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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi All ,
    Just a quick check-in for day 2 , Still feeling a bit crappy but on the improve .
    Plenty of experience has shown me , I'll feel invincible by about day 5 and pretty much the opposite of where I was .
    It seems unfathomable that we do that to ourselves as a choice , but we do .
    I'll write more when i'm feeling better , but 2 nights without sleep have taken it's toll .
    Stay safe , BND
    Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
    Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Im @ Day 5 and feel good but confused BUT I gave up 10+ beers/day , pack cigarettes and nearly teetering on too much valium as starting to use it in between sessions and not for the purpose of quitting .Only had Val Day 1 morning and Day 3 arvo so going ok .Sleep hasn't been too bad for me, better than when I was on the can


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Let me just tip my new hat to say a few words . . . (thank you Byrdie!)

        What is different this time? Some things are, and some things aren't. Things that are different from other attempts: (1) logging on here every am and pm if at all possible and posting whatever I was feeling; (2) focusing on my mind and telling myself the "thoughts" come from 4-9pm and then they are gone, that's not so bad . . . (3) eating. Eating something around 4pm and then have a "treat", usually ice cream, around 9pm. Letting myself eat what I wanted. (That has to stop soon! Just trying to get through the first few days (4) lots of water and sparkling water (5) 2% milk - I find it filling and oddly, refreshing (ok, I'm weird) (6) listening to my body and letting go of some "shoulds" for a little while (when I was tired, I rested), (7) realizing, two years after joining MWO, that this takes some will power, especially at first, and some of it would not be comfortable but it was doable and oh so worth it (wow, do I feel really good most of the day, especially the mornings), (8) keeping and rereading an electronic journal of things I read on here that I want to save to go back to, (9) getting ALL alcohol out of the house (I cannot leave it alone if it is there) and (10) my latest, thanks to one of my fellow Steppers, having a mantra "just not today". I was getting a little hung up on the "never" and that "not today" is working for me right now.

        What's not different? I still have some nagging cravings. I still have some thoughts of "oh, wouldn't it be nice to have . . ." Well, it wasn't always nice. I do have to say the cravings feel more like a dull ache than a gaping wound now. That is much better than week 1.

        It is good to be here today. I really appreciate all the patience, wisdom, compassion and support I have found on MWO. Onward!
        Last edited by actiongirl46; February 22, 2017, 11:36 PM.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters, What some incredible reading posts here , its great reading & keeps me from getting complacent & also gives me support in my own daily struggles.

          The one day at a time pace is the best way to take beating this addiction, We gradually edged our way to our hell of addiction life's and we will gradually pull away from it with the tools here & elsewhere.

          If folks here have decided you really want to have a free clean fulfilled life without the illusion of any mind altering substances, Then you have to ask yourselves how hard do you really want it ? Are you ready to take certain steps ? Are you ready to listen & read from long term clean folks here in how they did it ? Its not easy folks but it can be done & if you want it, its right here for you to take & learn.

          Have a good day folks no matter were you are.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Day - 5 .Mums friend bought in a bunch of grapes from her own grape vine and not the supermarket ones that a drenched in carbon monoxide or whatever . These have been very helpful today . Maybe the sugar crash has been giving me troubles the last few days as I quit all processed sugar when I do beer and cigs cold turkey .I believe processed sugar makes things worse when quitting but grapes are a good substitute . Maybe buy some blueberries while I'm at it


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi all,
              Hope everyone is cosy in the nest? I had a nice day yesterday, got back to AA after a fortnight break & had a lazy evening
              Matt, lovely to hear from you & congratulations on two and a half years of sobriety! Thankyou for your wise words - staying close to support is a huge help & your right, it sometimes takes looking to our darkest times to fully appreciate how far we have come x
              Changes, I felt the worst on day 4, those first steps are the hardest but also the bravest too & with each day your strength grows - you are doing so well x
              BND, Welcome back :welcome: I know re-doing day ones is a huge blow to om confidence & self belief, but you sound very clued up with what to expect which is a great help, good luck
              Neo & Ican, you sound on top of things & what you need to do, keep doing what you're doing :thumbsup:
              Action girl, you sound great, Congratulations on 30 days, I'm so pleased for you :heartbeat: You too marthadan and Orimus & Ready you can't have long to go too!
              Deja, glad you popped into the nest, lovely to see you!
              Roobs - how's your century feeling?
              Lil bit, that's so funny - I had a crow visit, via the chimney once, but hard to imagine who your visitor was?
              Nursie, glad you are not troubled with AL thoughts & dreams - I'm sure the extra headspace is nice x
              Pav, I have been thinking of you & hope your stuff in work is going well this week!
              Kensho, it's great to hear you are moving along on your AF journey so well & thanks x
              Not that I'm glad you're tired Ava, but your thoughts on the difference sobriety makes are so true. We can't begin to imagine what we are capable of whilst drinking & it's a really hopeful though for what lies ahead on our AF journey x
              Thankyou Byrdie, Lav, Nora, Mario of course for your support & encouragement, I really appreciate your help & wisdom every day xxx
              Thankyou all, your posts & sharing your journeys is helping me on mine & I am so happy to be here x
              Wishing all a safe & sober Thursday
              To see a world in a grain of sand
              And a heaven in a wildflower.
              Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
              And eternity in an hour.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                This is the most supportive place on earth. I sometimes just have to stop and give thanks that all those years ago, I stumbled across this place and these people. All the tools are here to help us climb out of this hell, it is up to us to recieve them.
                Hope everyone has a peaceful, easy day. Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  HI, All:

                  I think I was in a two day funk that I am emerging from - I HATE that deep, sad feeling. Like al thoughts, though, I am now able to have clarity and understanding that my moods fluctuate normally and that they will eventually pass. Feeling much better today - the sun is out (after the drought it is hard to complain about rain, but really) and I have had a productive morning. Feels good.

                  Thanks for your run down, ADP. My "why me?" feelings still come, but very infrequently now - I never would have believed it except I understood I had to suspend my disbelief and follow those successful old timers (Lav and Byrdie). I love the focus on what you are grateful for. I am "that age" and the weight does not come off nearly as quickly, so I am now determined to focus on healthy rather than weight. Sigh.

                  Back to work. I echo the sentiment that I am grateful to MWO and all of you for helping me to get where I am.

                  Happy Thursday!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    We were blessed with another spring-like day today, so nice for February
                    I am also grateful for a lot of things but right now it's the warm & sunny days that are doing the trick.

                    Great to see everyone & happy to hear your day by day success stories!
                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nesters, lovely sunny day here today, & inside of me that's the way I feeling & its a nice feeling I must say.

                      Busy day here today so I shall go out & embrace it & enjoy it & hope you all do to. :-)

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Day - 6

                        Went to the city 3.5hrs away got to checkup for dental implant. Talked about how I quit smoking and drinking which is what you need/must for high success. Then Hit 5.30pm after appointment/Traffic very very slow. Maybe turn off and book into motel which I know has bottlo on next block and my favourite high end haunt off Bourke st .The royal mail. Mindgames. Maybe last chance to muck up , have a few beers and cigs b4 I can't be able too.

                        Kept driving and got out of city. Maybe go out to skydivedrop zone on way back. Know beer fridge is open. Turned off and kept heading home. Lets get some KFC . Guy spoke like a soprano lol .Tried not to laugh while ordering. So much for original burger and Large chips wasn't filled right up. Ordered a lemonade and an intense craving for a smoke came accross .Shopping centre staring me right in face. Jumped in car and kept going. Last major town , filled up with gas , stared at smoke stand and walked out. Drove across river to other side with botteshop off roundabout .Last chance. Could down 2 on the way home and drink the rest @ home. Last chance b4 implant. Kept driving

                        Now home and avoided it all .tired and happy I didn't give in. Now 10pm and you can''t get takeaways after 10pm. Good. Only day 6 and still temptation there .Haven't been out for months but wasn't worth getting on beers for. 2 weeks b4 implant (heading back to city) will give me 21 days free and will be alot stronger to handle this and will plan something good after implant as It will give me that extra strength that I know I don't want it to fail if I drink or smoke and a great excuse when I knock back drinks. Can't. My implant is healing .Off beer for 12months. Perfect
                        Last edited by Neo; February 24, 2017, 06:13 AM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          What a fantastic read! Hope you dont mind, I am going to borrow this for a friend that has reached out to me for some help quitting with AL

                          I want them to see how helpful this board can actually be, and that no matter where they are in recovery, someone, somewhere is going through the exact same thing.

                          Congrats Pav, keep it up

                          EDIT Should have used a different reply button.....this was meant for Pavariti
                          Last edited by Nelso; February 24, 2017, 07:28 AM.
                          Glad to be back with my second family :sohappy:
                          Last dance with the devil 5/02/11


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Neo - Great job avoiding all those temptations. You kept yourself going past several opportunities - that shows some real strength and growth. Keep your eye on the prize. You'll have your 21 says before implant and will be so glad for it.
                            Last edited by wagmor; February 25, 2017, 10:55 AM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good morning nest,

                              I just read a story in the big book and it struck such a chord with me that I felt I had to share. It's the "Women Suffer Too" story (have to laugh at the title and how AA was originally such a boy's club), but the story was so similar to mine and the following quote was just so awesome:

                              I went to a meeting to see for myself this group of freaks or bums who had done this thing [AA meetings]. To go into a gathering of people was the sort of thing that all my life, from the time I left my private world of books and dreams to meet the real world of people and parties and jobs, had left me feeling an uncomfortable outsider, needing the warm stimulus of drinks to join in. I went trembling into a house in Brooklyn filled with strangers... and I found I had come home at last to my own kind.

                              For me, I think that has made all the difference. Whether in AA or in this online community, I've finally found others like me. No matter what I tried to do on my own, it never worked. But realizing that I wasn't crazy and/or the only person going through this opened up an entirely new way of thinking for me and it's changed me and my life for the better.

                              Thanks for continuing to share your stories and keeping this community active!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning, Nest:

                                Neo - each time you resist, you're flexing that sober muscle. Great work.

                                Deja - love that. That is also why I like The Bubble Hour. They are such "real" people and I can say "me, too!" when I hear them talk. I realize that I am not actually their friend (I draw the line at imaginary friends...), but I am such a private person that I really didn't want to go to an AA meeting in my home town. If it weren't for technology, I honestly don't know where I'd be. I was in no way ready to go to an in person meeting but was able to come here to get support. THanks for sharing.

                                I'm skipping work this morning to meet up with an old friend and am really looking forward to getting some "down" time, some sun and a good laugh. I am really ready for this weekend!

                                Happy SOBER Friday. No ticket to Boozeville here.


