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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Slow Sunday here in the Nest!
    Hope you're all having a nice day.. I'm just checking in on my way to la-la land.
    See you tomorrow..xx


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, Nest:

      The problem with typed communication is that we can't see facial expressions, hear laughter, understand tears. We just see words, and depending on our moods we put our own intentions into them sometimes. I think it is best if we assume positive intent here - we are here to get and give help in our own ways. I have not the slightest doubt that I have typed stuff that people misinterpreted. I hope we can calm this kerfluffle and move right along to being sober...

      HI LIL!!! I am so excited to celebrate this milestone with you. You have proven that sobriety can be achieved through extremely difficult personal experiences and also with a great sense of humor. Way to go, my friend! (And to your quit buddy, Dutch! Hope all is well with you, too.)

      I had a long day yesterday and wanted that "quick" unwind of alcohol briefly when I got home. Thankfully, I don't drink. I got in bed and read my great book, and got a good sleep. So glad I realized alcohol is WAY more of a problem than a solution.

      Hope everyone has great weeks. We get glimpses of spring and then are pulled back into winter. So much snow in the mountains of CA! Take good care of yourselves and STAY SOBER!



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Still cold here in Lav-land but no snow like Pav has, thank goodness!

        Dutch, I owe you a CONGRATS on your 2 years AF too :welldone:
        I hope you are proud & happy these days!

        Byrdie, I will never forget our mission & I am sure you won't either.
        I spend a couple minutes of each day in gratitude mode, thanking God, the universe & everyone listening. I have always said I don't know if I have another quit in me so I will not test the waters. This quit is THE QUIT!

        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hello comfy nest!
          I don't like to see strife in the nest but it happens from time to time as Lav said. I wouldn't leave because someone offended me because I would be punishing myself by not getting the support I need! That's just me.
          I had a good weekend. Thank you for your support in my "play me the script" thread. I am so glad I didn't drink. So unbelievably grateful!
          Byrd, hugs to you! I hate steroids but I love them because they do work.
          Hard to believe the weekend is over so fast and it's time to go back to work tomorrow. But I have a job, my health, my sobriety, my family, and you fine people to make life really great!!

          If you're struggling, please know that it can get better. Don't give up and don't stop trying! We will help eachother. I care about all of you and I want us all to make it to peaceful sobriety!

          *sprinkling some sober dust over the nest*
          Day 1 again 11/5/19
          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

          One day at a time.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Thank you Nursie! Great job not drinking on Friday and what a wonderful post. I have had more than my share of not really trying, relapses, slip-ups, feck-its, you name it, over the last two years. The shame and guilt was coming from my head, not from the fine folks on here. I have felt very supported. I need this thread too. Reading/posting in the morning if possible and definitely evening was not a routine I did on any other quit, and so far, it appears to be working. Also posting on Newbie's Roll Call has been incredibly helpful. Intimidating at first, but helpful as the numbers start adding up.

            I think my absolute favorite thing, especially when I was drinking and knowing I needed to quit, was to read how happy MWO people were with their sober lifestyle. How incredibly valuable their sobriety was to them. I can't remember if it was Pav or Ava, but someone compared their sobriety to a diamond they keep close to their chest. Seeing so many people peaceful and successful here, even in the face of great adversity such as job loss, cancer, divorce, relapse then back on their sober horse, was so meaningful. I said, hey, I want that!

            I am grateful to be here. Onward!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning nesters & its a lovely bright sunny morning here in Spain.

              Life is a rollercoaster, it has its ups & its downs but its how you hold on that is the key, holding on tight & not letting go ,especially at the down wards trips is the key, When I started this journey I thought everything in my life would just fall into place, I would lose weight, my life & relationships be all happy & great & all my problems would be gone like a mist in the morning sunshine, How wrong was I, If I remember correctly they all got worse, I put on more weight, I was arguing with my then partner as she or I did not understand really what I was going through, I had folks who I thought were my friends pushing alcohol unto me ,telling me sure I didn't need to stop just cut down, If only.

              But I persevered as I knew deep deep down inside of me that stopping drinking & popping pills was all down to my choices, No one made me drink & no one made me stop, Until I accepted I could not drink anymore accepted that no matter what was going on in my life that I knew for me drinking would only make the problems worse, until I accepted that, I was still in the prison of my addiction.

              I came on here daily, I went to meetings , all different fellowships & read & read, Till it really dawned on me, me myself, that I cant just have that one drink. To get clean your priority has to be you, that's the number one priority,If you don't help yourself you will never be ale to help thoses around you who you really care about and love.

              Have a good positive day folks as this nightmare can be beaten, there are many folks here who have shown that.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Day 16 - Did it today . Had Dental implant. 10mg Valium 1/2hr B4 , didn't really feel a thing, over in under an hour. Burefen for immflamation and 2 panadiene forte 2hrs after implant and now coming up to 3hrs after and feel good.

                Had to go to city and stopped at an upperclassmen bar surrounded by taps and alcohol. I didn't go there on Day 6 on my first week when tempted. 1st time I've been there and not had a drink or left after quite a few . Had a ham & cheese roll with wedges. Guys on table over gave me more . Come to think of it, first time in a bar in a couple of years without having a drink lol
                Last edited by Neo; March 6, 2017, 03:56 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by Neo View Post
                  Day 16 - Did it today . Had Dental implant. 10mg Valium 1/2hr B4 , didn't really feel a thing, over in under an hour. Burefen for immflamation and 2 panadiene forte 2hrs after implant and now coming up to 3hrs after and feel good.

                  Had to go to city and stopped at an upperclassmen bar surrounded by taps and alcohol. I didn't go there on Day 6 on my first week when tempted. 1st time I've been there and not had a drink or left after quite a few . Had a ham & cheese roll with wedges. Guys on table over gave me more . Come to think of it, first time in a bar in a couple of years without having a drink lol
                  Well done Neo - one of many 'firsts' :thumbsup:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Back to Day 1 for me today. I am so tearful and feel so ashamed of myself. I went right back to where I was before, sneaking and lying and hiding. I feel like I will never get this.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      How many days did you go Ready?
                      Last edited by Neo; March 6, 2017, 05:07 AM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        22 consecutive days. Then drank 8 out of the last 12. No reason, no trigger, no excuse. I didn't even want to the first time, I actually hated it. But then it became more and more and looking for opportunities. My daughter was so proud of me and I am sitting here at work just trying not to cry when I think how much that little girl adores me and still thinks I am doing well because I've been lying and cheating and hiding. My mum was also so proud but she knows I drank yesterday. She doesn't know the others cos I am such a sneaky little b itch. I literally couldn't hate myself more.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Jump back in on roll call and give it 7 - 10 days.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Oh, Ready, I'm sorry you're feeling so sad. I (and I'd say all of us here) know exactly how you feel. Important now is that you're back on track. You know what it feels like to have 22 days under your belt.. You are not sneaky or a liar.. that may be how you act when you drink but it isn't who you are. Our children are so forgiving and want us to be healthy and happy for them.. I have found that the most important thing for them is that I pick myself up as quickly as possible and show them that I'm serious about getting this, about being sober. And because I f*** up at times does not mean I'm not serious.. it means I still have issues to work through, adjustments to make in my plan. How old is your daughter? I would say, try your hardest to just look at today and what you need to do to get yourself through it without 100% present for your daughter when you're with her this afternoon/evening.. maybe it's possible to talk to your mother..? I know for myself, beating myself up, tearing myself apart, blaming myself is destructive and can lead to drinking further to escape it all.. Move forward, one step at a time.. If you haven't already, like Neo said, sign on to that Rollcall with Day 1.. it's hard, but it will set your mind in place and give you a goal for today..:hug: We are all here for you..
                            Last edited by lifechange; March 6, 2017, 05:38 AM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Ready - 22 days is awesome. So . . . you know that you won't feel like you do today for long. And you know what your body and soul need to feel good about yourself. Lifechange is so right, we have ALL been there, too many times, we know how you feel.

                              Don't let that despair take you down today because it is temporary. Better times ahead! :hug::hug:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                MARIO! Thank you so much for your inspiring post today. It went in my electronic journal. I, too, had some misconceptions about what would change when I stopped drinking. You are describe my current experience very well. It is helpful to me to know it is part of the learning and not unique to my journey. thanks again - AG

