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    evening nesters

    congratulations Wags on 200 days. You go girl. I did look at lav's post and thought "i know she is the nest mother but gees she really has to think before she takes off days".

    I had my course tonight and we had a new teacher and he was brilliant, no more hours and hours of homework on the weekend and no more wanting to quit my course. His story is that he stopped drinking at 29 and then relapsed 7 years ago. I told him his story of relapse has yet again set in stone my reason to be accountable and to always prioritise ME. I am sure we will hear more about his story and his about ours as the months go on.

    Lovely to see you LB, i meant to send hugs but forgot. i am so glad there is light at the end of your tunnel after the crap year you have had.

    How is the job hunting going Nar? I have ten months to go in my job before i can move on and i cant wait. i know if i drank i would stay there forever. I hope it all goes well.

    I got past the point of having any excitement in my drinking, it was just a habit/addiction and a bad one. i drank because i didnt know what else to do and how to start the process of starting my sobriety. I always remember that al is my addiction and i cant have one.

    Lav, i am going to tell my daughter i am not going on a vineyard tour, i want to do something i enjoy and thats not it. i am sure she will change her mind and if not then it is her choice to not have her mum there and its my choice not to go.

    Well bedtime for me but its damn hot tonight.

    take care x
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Hi, All:

      Quick break to check in.

      Way to go Wags! 200 is a nice, round number. Onward and upward.

      Hi, Hypernova - great to see you back.

      LB - Thanks for sharing your story. I am glad you're enjoying work. Hope those furry babies are treating you right. Don't they participate in a pet parade around Mardi Gras time??

      I read back but don't have time to comment on all of your posts. Thanks for inspiring me every day!



        Hi Nesters, been reading the inspiring posts - Thanks. This week felt a drop in my energy levels. A lot going on at home. But also that feeling where you ask -is this it?? Can't have a drink to get over the stress? Ever? (And I guess thats why I went back before). Having to deal with what you think is unnecessary aggro - that actually doesn't take you anywhere, but just keeps you in an uncomfortable space. So, I'm trying to deal with that discomfort. Facing it. Telling myself its ok. You got this! But its SOOO draining!! Luckily I'm not looking for the al. But I've been pigging out on the candy and sweets! Now I'm like - it must be the sugar in the al I'm addicted to! Whatever - Candy - for now - allowed. Have a great al-free evening! Bless.


          Way to go Wags!! You must feel great!!!

          Mario, you sound like such a sage. I just downloaded the app and canceled my yogaglo. Thank you!

          Ava, glad to hear you liked your class and teacher; its fun when the right person is teaching. I still love learning!

          Have to run, but keep strong everyone! Thanks for being here! Half a year for me tomorrow!

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Marthadan, whatever it takes to stay sober, even if it means eating candy...go for it! Eventually that should get better. The obsessions with drinking will get less and less the longer you stay sober.

            Ava, glad your teacher is good. That makes all the difference. What class are you taking? I noticed that you said you were hot...well it is -30 something here, colder than hell really. I have a sweater with two shirts on underneath, a scarf and vest on and I am INSIDE the house! lol

            Kenso- half a year? Awesome!

            Sober day for me here, just starting my job search. We will see what happens

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Originally posted by marthadan View Post
              its ok. You got this! But its SOOO draining!! Luckily I'm not looking for the al. But I've been pigging out on the candy and sweets! Now I'm like - it must be the sugar in the al I'm addicted to! Whatever - Candy - for now - allowed. .
              I told my Doc I was pigging out on Cadbury's Dairy Milk.....he said he'd rather I did that for now than drink....he'll deal with the sugar intake there you have it....candy on Doctors orders...its official!

              Had a really boring meeting this morning discussing utilities at work....then took the dogs out (including the house guest - a 7 month old King Charles Spaniel)....then quiet evening at home with chocolate and juice....still going strong and the al pangs are reducing


                Congrats Wags! That's a great accomplishment.

                Am feeling down too Martha. Don't know if it's just because its the dead of winter, son's issues that have been ongoing, or early sobriety or work. I won't try to figure it out. It's probably a combo of all of the above.

                Expecting some snow in my part of the nest. Hope everyone has a good night.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Expecting snow here too j-vo - first of the winter really

                  Wags, my sincere apologies to you. I meant to type 200 but my granny brain must have kicked in & I typed 20 instead, ha ha! Sorry

                  Ava, glad you like your new teacher. 10 months can go by pretty quickly when you are having fun. Good for you!

                  I ate a fair share of chocolate early on in my quit. After a while I wanted to break that newly formed habit & did so with the help of some L-Glutamine. Keep that in mind kids!

                  Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    My Go-to sugar treat were Charms Blow Pops. I got them by the bags and they kept my mouth happy and busy til the witching hour passed.
                    Martha, amazing what out mind tells us. I have seen folks say the same thing about being addicted to the sugar in AL. Dont listen to that. Its the Alcohol. The thought of giving up AL sounded inconceivable and impossible, the thought of giving up Sugar sounded inconvenient. Thats the difference!

                    I really do love my new job and my boss, I will just be glad when I know what Im doing.
                    Hope everyone has an easy night! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Thanks to all for the congrats. I'm pretty happy about my 200 days, and can't wait to reach the next milestone, and the next, and...

                      Lav - I knew you meant 200, was just teasing you a bit. However, it was a good innocent little reminder of how much better it is to be looking at day 201 tomorrow instead of 21. I don't mean that in general - day 21 is a huge accomplishment and I was PSYCHED when I hit it back in August. I would just cry if I returned there now after all this hard work. So the typo was a good little nudge that these days DO matter and they should not be given up lightly. Shouldn't be given up at all of course.

                      Nar - sounds freezing up in your area. Cold here south of you, but nowhere near that bad. Is that -30 in C or in F? Probably doesn't matter - when the number is that low it's damn cold either way. Sounds like a good time of year to be bundled up and searching for jobs online!

                      Ava - glad to hear you like the new teacher - sounds like a big improvement!

                      J-vo and Martha - the blues can hit hard, sometimes for good reason and sometimes for none at all. Either way, you both know al is not your way through those times. Tuck yourselves in tight here in the nest.

                      Speaking of go-to treats in lieu of al, mine were fizzy water (like La Croix, fruit flavored but no sugar or sweeteners) and ice cream. The fizzy waters just felt a bit celebratory when others were having beer, wine etc - I could kinda be part of the "party" without any al. The ice cream was almost decadent, and served well as an evening crutch to get me through the last hour or two of the eve before sleep. Now I seldom indulge in either, but I'm certain they helped me protect my quit at the beginning. I tend to eat a pretty clean diet because I genuinely feel better when I do. But as long as I don't drink al, I try not to be too hard on myself for other occasional treats as long as they don't become a new problem or addiction.

                      Has anyone heard from G-man lately? Did I miss some recent posts from him, or has he fallen off the radar?
                      Last edited by wagmor; February 8, 2017, 11:09 PM.


                        Hi all,
                        Hope everyone is well :hug: I spent time reading last night, old people & threads - Evie Lou, hippie37(phil), Cinders, KateH1- and my tablet died! So quickly popping in!
                        Wags, you should be so proud! xxx I haven't seen G or some other members in a while I really hope they are busy & just haven’t had time to check in. MWOF is somewhere that you worry if you haven't seen someone that they are not doing so well & possibly drinking I hope they call back really soon x
                        Marthadan - Sorry to hear you have alot of stress on atm - it is a big change to deal with sober without reaching for a drink. It takes us time to grow into our new habits & lifestyles so I think taking our time & being kind & gentle on ourselves is so important x
                        I have a love for dirty savoury food rather than sweet stuff! Crisps, nice deli food, cheese equally as unhealthy but would enjoy far more! Drowning my sorrows in indian/chinese food would be the ultimate treat...:happy2:
                        Lovely to read all the posts by everyone & how everyone is moving along with their sobriety, all of us at different stages. This is living as oppose to existing. All the ups & downs, I choose it all - it's all a part of me xxx
                        Thankyou & grateful to be here x
                        Wishing all a safe & sober Thursday
                        To see a world in a grain of sand
                        And a heaven in a wildflower.
                        Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                        And eternity in an hour.


                          LS, I remember all of those names. I hope they're doing well.

                          We got a nice amount of snow last night, so we have a two hour delay. It's nice to sleep a few extra hours and wake up when it's actually light outside.

                          Son did something last night that is unlike him. He got both of his ears pierced. He never told us that he was going to do that. I'm not mad or anything, just wonder what's going on in his head that made him do that. Maybe he sees kids at school that have both ears pierced and liked it?

                          Here's to a shorter day, but one where the kids could be a little more 'off' than normal. I know, how's that possible?!
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Afternoon nesters, late drop in from me today.

                            Went to a CA meeting last night, I go frequent enough at least twice a week, Anyway I wasn't going to go as I was feeling so tired, but I went in the end, So glad I did were we had a topic of getting complacent about going to meetings & doing the work on oneself to keep clean. Ironic what.

                            main points there been , Its all well having the knowledge in stopping our addiction & reading & posting , but unless you actually put in the work on yourself, it just wont work.

                            have a great day folks.

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Hi all, I am new here. Well, a long-term lurker and reader and now on my third serious quit attempt. Day 10 for me and I am feeling great. I really hit my rock bottom this time and I want sobriety so bad. I have tried AA in the past but never embraced it - I wouldn't talk, I wouldn't ring anyone, never got a sponsor etc. I am going to my 3rd meeting tonight (this time round, that is) and am trying really hard to be more open to the process so we will see. But I also love reading here and anything else I can get my hands on about people's experiences who have made a happy sober life for themselves.


                                Hello everyone,

                                Wags, a big fat congratulations to you!! 200 is a great round number.
                                Welcome Ready!
                                Ava, nice to have new energy in your learning environment!

                                Once again, so much I can relate to here.(Jvo, Marthadan)I've been feeling a little complacent myself. Coming up on 90 days. On one hand I'm so very proud of myself and on the other, just a little blah, meh. Remind me, how do I actually put in the work instead of just going through the motions? Mario, I downloaded the app you suggested. I will try that today as well as listen or finish a bubble hour podcast.

                                Well, gotta run. Hello to everyone! Happy sober Thursday!

