Good evening Nesters,
Great to see everyone

We had a rather weird weather day today that started warm (70 degrees) & sunny, ended up with a big storm & temps dropping 30 degrees tonight - geez!
Changes, I love that show 'MOM" & I agree that type of group meeting would be beneficial to most people. I don't go to AA myself & I am positive I would not be willing to attend a meeting where folks were court ordered. MWO has given me the tools to meet my goals & the fellowship here is priceless. You can do the same I'm sure. Just be sure to make a visit daily & let us know how you are doing.
Deja, I love listening to Brene Brown too!
Looking forward to spending time with my granddaughter tomorrow on her 6th birthday. I have been fully present every moment of her life so far & I intend to stay that way. The AF life is good & I am a grateful granny

Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!