Morning! Sunny and 80 here today and I'm excited to go on a hike with the kids. Also trying to get the summer figured out with child care. Since I work at home, it's nearly impossible to get work done with kiddos interrupting! I have lots of interesting ideas,
LC sorry you were reliving the past. The further you get from your last drink, the more distance you will feel. I think it is natural to revisit stuff in the course of our healing; kudos for taking a deep breath and jumping in. Now just don't stay there

Neva, you sound great! I don't think I've met you, but it's nice to see you here! Great story about your therapist. People really can sense our transformations when we stop drinking. Keep up the good work and enjoy your relatives!
I'm excited for a run in the sun to wear my dog out before we take her on a public trail. She's the biggest 3-yr. old waggle puppy when it comes to other people and dogs!!
Happy day everyone, I'm thinking about you all!!
Does anyone have contact info for G? I know he has ventured away from time to time; I just hope he is ok.