like living life instead of drinking. Continue to work that tactic to your advantage, and glad to hear it's helping you.

                Hope everyone has a great MAE. Today we're off to enjoy a day outdoors. We're going to participate in an orienteering course in a nearby state park. Should be a fun and active AF day! I'm on #190 and can see Day 200 from here. This will be a significant milestone for me and I am solid on my path to get there and then blast past it. Gonna rock this momentum for all it's worth!


                  Good morning, one and all!
                  Martha, I notice there are two camps of folks here at MWO: The Pushers and The Players.
                  I'm a Pusher. I HAD been a player, but I converted. What the heck am I talking about?

                  When a thought of drinking creeps in, I push it out and distract myself. Those first few weeks, I'd name all my cousins or name the 7 Dwarfs or Dwarves. Look up whether its Dwarfs or Dwarves. I would take my mind off the path it was on. Much like I have to do with my dog! When she gets fixed on something you have to snap her back. Its a little emabarrassing to think my mind works like a Chihuahua's, but alas.

                  Then there are The Players. They play out the whole scene to the bitter end. Yes, that one glassa sounds like a good idea, but play it on out, to the next day, when you FEEL the Guilt, Shame and Remorse (The GSR Brothers). This is effective for many folks here. I had trouble playing it on out, Id think of the drinking part and then put it on PAUSE. This was an issue....the premature STOP ACTION. So Pushing thoughts out works for me.

                  I have actively taken up hobbies I hadnt done in years....knitting, (that my aunt taught me 40 years ago), beaded jewelry making, and most recently, cake decorating. Controlling our thoughts is a real key, so distracting myself really worked/works. I like to ruminate and given the opportunity, thats what I do. Keepimg my hands and thoughts busy works for me. It is a skill that I learned right here in the nest!

                  I said all that to say this....some days are harder than others. Even sober people have bad days.
                  Hang in there, I never had two bad days in a row!
                  Hope everyone has an easy day. Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Hi, All:

                    Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                    Even sober people have bad days.
                    Ain't that the truth. It was a rather rude awakening to realize not ALL my problems were tied to alcohol, and my life didn't suddenly become rainbows and sparkles. I am here to say that I DID have two bad days in a row. In fact I had several. I had a hard time between 4 and 9 months - I was so blah and felt sorry for myself. Why did this have to happen to ME? The magic "pink cloud" of quitting was over and I had a severe case of "is this all there is?" And THAT is when I had to be willing to listen to everyone here and pay attention to what I read and saw - that was a phase that many go through, and it would end. It really didn't feel like it at the time, but dang if people weren't right. I remember when my baby used his pointer finger to move things around for the first time. There it was in all of the books that this would happen, and dang if ALL babies didn't go through that phase. We (and our babies) aren't so unique after all...

                    And for the record, I'm a player AND a pusher - depends on what I need at the time.

                    Congratulations on all of the milestones. We're in a marathon, not a sprint - take good care of yourselves along the way.



                      Hi all - feeling a bit weepy today - goodness knows why!
                      Sunshine has come out - managed to move by butt yesterday for a run (first in over 2 months - only managed 2 miles, so have to work up again), then a good long walk to sort out my head.

                      Girls went out with their dad for the evening - very rare occurrence. Usual trick is to run out and get a bottle, usually get one on sale, and its such a good bargain that I get too, then "enjoy" my alone time. I did not last night - but wine was everywhere - all over TV, all over facebook, in the book I was reading - everywhere - could not escape! Managed to get to bed without drinking, and was able to be there for my girl when she came home in tears - how did I know that would happen. It was a bigger fight than it has been for a few months.

                      Called home for my Sunday chat - and now am weepy! Dang - exercise must have loosened things up. I will need to be diligent when I am in this place.

                      Pav - apparently they can now see the amyloid deposits that occur in Alz on scans and that was how they conclusively diagnosed. Mum is able to get some support from groups, but they live in a small village with little resource (not even a store - a pub mind you!) - and she gets worried about leaving him. She is sounding pretty strong, but has a heck of a future ahead of her.

                      LC - thinking of you lots. Moving out is tough, but will be the beginning of better times. I moved out 6 years ago, and still continue to appreciate what that means, but still get the "oh heck - how do I deal with this' moments. I have learnt to do so much - the other weekend when re-doing my girls bedroom I conquered my fear of the drill and ended up happily drilling holes in the wall!

                      Hi to everyone else - sticking true to the course this Sunday and will appreciate Monday more because of it.
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Chilly here in Lav-land & supposedly some snow is on the way, oh well.

                        LC, congrats on your successful move yesterday, now the painting begins
                        When it is all said & done you will love your new place, I just know you will!

                        SL, sorry about the news on your Dad, that's tough. I imagine your parents have some old friends nearby. Maybe they could take turns keeping an eye on Dad while your Mom gets out a bit. I guess there is no senior center around, that would be helpful for adult day care. I actually looked into opening one years & years ago but the license & insurance requirements were quite prohibitive. It was a shame, I had some really good ideas.

                        Had a brief visit with my son & grandsons this afternoon which was nice.
                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest & remember that a few days of discomfort here & there are worth the prize of freedom

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Checking in before bed.
                          Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well and strong for Monday!
                          I too realized that quitting drinking did not solve all my problems.
                          My underlying depression that contributed to my drinking is still there. I am dealing with it with professional help and I am proud of myself for facing it.
                          I had kind of a lazy weekend. I will blame it on the cold I have but honestly I really just felt like lazing around. Tomorrow will start a productive week but I got to have a very relaxing, self indulgent weekend!
                          Day 1 again 11/5/19
                          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                          One day at a time.


                            Hi all - Byrdie, thanks so much for the full moon in Roll Call. I was really looking forward to that! Nora gave me the idea to keep some things in an electronic journal and that definitely went in there.

                            I am looking forward to a good sleep and a clear headed Monday morning. Take care of yourselves - AG


                              Checking in. All us good here, busy and positive weekend. Going to watch the end of the Men's final in tennis at the AUS. Open with husband and then go to bed. Good night to Everyone.

                              PS - G, I'm still your buddy. Please check back here. We miss you.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Good morning nesters, on my phone typing.

                                I was just thinking yesterday about my drinking life,
                                For those of us who come here,Our Drinking life were not a happy life, our drinking cut us of from other people & one of the worse things about our drinking is the loneliness.

                                Our drinking cuts us from the people who really matters to you, your family, your real friends,no matter how much we tried not to we build up a wall between us & them,as a result in reality we were terrible lonely. Isent it great we have here & other supports to go there , to get us out of our self absorbed world.

                                Have a great day folks.

                                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

