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    Nursie, that's such a sad situation for your stepdaughter, although she's so lucky to have you. She needs the love, touch, hugs, and to be listened to. My son's been having some very rough times. I've never seen him so low, down, crying...Hugs are a part of all of that with us. Always.

    Having some tough, very tough times. I may have to move up my doc appt. as my depression and anxiety has gotten pretty bad. Work is, so much of the time, frustrating. I sent an email to my principal last night. I want to be moved to a different position if possible. I can't take this age group anymore. I'm tired of going home, crying, being angry and it's just getting worse. Next years kids will be worse as we hear. I can't do another year like this. I'm exhausted and if I had the means to take off a few months, I would so I could take care of myself. I'm drained and frazzled. So much gunk in my head.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Good morning,
      Jvo, hang in there. Maybe you can try to look at your work and the never ending lists of tasks in small chunks. Just 20 minutes at a time, take a 5 minute break, then another 20 minutes, and so on. . My husband was telling me about this strategy; instead of looking at everything we need to do and freaking out about where to start and how to even manage it all, just start plucking away 20-25 minutes at a time And before you know it, you've managed to check off quite a bit on your todo list. Kind of like sobriety, sometimes it's just getting through a few minutes at a time. Having said all that, I realize it can't be easy with a bunch of hormonal, punky teenagers but you can only do so much. I hope your principal will work with you. Lots of hugs to you today.

      Happy AF Friday everyone. It's not a ticket to boozeville!! right Byrd and Pav?


        jvo - My heart goes out to you. I'm in education too but don't have a classroom. What age are you with?

        Remember this is the most difficult part of the year for teachers! Jan - March is crunch time for our academic goals with (usually) no break in sight. Also know that even if you don't feel your best right now, and may not be doing all you think you should or what you normally do for this group, that it is enough. They will be ok. I hope you can find some joy in their young faces that will help you get through each day. Spring break is coming! One day at a time, you can do this!

        I'll be sending good vibes your way today.


          Hi, All:

          Nursie - I appreciate the realization that moments like that of support and love with your step daughter would not be possible if you weren't sober. My teenagers always want to have heavy discussions late at night - I am so grateful that I can be fully present for them now. She is so lucky to have you, and I so admire you and your sobriety through so much.

          J-Vo - Sorry about your feelings about your job. It is HARD. I hope your principal can help.

          Byrdie - I love that you practiced with your husband. When I was giving a BIG presentation this year I videotaped myself as practice. So very eye opening to see what my little quirks were, and so helpful also. I'm sure it will be great when the time comes.

          Tony - for me, I had to set long goals, short goals and take it ODAAT. I would go for that llama if I were you!

          Well, TGIF over here. What a week I have had. Thank goodness I won't be capping it off with a bunch of alcohol.

          No ticket to Boozeville here. Right G? G? <3



            GMAE all,

            Tony - I'm with Pav that from two weeks I'd take aim at the 30 day ring. (Now I'm picturing trying to shoot a bow from llama back)

            j-vo - So sorry to hear about your troubles. Sounds like you have a plan though - move up the dr. appt and as others have said I hope your principal works with you. That age is rough so.

            Bit busy here in the bunker earlier but things have quieted down again. Just in time to get out of here and start the weekend. Happy to be a non-drinker today.

            Have a great AF weekend all.
            “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

            "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

            Newbies Nest
            Newbies Nest Roll Call
            Cattleman Cafe


              Morning nesters

              Great work tony on 2 weeks. 2 weeks i was ecstatic as i had never ever done two weeks sober in such a long time, then i just wanted that 30 days, a whole month but really all we can do is make it through the days and all those days make up months and those months make up years. I never ever thought i would become a serious non drinker, never thought i would be like lav or byrd, never thought i could do it really. As time went on sober my confidence followed along. I have never become complacent or think I have this beaten, i am accountable each and every day and thats not hard to do.

              Nursie, that is so wonderful that you are there for your stepdaughter, i wish i had that when i was growing up. My daughter who is nearly 30 always sleeps with me when she visits and its "our" time to chat and i take every cuddle i can. They are just so precious at whatever age.

              J, relieving the stress for you is what is important. us alkies cant deal with too much stress as we will drink, end of story. We will feel immensely overwhelmed and the only way we know how to deal is by drinking. Time gives us the skills to deal with life sober and not rely on al.

              Thank god it is Saturday here, work has been hectic this week but the positive is my village idiot boss is away for a month so i dont need to listen to him telling me how busy he is and how much he has to do whilst doing nothing. Off to the mans if my son gets home from visiting his brother. He has had a few drinks and says he loves the not having a hangover. I tell him to stop kidding himself, he cant moderate and never will be able to but his decision and choice. Another chat coming up and i wont have him drinking and enabling him at home. He deserves to be sober.

              Take care x
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Thanks all for your thoughts. Today was a decent day, as I had them watch a few clips that demonstrated the literary terms they need to know...a few out of a thousand! But they enjoyed it and took notes.

                Action, I teach 8th grade. And have done so for too long. I used to teach special ed. Then got my language arts degree. Got into Title I Reading and those were my best years in education. I used to have small groups of kids and kids that were so sweet most of the time. Another teacher and I used to have big parent and family reading nights and have themes such a a fall reading night or baseball for spring. We would have food, free books, a presentation, and always a fun game. One year we did the "Amazing Reading Race." That was the best. They were challenged to figure out things by reading different types of literature all around the school. We did green eggs and ham breakfasts to celebrate Dr. Seusss birthday, had special visitors, had famous characters from our city come, and it was sooooo fun. Those were the days where we could attend conferences in other cities and get these amazing and fun ideas. Now there's no time but teaching to the test. Sad but true.

                Have a good night nest.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Gads, another crazy day.
                  Ive got 3 good meetings lined up for when my boss comes down so Im thrilled about that.

                  Tony, you are doing great, Im with Orimus, aim for 30 days, that is the HAT not the Llama! You dont want to miss out on that! Keep up the great work!
                  Nursie, big stuff happening in your life, happy to hear that you got your port out. You are a good egg, being a stepmother isnt the easiest.
                  Everyone sounds great! Its just the weekend, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Hang in everyone!
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Good evening Nesters!

                    Great to see everyone doing well & living life just as we should
                    It keeps getting better, I promise.

                    Nursie, j-vo, Tony & everyone - keep up the good work. Everything is going to work out OK!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Struggling a bit tonight! I am learning that Fridays are hard for me. I'm home now, ate, watching mindless TV. I will get my day 12 but it won't be pretty.


                        Hang in there AG,usually the day after a rough day is spectacular
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Stick with it can do it and wake up sober tomorrow...if odaat is too muchjust go hour by hour!


                            Good morning nesters.

                            Just reading back there on some of the other posts & I am taking gratitude & positivity that we are all here because we have a common solution & goal, We have here a way out of our own addiction worlds, When we were drinking all we had was fair weathered friends & when with them we were using them for our own selfishness & a false friendship in our dinking goals, which was just to get drunk.

                            Its great coming here knowing we have a real group/fellowship right here based on unselfishness and a real desire to help one another.

                            So thanks for being here everyone.

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Thanks everyone...ok I'm convinced by your comments and heading for the 30 day hat (when's the Llama for, Byrdie?) So half way there today!


                                Hi Nest,

                                Just been reading back so many positive posts with advice and support! Today starts my week 3!! Feeling calm too and am learning about deep breathing. This, for me, helps when I am about to undertake a stressful task, telephone call or be in a stressful situation. For me I try to remember the age old saying, "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"........not sure if this helps, but AL was certainly going to kill me, so needed a new!

                                Now off to do one of those stressful phone calls, then some excercise to calm down after.

                                Have a great weekend all,


