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    Good morning,

    No wins at the casino yesterday. I didn't enjoy myself, really. Maybe that's not the place for me/us anymore. Hubby didn't really enjoy it either. Too much drinking going on at 3 in the afternoon. We did eat a lot, and that was good.

    Today my girlfriend is taking me out a birthday lunch. We've done this for the past several years. I told her last week about my drinking and told her I wouldn't be drinking any wine today. She knew about my past struggles, but she also said she'd be supportive with my goals. I knew I could trust her and feel good that I told her. I've never gone into details but the most important thing is that I don't have to tell little fibs to get through the afternoon.

    Nar, good for you. That's awesome that you had two full weeks and not one drop or hangover.

    Congrats on your 90 Nursie. That's super awesome.

    Lovely cookies Byrdie.

    Have a good day. Will check in later.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Good morning nesters,

      Mario, thanks for all you nuggets of inspiration. I was always using my fair weathered friends as an excuse to drink. I fooled myself into thinking that we were so cool to hang out with, why wouldn't anyone feel the same? Rubbish. Being here for support and around people who don't care that I'm not drinking is so much more enriching than I ever thought it could be.

      Narilly, way to go. Two weeks surrounded by tequila would be hard on me. In the past, vacations have been my down fall. This year, I will not let that happen!!

      I remember K9, she always had a great sense of humor. Nice to know she is doing well.:happy2:

      Byrdie, those cookies look lovely. Where do you get your energy?
      Lav, it's so great you can enjoy your grandkids completely sober. I think a lot of women start drinking heavily when they have small kids. It was my excuse to drink more when I had a rough day but looking back, I was so impatient and snappy. I wanted them to go to bed like perfect little children so I could finish my bottle of wine. Yuck.

      Nursie, your post makes my heart happy. Congratulations on 90 days!

      Going for a horseback ride today. Happy AF Sunday everyone!


        Welcome peanut! Great job on 4 days! Keep coming back.


          Welcome, Peanut! We are glad you're here!
          Nursie, 90 days?! Thats something you dont see everyday, kinda like this: :llama:
          wowzers, this is outstanding! Keep it going!

          Thank you for the kind cookie words, I like to keep my mind busy!
          Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            90 days deserves a Llama.llama.gif


              Way to go, Nursie. Two llamas are better than one!

              Happy SOBER Sunday. During Super Bowls past I would drink during the day and then feel terrible as I tried to sleep that night. I am SO happy that is behind me!!!! I am going to go enjoy the break in the weather - get some fresh air, etc.

              I am traveling for work all next week and probably won't check in every day.

              Keep on keepin' on, Nesters. Take care of yourselves and don't drink!


              PS - THOSE COOKIES!


                Way to go Nursie!!! Awesome job


                  I had a nice Sunday nap today. What a luxury. Being able to sleep again is so wonderful. That was one if the challenges I had to go through. Staying awake for hours replaying over and over in my mind the if onlys. But I am definitely on the other side of this thing. Now I'm actually grateful that my husband left. There. I HAVE Finally said it. I also think I'm a better person. I sure don't wish something like this on anyone one. But it really is amazing What we can do when we are faced with the situation.
                  February 2nd was the one year anniversary of the day he told he was leaving me. Today I thought about the past year some, but I am trying to stay in the moment and think about the future. Make new, awesome memories. I know that whenever I did and still do think.about a drink I think about MWO and all I've learned from other's here. And so I don't. I sure don't want to go back to any of that.
                  I'm looking forward to a fun week. I have really started enjoying my job more and my clients. I decided that I'm just going to relax and have fun with it. Might as well.....I have to do it anyway.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Hi All,
                    Hope you are all well this evening. Had my son's friend over last night for a sleep over & of course the boys were in bed LATE. My youngest also wanted to join in, so took ages to settle too. So today has been a lazy, Sunday for all of us and I'm am looking forward to Zzzzz. I have noticed the dark days are getting shorter so this makes me really happy!
                    LB, it's lovely to hear you feeling so positive after what must have been a difficult year x No regrets & making your own happiness & future x
                    Nice to see you here Peanut, congratulations on your day 4. I had really bad tiredness too but it definately improves soon x
                    J-Vo Happy Birthday :yay: Glad you could chat to your friend, honestly without worries & hope you have a lovely lunch x
                    Waves to everyone else, Thank you all for your wonderful posts and glad to be getting free of AL one day at a time with you all xx
                    Wishing all a safe and sober Sunday
                    To see a world in a grain of sand
                    And a heaven in a wildflower.
                    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                    And eternity in an hour.


                      You sound fantastic, LB. I'm so happy for you.:heartbeat:

                      Today, my plans got cancelled with girlfriend. I was kinda grateful for that as I didn't feel like going anywhere. Once out on the weekend is enough. Instead, I had a surprise visitor that's sleeping over. My son. These last four weeks or so he's been coming home on Sunday. He said it's easier than being alone at school, as he's still trying to get of his ex. So we just finished our first chat, and I'm sure we'll talk more. DH can take him back to school on his way to work in the a.m. So it works. We can be a little family and that's nice.

                      Have a good night.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Hi Peanut! When I stopped drinking and numbing my pain, I realized I was really tired too. I used alcohol to "keep going" - and what I really needed to do is slow down (not drink). You will balance out and get more energy - things just have to recalibrate a bit. Glad you are here!

                        Have a good week traveling PAV.

                        LS, my son had his good buddy over last night too, and I'm tired. This head cold has got me feeling crappy. I used to drink to numb it! Then I would feel WORSE. Instead, I'm cooking less for the Super Bowl gathering my husband organized, and I'm going to go sit in the sun. That's what I didn't ever do enough for myself - stuff for me. I've become so much more realistic about what I need and what I can get done. I think I used to consider alcohol "magic juice" that could get me through anything. Now, I know my limits and tend to be smarter (i.e. by taking on less) rather than poisoning myself and having false energy/confidence/strength (emphasize false).

                        LB, I don't know much about your story, but I"m glad you shared. It must be painful to end your marriage. At the same time, you sound hopeful for new starts, fresh beginnings. I feel you have great things in store for you! Congratulations on your sobriety and positive outlook. I get this image for you of a bright green, little sprout coming through the dirt, with a whole new life ahead

                        I'm going to go sit outside in our awesome weather and work on my crocheted scarf. When people come, they will have a not-quite-energetic me, and that's ok. No pretending here, just honesty. I value "real" so much. (I value health too - this cold is crap!)

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Nice to be around here again and read what positive people are trying and doing to make a difference in their lives. Luckily I escaped a Super Bowl party before it began. Don't need to be around that kind of gorging on food and drink. So relaxing to relax. I think my dog knows I chose him over partying. :love: That dog


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Is the Super Bowl today?? Ha ha!!
                            I don't watch that stuff, my husband watched it for 5 minutes & that's it in our house

                            Hello & welcome back Peanut!
                            Hang in there with us & we will celebrate your soon to be 7 days, yay!!!

                            LB, I am so glad to hear you are doing well. You have worked long & hard to get where you are & you deserve the best :hug:

                            Kensho, it's below freezing here, not exactly outside crocheting weather - good luck!

                            Greetings to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Nursie - just had to tell you how happy I am for you. :goodjob::hug:
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Evening nesters

                                Nursie great work on 90 days and isnt sobriety the best. We still go through the good, the bad and the ugly but its so doable to do it sober.

                                I spent the weekend with the man and his twin grandchildren and its exhausting but so much fun. I got to the mans and he was having a drink, i asked what it was and he didnt answer so i had to do the sniff test. He thought i was going to drink it and went to grab it. I was just sniffing to see but he apologised profusely for not telling me straight away that it was Bailey's and ice. No way on earth would i just drink anything anymore without the sniff test.

                                My daughter turns 30 in May and we were talking today. She said that she might do a winery tour. I said to her "nothing like taking your alcoholic mother on a winery tour honey". Not that i care as i wont drink but i so dont think i can tolerate a bunch of 30 year olds in a minivan travelling around the country side without wanting to get off. Might have to re-evaluate that i am thinking.

                                I also had to take my other daughter to the drs today and we were talking about my sobriety and she asked me honestly if i could have just a drink at any time. I told her no as i dont have an off switch although after 3 years who knows but i was not willing to take the chance. I found it really admirable of her that she asked as she didnt know. She told us she was muslim and they dont drink so didnt really understand. She is a relatively new dr i have started seeing and i decided to be totally honest with her. I hope she now has some understanding of an alcoholic and that we are normal people.

                                Take care x
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

