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Newbies Nest
Happy sober MAE everyone. My sobriety has helped get me through some of the hardest times of my life. For me it has definitely been worth the initial struggle. Of Course I still have times I think a drink would help. But I don't want A drink....I want to drown myself. :egad:No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Good morning,
Good to see you LB! I'm glad you're doing well.
I'm grateful for this day off. Slept so well. DH and I are going out to lunch and maybe to the casino. I"m not a big gambler (would have been much healthier for my body with that addiction) but I like just walking around and watching, playing a few slots. I'm sure we'll eat there, too, after we gamble because then we get a few free bucs towards our dinner.
Have a good, sober Saturday.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Hi everyone, I am back from Mexico.
We had a 2 week holiday and it was fabulous. There was lots of tequila everywhere but I did not have any problem staying away from that- tequila and I have a terrible relationship! We met some people at the pool and one of the ladies kept badgering me to drink. "come one, just have one, I want to see you drink" blah blah. I finally told her to stop saying that and that it would ruin my life. She stopped but it was a bit annoying for sure.
We went from +26 to -26C, it is SO cold!
So glad I had a whole 2 week trip and did not drink- historically holidays have been tough for me drink wise but this time it was not an issue.
I had NO hangovers the whole time- Yes!
Have a good one. Glad to see everyone here posting.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Tony - 30 days is a great target, and we'll be here to cheer you on toward your hat!!!
Byrdie - I might have missed it - what is the llama???
J-vo, Ava and Nursie - glad you're all able to be there for your sons and stepdaughter respectively. They notice and appreciate your sober support I'm sure.
J-vo - I hear you about the job stress and dissatisfaction. My partner is a teacher who comments frequently on the unpredictability of middle schoolers, the ways that teaching to tests has made teaching less fun (and less effective, quite frankly), etc. Sounds like you have a good plan in place, and I hope you're able to find a different teaching arrangement for next year.
Roobs - very interesting point about how our brains remember how we used to drink, and that if we relapse we tend to go right back to that level. I'd say this was true for me, and boy did I regret it!
Nar - sounds like a wonderful vacation. Great job on the no-tequila front!
Happy weekend everyone - as others have said, it's just another two days, not a ticket to boozeville!
Hi, All:
Tony - I remember a member who used to post around here (anyone know where K-9 is?) told me at the start - take it 15 minutes at a time if I have to. I have embraced the paradox that I have to take it one day at a time AND I have to know I quit forever. And go for the hat!
Narilly - Great to see you! A two week vacation in Mexico sounds great right now. How freeing that you didn't have to drink, and how annoying that you had to fend that lady off...
LB - Glad to see you, too. It is examples like yours - staying sober through immense challenges - that inspire me. Although I have had a few hurdles to get passed, I haven't had a really big loss to get through sober yet. I think and hope I would do it sober, but seeing your success lets me know that I might actually be thinking and hoping correctly.
I have a busy day with annoying chores. But it will be satisfying to get them done.
Happy SOBER Saturday, all.
Pav,last we heard K9 is happily married and soberI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
I only have a couple of SET prizes, 7 days is the full moon and 30 days is the hat, otherwise, I just make them up, and the llama is a fun one to use (action figure). When Eloise gets back in to Prize Patrol position, she handle prizes 30 days and below so she likes to do other prizes for those milestones and its her perogative as PP1. But until she gets reliable internet, I gotta stick with what I know!
Busy making cookies for a friend's 3 year old today. Keeps me out of trouble.
Pauly, Im glad to hear about K9, I knew she got married, and hoped she was sober, I know she had a challege a couple years ago but am glad she got back on track.
Hugs to all, ByrdieIMG_2706.jpg
Hiya everyone. Lovely cookies Byrdie. Are you selling these yet?!?
AG - how did you make it through the night? Good job coming here and stating your struggle; that always helped me.
Narily! Glad you had a good time! It kills me when people pressure drinking. My husband used to pressure me, and it felt really empowering when I finally said "STOP asking me!!!!". It throws it out into the universe and it's like it hears us - we get stronger. Welcome home!
Pav, I often think that I have it good. I haven't had many really hard tests with sobriety other than the normal stuff - and I also think about how I need to be vigilant for whatever life chooses to throw me in the future.
I woke up with a head cold and it's also really windy here today. Sun, wind, and head cold are a yucky combination. But we are enjoying some down time and taking the kids (and my son's friend) to the ice skating rink this afternoon. Then out to dinner. It never amazes me how much I enjoy sleep!!
Here's to a positive day filled with kindness to ourselves and others.Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Hello everybody!
Thank you for all your support throughout all my long stories!
Today is 90 days for me.
I am beyond grateful for this forum and could not have done it without you.
My 9 year old son never talks about my drinking anymore. My stepdaughter and I get along famously. My husband is so happy we are living an ordinary life.
I did have to step away from my job last year due to stress and what it was doing to me. I couldn't have cancer and also be that stressed out so I made a move take a lower paying and lower hour job that I love! This allows me to breathe, to enjoy my family and be home with my son when he gets off the bus. I get to cook to my hearts content and soon I will begin planting inside some preparations for spring!Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
Congratulations on 90 days NurseByrdies,this milestone could use a Llama!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
K9 is married! So pleased for her :heartbeat: her daughter must be all grown up now too, miss her & doggy girl x
Hi all,
Hope everyone is having a nice AF weekendI had a migraine l.night so missed checking in as the light of my tablet would not have helped! Though glad I got it at night, when it's dark anyway & didn't have to drive anywhere!
Tony - congratulations on 2 weeks! Targets are up to you... 30, 60, 73 days? I'm aiming for 7 weeks randomly (I had 6 1/2 weeks before a slip on 29th Dec). Personal best is 4 years 4 months so guess I'm going for 4 & half years (and beyond of course!) Will try to remember special milestones on the way though
JVo, your job sounds really stressful at the moment - you so did the right thing requesting to be moved. I really hope that you can get transferred & hopefully ease the pressure you are feeling x Thinking of you & sending strength xx It's stinkin, it's all targets & checklists these days. I think alot of young people leave education with fantastic qualifications but can lack 'soft' skills needed in the big bad world of work!
Byrdie, your boundless energy knows no limits! Your work keeps you so busy & you still have time to make those yummy cookies - they look delicious!
Action girl - you are cruising through the AF days rightly! Well done! Sorry you find Friday tough - I hope you are feeling better today x
ADP, Your kicking AF ass too, Congratulations on three weeks! Glad your finding breathing exercises helpful in times of stress to get you through!
Kensho & Pav, I don't think anyone has it easy, because there's always someone worse off than you and and equally so, someone better off! I think sometimes I'm not homeless or living in poverty & thinking like that can indeed put things in perspective but that doesn't make my difficulties any easier to manage. I guess I could also view others with more 'success' & become jealous & resentful - so just trying to do the best I can for me & keep going forward x
Roobs & Wagmor - really interesting how you mentioned relapse & slips - I know I went directly to secret/alone drinking & hiding my empties etc. But took a while to build up actual volume & never like when I was years ago. From April to Nov/Dec 2015 I drank 1/2 to a bottle of vino once a week then from Dec 2015 - April 2016 gradually moved to a bottle every four days. I stopped from April to September 2016 but then went back to my bottle twice a week till I found here in November 2016 (and that crazy night that included vodka). The real problem is everytime I drank I felt shit & swore never again. Then I'd manage a few days & give inthankfully I didn't progress back to being hospitalised because I never had 'enough' near me & drank 'late' so couldn't get more. But the madness around it was exactly the same. Still a prisoner to alcoholism because I could not trust myself x
Nursie, what a beautiful post. Your step daughter is very lucky to have you. She sounds like she really needs to be loved & am so pleased you are able to x Congratulations on celebrating your 90 days sober! So glad your son & husband are enjoying you as you are x
Wishing all you fantastic super people a safe & sober Saturday
LSTo see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wildflower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Good evening Nesters,
I had a great day including lunch with a friend & a visit with my granddaughter. Not a drop of AL in sight, none needed
Nursie, Congrats on your 90 AF days :welldone:
Keep doing what you have been doing & there will be no regrets!
Narily, nice on the AF vacation
Tony, 2 weeks AF, yay!!!
We will get that llama warmed up for you, I am sure!
AG, hope today has been better for you. It takes time but you will learn to appreciate this good thing you are doing for yourself.
LS, sorry about the migraine, they're nasty.
Hope today was much improved for you.
Byrdie, nice cookies as always
ADP, Pav, Kensho, j-vo, wags, Roobs, Pauly & anyone I missed - greetings!
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Well hello Newbie gang!
I thought I would join you all here, as I've been encouraged to. Finishing day 4, almost broke tonight as I got too hungry, but hubby helped me and I ate something, had a glass of water and a ciggie, which was actually what I wanted, and a little rest, and back to taking care of grandbaby. Happy to be back at MWO, but not alot of time to be here this weekend. I just can't believe how tired I get without wine to keep me going - I would normally drink my dinner. But no more - I now realize I want to LIVE!!! So I shall keep checking in and listen to all of you and your great stories and encouragements!!!
xoxo Peanut
Just wanted to reply to Narilly's post. The rudeness of someone insisting that you drink, WTF. I am so glad you told her NO, and she shut up. Geez. I love that story and hope it inspires others wh experience others trying to control and manipulate.