Afternoon. Thought I would check in early this afternoon. My step-dragon, ooops step daughter is coming for dinner tonight and she never knows when to leave so wont be able to get back on here later.
Yes Spam. I am alot happier. I have spoken often of not having a voice but I am turning that around now. And the taking back of Hippy Chick involved explaining to the stalker why this is my sacred space. It took effort but I did it. It felt so empowering, and now I am trying to speak up when I need to. Just not drinking isnt working for me. I was told at the start that if all you change is the contents of your glass, you will struggle. And that is so true. Lav also told me when I started that I am an adult now, not a child and that has finally sunk too. If I dont do it for ME, who will?
Pap - well done to you too for speaking up and saying no to AL.
Tantangra - Wednesday is my only day I get the house to myself too and I love it. I loved your story about your mum. It is amazing when fate steps in and alters our lives and what seems like the worst thing at the time, actually turns out to be a blessing.
Hi Tranq - hope everything is going well with you know who!
Look forward to catching up with you all tomorrow. Stay strong and focused.
Hipster - choosing to unbooze.