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    Welcome Ready! A lot of us started as lurkers before taking the plunge on here. Congrats on your Day 10 - you're building a good foundation. Some folks on here attend AA as well, other don't. I personally have never been, but I like the concept of the in-person meetings and extra accountability. Will be curious to hear your thoughts as you move forward. Anyway, we're glad you're here.

    If you like tracking days and celebrating milestones, you might want to pop over to the Newbie's Nest Roll Call thread. It's a place where folks can report in every day with a quick post. You'll see this pretty quickly, but simply go to the last (most recent) post, copy the entire text from the date down thru the bottom poster, paste it into a message, add yourself, and post! Hope to see you over there.

    Here's a link:

    Newbie's Nest Roll Call

    See you around the nest!

    Wags / Jami


      Well, I seem to have caught the horrible cold that has been going around. Kensho, I hope you and others who have mentioned this are feeling better now. I hate being sick, but I guess at least one bright side is that without al my immune system works better so I'm sick less often and with less severity.

      Unfortunately, as a self-employed person, I lose money every day I'm sick because all of my work involves meeting directly with clients. No meetings, no dinero. So... part of what I'm doing while stuck at home is searching for different work. Possibly a FT job where I end my self-employment or reduce it to a bare minimum. What I'd rather do is find work that I can do remotely (writing, editing, researching, etc) that gives me a steady 10-20 hours per week and then I'll do my SE work around that. Cross your feathers and wings for me (and for Nar) as we wade into the lovely job search process.

      Today is day 201 for me. One of my first thoughts this morning (as I canceled my work sessions for the day, and thus started thinking about $$$) was how much money I've SAVED since I stopped drinking. I haven't tracked it specifically, but I'm certain I was averaging at least $5/day on al, and probably closer to $10/day. Some days were more than that.

      So, at a conservative estimate I've saved anywhere from $1000-2000! That's a hefty chunk of change that I didn't pour down my gullet. Yet another positive benefit to quitting the al roller coaster!


        Stopping in for a quick hello!

        Tony, are you referring to chocolate Cadbury eggs? OMG do I love those! Maybe not great for you, but better than alcohol!!

        Jvo, sorry you're feeling blue. Better today? How old is your son?

        Welcome Ready! Glad to hear you are sick of the drinking cycle! It takes some faith and hard work, but you can come out on the other side! And it's a wonderful place to be!

        Half a year for me today. Uncharted territory. No looking back now, I did that at 175 days before and it took me all the way back to the beginning. The most important thing is that I like my life now - without alcohol. It crosses my mind, but I KNOW it doesn't make me happy. I equate it with hitting my head against a wall - WHY DO THAT?

        Hope everyone finds something positive in today!

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Hi All,

          My first time on MWO and reading your posts has inspired me to say hello. I've been in and out of sobriety for over 30 years and was doing pretty well until recently. Had a simple arthroscopic knee surgery but contracted MRSA and had to have 3 additional surgeries to kill the infection... after 16 weeks of lying around on hydrocodone, I said no to another prescription. But the pain persisted and I thought, well, I certainly haven't been on the "wagon" so I'll have a drink to ease the pain. It worked. But I've been drinking too much almost daily ever since.

          When I first quit drinking, my best tool was exercise. I became a fitness instructor and have been teaching for 31 years. When I have been drinking, detoxing and cleansing through sweat has been my balancing act. I've been teaching yoga for 10 years and just last week, I managed to accomplish 6 sober days in a row in order to attend a teacher training. This training certifies me to teach 12 step meetings that are half meeting and half yoga class, for anyone who has an addiction, a family member with an addiction or who works in counseling with people in recovery. I definitely have knowledge in the area and believe I will be a good teacher in this community.

          Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure the time is NOW for me to let go of alcohol ... for maybe the 100+ time. Authenticity, integrity. If I don't stop drinking, I will be honest about it but probably not hold space for these awesome yoga classes until I've stopped. One of the main reasons I got this certification was to help me get sober - again.

          Thanks for listen/reading and for any advice/encouragement.



            Morning nesters

            I downloaded the app you suggested Mario and woke at about 3am and thought i will listen to that. so there i was signing up and then got to the apps, looked at i thought each one had a price on it but realised after awhile it was how long they lasted. I did have a chuckled when i worked it out but i thought "well i was half a sleep". thanks so much for the tip.

            Martha and J, i still have my downs but i put it down to life. i do know that i can handle anything sober now and it always gets better. I find it easier to work out why i feel this way now and can work on it instead of drowning in a bottle.

            Oh Nar, i always shudder at how cold it is at yours. I am doing a drug and al and mental health course and when its finished a diploma so i can escape where i am now.

            Great work on 6 months Kensho, onwards and upwards. The first year is the hardest.

            Welcome Ready and Zanne. I was not a fan of AA but different tools work for everyone. We all need a small plan and to be accountable each and every day with our sobriety. I know i can always come on here and ask questions or try and give advice. We are all alcoholics with a mission to be sober and for 3+ years i have been logging on here daily and reading. My sobriety is my priority now and its a lovely feeling to wake up every day sober.

            Friday here and hopefully a bit cooler.

            Take care x

            Ps: Cowboy i watched Girl on a Train and i have not read the book. It was quite a good movie and i enjoyed it, not sure i would have gone to the cinema to see it but i did like the twist and i didnt know she was an alcoholic till a bit further in the movie so then i watched it more carefully. Worth a watch if all of that makes sense.
            Last edited by available; February 9, 2017, 02:34 PM.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Hello everyone.
              Welcome Ready and Zanne. I have gone to AA about 15 times over my life time and I can't say it really worked for me. I think it has a lot to do with the group. I never found a group I really clicked with. Whatever works to keep you sober is worth trying.
              Ava, the course you are taking sounds awesome. I hope you get a job you love after this or at least a job you don't hate! I will watch the movie Girl on the Train, I read the book and it was alright.

              Kensho, I agree with Ava that the first year is the hardest. It took me a long time to be able to get through that first year. Keep posting and keep that AL brain still, you can do it!!

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Welcome to Ready and Zane. This is a great place to be for support.

                Kensho, son is ok. Truthfully, I don't know a time where he's ever been this down, but I'm glad me and DH can be here for him and he's not far from home. I spent a lot of time on the phone with him again today. It's been a regular thing these last few months. It hurts to know he's hurting and it's not something I'm used to.

                Going to watch a new show, "This is Us. We started it last night and I think I'll like it. It's gonna be bitter tonight. Maybe another two-hour delay tomorrow!
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Hi Ready and've definitely come to the right place...have a look at the toolbox and make a plan...comeon here and let us follow your progress each day...

                  You could go to the newbies nest roll call and post your days each helps to keep you accountable to yourself... above all stick close on here and read and post daily...anything you go through will have been experienced by someone here and we all have a common purpose to help ourselves and each other to be and stay AF


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    We had a tiny little snow storm that was predicted to be much bigger so I am thankful. It is bitterly cold though so I am grateful for the fireplace

                    Kensho, CONGRATS on your 6 AF months :welldone:
                    No turning back now, right? Next stop 1 year!!!

                    Hello & welcome Ready & Zanne! Glad you decided to join us. I highly recommend visiting the Tool box here & using some of the awesome ideas posted there to help you make your plans. Stay close & check in daily, it really helps!

                    J-vo, my daughter managed to get a tattoo on her ankle during her first semester away from home. It's fairly typical behavior at that age. They are trying out their wings & all that. Maybe your son is attempting to reinvent himself a little? It will be OK.

                    Wags, I hope you feel better soon. I hate being sick, I am self employed too. I have to admit after all this AF time I rarely get sick anymore which is great. Taking better care of yourself pays off big time

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Yikes, J Vo, too bad you couldnt convince your son to try clip ons first before he had the piercings. I havent worn earrings in years, all metals turn my ears green. Oy.

                      Welcome aboard Ready and Zanne! You've landed in the right place, we have lots of success here! Some of the finest people I know are right here.
                      Hope everyone has an easy night.
                      Hugs to all, Byrdie
                      Last edited by Byrdlady; February 10, 2017, 08:09 AM.
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Hello everyone,
                        It's been a while since I've been here - just busy and tired, so tired. Finishing up day 9 here (YAY!!!!), happy but sooo tired. Been getting out for a walk at lunch for 50-60 minutes every day, even with the -30C windchill Need to stop working non-stop all day, coming home exhausted and falling into a bottle or two or three of wine - gotta take care of myself, which is exactly what I am doing. I think I've lost some weight!!! Lots of support from family and friends who have stopped drinking and my resolve this time is so strong, so it really is not so bad. The dreams are crazy though - I think I have been channeling my dad, who passed away several years ago. Grapefruit and a boiled egg with my pills for breakfast every morning, just like he did. I NEVER used to eat breakfast, just used to fall out of bed, throw on my clothes and rush out the door so as not to be too late!!!! Most days I probably would have failed a breathalyzer on the way to work - Yikes! I do believe those days are behind me, thank the Universe!!

                        Welcome to the newbies, Ready and Zanne!! Post and read as much as you can.
                        xoxoxo Peanut


                          BTW - a quick question Are there many people on here actually following the MWO plan with the Topa, Hypno, vitamins and Kudzu plan? I actually take the Kudzu Relief during the day when I start to have thoughts of wine and it generally works to push them away.


                            Hello Nest!
                            Congrats Wags on 200!! Right on!!
                            Welcome Ready and Zanne!

                            I read back but didn't have time to respond to everyone. I don't remember where I left off. I've had a headache for a few days and I had my chemo port removed. (Yay!) then I had a small complication and had to have a revision done. So I've been just icky for a few days.

                            My birthday party is Saturday. I am not worried about drinking. I feel strong!

                            Have a safe night in the nest!
                            Day 1 again 11/5/19
                            Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                            Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                            Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                            11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                            12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                            One day at a time.


                              Good morning nesters & big welcome to Ready & Zanne.

                              I was thinking the other night that we all here are like trees, Thinking of us as trees we are changing people in all ways, We are cutting our seemingly dead branches, pruned cut & dark, but soon as we do the work necessary on ourselves a fresh sap flows through & before we know it there are new leaves blooms, buds, blossoms & fruit, tis a great feeling.

                              have a good day folks & use what ever tools that work for you & there are many ways out of our hell.

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                                Morning (in the UK anyway!) all. Thanks for all the welcome messages, it is so good to be amongst like-minded people. Day 11 for me and seeing my little girl's face, so proud of me this morning before school, and vowing that she will never again have to be worried about coming back from her dad's house at the weekend as to what state she may find me in is just the motivation I need to keep going. I want this sobriety for me but I need it for her - I never want her to be scared, ashamed or just plain angry with me again. Well, I'm sure as we enter the teen years, there will be plenty of anger on both sides but I sure hope it has nothing to do with me being plastered!
                                Peanut - it sounds like we are at a similar stage but I can't say I have lost weight, I seem to be constantly inhaling chocolate and biscuits! But my eyes are brighter, my skin more radiant and I'll deal with the healthy diet later.
                                J-Vo - Oh my god, I am loving "This is Us". They have moved it to past 11pm over here and I know nobody else who is watching it beside my Mum, but it is a lovely series so far.
                                Will check in again soon, have a great day.

