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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    I hear ya Changes. Just remember that everyday won't be a great day, but the bad days pass and the great days get more frequent. And the person looking back from the mirror will soon start looking healthier and happier!
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      You got that right, Cowboy. I looked at the drunk me in that mirror so many times and the person looking back at me was an empty shell. Changes, the good days will outnumber the bad ones, and I never had two bad days in a row. Lets hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
      LilBit, I was thinking of you this morning! How are you faring in the deluge? Im so sorry to hear of all your troubles. My old boss used to say bad times happen to everyone and it was just my turn. Thats so true. They do happen, even to sober people. So happy to see you, fly in more often!
      Ican, who could say it any better than NoSugar? You will never have to feel the guilt, shame and remorse that AL brings again! Hallaloooya! We are so glad you're here.
      Have been enjoying my day off today!
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Thanks for the warm welcome - checking in because it's "witching hour" although I still feel like hell from last night so not tempted to drink. My AL voice is already trying to convince me I'm not that bad - what about when you go to NYC? What about the trip to ...? You know what I mean I'm sure.
        LilBit thanks for
        The kind words and hope your life is more steady and easier lately.
        Thanks Byrdie, Pav, Ava, NS and all rest!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hey everyone, been a long while since I last came here, maybe as long as a year. Last time I was here I was really struggling, but I've now got almost 6 months sober in the bag! Great to see some familiar names still supporting people like myself in early sobriety. I'm not sure you know how much difference it can make to see people doing this thing that can seem so daunting at first! So thank you so much!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Ican and Changes, I'm into day 3 of both quitting drinking and smoking and feel alot better but have developed tools and diet to suit myself. Christmas new year was downfall but have picked up quick. Your first 3 - 7 days are always hell if you have been drinking for along time but just need to hang in there


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi all,
              Hope everyone is having a nice AF evening? I am hugely relieved to have my car through the MOT test today, whew! If I was a millionaire, I would take it in my stride but you never know with cars, the expense can sometimes be 'how long is a piece of string?" So back to the hum drum of regular routine this week & ticking along nicely AF.
              Thankyou Nora for sorting out logging in issues with administration :heartbeat: think I would be lost without MYO!
              Nice to see you back Ann, doing great at 4 months! Though Im sorry you've been ill & still have issues with family & not having your own space. Hope your daughter does reach out to other parents/for support, it may help you all xx
              Hey Lilbit & black flag, nice to hear your sober success, albeit with hugely challenging circumstances lilbit xxx
              Welcome back Ican, re doing day 1's can really knock your confidence I found & staying close to support whilst your early in sobriety is a huge help x As you build AF days, your strength & trust in yourself will grow & reach out whenever you need to x
              Changes & Neo, you are doing the right thing & we will be celebrating your day 7 in no time! Neo - I'd admire your choice to quit smokes as well, awesome!
              Thanks for all your posts this evening, I want to write so much more but would be here literally for just a big Thankyou everyone :heartbeat:
              Wishing all a safe & sober Monday
              To see a world in a grain of sand
              And a heaven in a wildflower.
              Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
              And eternity in an hour.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Tony congrats on 30 days! That's huge. It starts to feel a little normal after 39 days!
                Welcome Changes! You're doing great just a few days in. The first 5 days are the worst. You will most definitely crave sugar because your body is lacking all the sugar from the alcohol. Make sure you drink tons of water, add some lemon if you can, and take lots of showers! Watch out for constipation and keep on reading here. Are you in any danger of DTs? Take good care!! Remember that you never have to feel this way again!!

                Ican and Neo hang in there! You are doing it!!

                I had a busy week-end. 3 birthday parties, two Boy Scout events, and oh boy it seems never ending!! Today I got down to brass tacks about following the KonMari method of tidying.
                I got out literally every single piece of clothing I own and put it in the middle of the floor. (Except my wedding dress and what is currently in the washer and dryer). And I went through each and every item and chose what to keep, toss, and donate. I got rid of 2/3 of clothes! It feels awesome.

                Now to relax and read a bit. I hope everyone is safe and comfy in the nest!
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Gosh Lil, great to see you
                  So sorry about your holiday troubles but glad you & your son are OK!

                  Ican, welcome back. The Velcro is around here somewhere so get yourself attached firmly & stay put in the nest!

                  Hello to blackflag too!

                  Hang in there everyone, the results of your efforts today pay off big time - promise!!!
                  Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    only had valium morning of Day 1 and Day 3 this afternoon 4pm, had to have one .Nice and relaxed, then went down to get a haircut . Something to make me feel better mind and appearance wise


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Got to tell all out there, or I'll burst....:happy2::happy2:....., I have just notched up a whole month!!!!!!!!! :yay:

                      Thanks for all the honesty, the life lessons and support out there. It would NOT have been possible without all of you, weather on day 1 or several years. We all read and learn something useful we can use to beat this the hard work starts. Getting it into my brain that this is not an experiment, but a new life choice. So staying very close and not allowing the AL brain to have a voice!

             are ALL awesome!!! Thanks again for just being there. This is your success too!



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Just a quick check in and hope you all good,

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          NIce ADP - I know exactly what you mean about the voice telling you it's an experiment and you're fine - I've done it many times - and always the amount I drink creeps up.... and way more than before the last quit - keep


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Congratulations on 30 days ADP!!!!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone, thanks for all the support and kind words. It's been almost exactly one week since my accident, and I've got to say I'm still struggling a lot with pain and other after-effects. The physical pain is exhausting, and the emotional/psychological effects are a battle I cannot afford to lose. I know I will be ok with time and treatment, but things are very challenging right now. The police never did find the truck or driver who hit me, which only adds to my long to-do list because it complicates my insurance claim. Fortunately, I have an optional type of insurance that will cover most things, but since the money will all be coming from my own ins co it'll likely be a bit of pulling teeth to get each dollar. I don't have the energy for that right now, but it's what I have to do.

                              Never once tempted to drink through all of this. I am extremely grateful for that.

                              Sorry so self-focused at the moment. It's tempting to not check in when it seems that posts will be all about me, but I also want to be accountable and show up in whatever way I can. I'm sure I'll be back to giving support and kudos very soon. For now, please know I'm very grateful for you all and very proud we're all here doing this work.

                              As ADP (I think) wrote (I paraphrase): when one of us has a success, victory, milestone, it's really something that we all share in and own. We're all here working our own quits and helping others stick with theirs. When I see someone get through day one, or day ten, or three years, I truly feel like there's a little piece of "Yay, WE did it!" in there.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Actually, Wags, seeing people NOT drink in the face of huge challenges is one of the most inspiring things we can offer one another. How can I justify a glass of wine because I have too much work to do and my husband was rude to me this morning when my buddy Wags isn't drinking in the face of having been injured in a hit-and-run accident (what a COWARD that driver was!) and having to deal with the physical, emotional, and financial fall-out from that??? If you can be strong with all that going on, surely I can deal with the normal ups and downs of life. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you health and peace. xx, NS

