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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    LAV - I do feel an immediate sense of freedom when thinking an iota about what my husband is doing. Carrying on with that mindset. Thank you for your short but very sweet truths.

    LS I applaud you for braving your past and talking through your thoughts and feelings. Please continue doing it! Stopping the drinking is only the first part. Then we have to learn to deal with life in different ways. And let me assure anyone wondering, almost EVERY way of dealing with life that doesn’t include alcohol or drugs is BETTER. Even if it is initially harder, it is rewarding, and functional, and self-building. Choosing to “deal” is the first step toward moving “though” the addition and its negative consequences. What will remain is a stronger, more defined you. Big hugs to you!

    We ate at the bar in the taco shop last night, and I watched them make all the drinks. There was no immediate panic or desire - it was like watching a tv show of “other people”. That is not me anymore. Later though, I did find my thoughts wandering to “what would it be like if I had one drink.” I find this thinking dangerous and scary, because I know how manipulative alcohol thinking can be. I usually push the thoughts away immediately and move on, knowing that “drinking didn’t work for me”. But I allowed myself to consider it briefly. All I could get to, is that it would produce immediate pain relief; that warm feeling washing over. I always sought that sensation. But not even 15 min. later, that feeling would fade and I would chase it into the night, with all the negatives of alcohol to follow: irritability, distance from others, lying & hiding, obsession, poor decisions, terrible sleep, damage to relationships, hangovers, and generally - living in the alcohol bubble that is a sad representation of how big and full real life can be.…. all for that first 5 minute rush. All I can say is that I finally understand that for me, it’s just NOT. WORTH. IT. I choose to live life, not manufacture highs and spend the rest of the time hiding.

    Anyhoo, random babble for this Sunday morning out west. Hoping the wind dies down a bit, so I can take my recovering pup on a walk without being blown about. Good thoughts to everyone.

    As Mario said, the claim to fame is never giving up. I believe that.

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Missed a few weeks, keeping out of trouble over here though.

      Tomorrow (if I am counting right) will be 100 days of 2017, and 100 sober days in 2017 I am happy to report! Really hoping to make 2017 a sober year, so far so good.

      Things keep moving along, lots of ups and lots of downs, but that's called life right?

      Will read back but know I won't catch up on everyone's news - hope all are good and carrying on heading in the right direction...
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Warm greetings nesters near and not so far,

        L.S. Thanks for your brilliant post. You really are a sky full of stars my friend. :happy2:

        Kensho, sorry i missed our 200 day event. Congratulations on 240 days?! Wowza! But i am here above ground and well into the game again. What a cool joint the nest is. Gr8 to read everyone's thoughts. Safe travels Byrdy.

        Big waves to one and all. Have a beaut week. :checkin::spin::sendflowers:

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, Nest:

          Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
 would produce immediate pain relief; that warm feeling washing over. I always sought that sensation. But not even 15 min. later, that feeling would fade and I would chase it into the night...
          Kensho - you hit the nail on the head with that one. I spend a lot of time endlessly chasing that feeling into the night...

          I spent a lot of time in my early marriage learning how to realize that I actually have no control over my husband's actions. I was actually there when he got sick, and I found that a reaction I had was to try to take control again. I know in my head that I don't, but sometimes my heart forgets... I am not worried about his drinking - more about eating, exercise, etc. to keep himself healthy. I am getting back to where I was, but it wasn't instant.

          Wonderful to see you here, G.

          Spent some time at the coast today, and did some much needed housework. Looking forward to another good night's sleep...

          Happy SOBER Sunday,



            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Glad to see everyone doing OK in an AF sort of way

            Mario, I just noticed that we are both approaching 20,000 posts! That means we have been around MWO a very long time, ha ha!

            Byrdie, hope your flight was good & everything goes well with your presentation!

            TJ, good to see you. Did you have your shoulder surgery? That was you who mentioned a shoulder injury a while back, right?

            Kensho, honestly I am more of a frequent talker than a long talker, if you know what I mean, LOL
            Glad you were not drawn in to AL hell at the bar last night - definitely not worth it, we know that now

            SL, good to see you here & that you are doing an AF 20117!
            Keep up the great work with the running!!

            Hi there G & Pav!

            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

            Last edited by Lavande; April 9, 2017, 07:31 PM.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              No surgery yet. The break has to heal first and then I get a total shoulder replacement. Ill likely get the work done in June. I'm a dominant right hander so this is a major inconvenience. I have little use of my right arm. I refused narcotics so it's Tylenol. The pain is bearable. Sleep on the other hand isn't so good. Alcohol not an issue. Can't imagine what it would be like if it was. All is good.
              Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

              William Butler Yeats


                Re: Newbies Nest

                TJAF - sorry to hear you're having such inconvenience and pain, but so glad that you aren't tempted to drink AND you're managing to avoid pain pills. Hope your sleep improves very soon!

                Kensho - glad your pup is ok, although it sounds like quite a scare! Your words about chasing the warm feeling of al resonated with me - that used to be exactly what I would do, and the timing you described is right on point. Good job watching the taco bar play out as a tv show (hopefully you thought it a pretty bad one!). As Lav mentioned, you certainly can't do any of this work or figuring out for your husband, but I'm sure it's hard to watch him do things that aren't very good self-care. Stay strong with your quit and continue to show him what AF life can look like - you never know, he might just decide he'd like to try it too.

                SL and G-man - so good to see you both and to hear that you're strong at this 100-day point of 2017.

                Lav and Mario - I sure have appreciated the nearly 20K posts from each of you, at least the hundreds or thousands I've had the privilege of being around for! Keep it up, both of you

                Byrdie - your airport story of what you'd do pre-flight sounded all too familiar. So glad you and I both can say we've left that behind. I love when I encounter things like that - makes me realize and appreciate just how much freer I really am without al.

                Tuck in tight everyone - here comes another week in the nest!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good morning nesters .

                  Yes Lave we both here since 2009, even though my ego did get the better of me & I did think I hadn't got the time nor needed to come here for about two years. I am glad for myself that I now have & use MWO as part of my continued recovery in my morning rituals.

                  TJAF hope you healing soon,

                  Very busy day ahead for me , I of out to work soon, but the weather is great & for me that's most important , I really love the sunshine & blue-skys & big open clear motorways, if only it was a big motorbike I was on instead of a car, Easyrider...

                  Have a good day folks.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Everyone-
                    I have avoided posting for a bit because I am ashamed to admit that I am drinking again. However, I decided this morning that I wanted to post. The best I've done with sobriety is when I was posting and feeling connected to others who have had similar struggles with alcohol. With each passing day I have greater and greater respect for those of you who have remained sober long-term. This is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. I allow myself to be pulled back time and time again. With each failed attempt there is shame and guilt yet I do it again. This is my son's 15th birthday. I'm going to try, at least for today, not to drink for his sake. It takes such a toll on the people I love the most - I don't understand why I continue to put alcohol ahead of them.

                    Hoping everyone has a sober and safe Monday-



                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Kim - you can get through today! Do you have something planned for your son's bday?
                      That is a really positive event to focus on today. Check in here as much as you can today.

                      LS - having children of your own and know the mother you are for your children must make the
                      behavior of your own parents even harder to handle. It took such strength to make the break
                      with your parents. Stay strong.

                      Kensho - hugs to your poor pup! It is so hard seeing them hurt.

                      Byrdie - knock em out with your presentation! After seeing your baking I know you will be amazing.

                      Airports really highlight drinking and over-drinking. No rules seem to apply! Beer or wine at 8 a.m., why not!

                      This is just over 6 weeks for me and I am finding that my brain is beginning to entertain drinking again. We were out
                      Saturday night to see a movie and were trying to choose some fast food nearby and though most of the food was not
                      appealing I kept seeing the glasses of wine on the tables. Any suggestions of how to counter these thoughts?
                      I have been reading Jason Vale's book and it hasn't clicked with me as much as my last book. I am aiming for 60 days
                      right now - I believe that the more afree time I have the better I will feel and just will not want to drink again. That damn
                      avoice is a sneaky bugger!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        I believe that the more afree time I have the better I will feel and just will not want to drink again.
                        There does come a point when you'll wonder what in the heck all of the fuss was about. I remember doing exactly what PHKim described:
                        This is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. I allow myself to be pulled back time and time again. With each failed attempt there is shame and guilt yet I do it again
                        Quitting seemed impossible and even when I had several weeks of AF time, I still wished that things were different and I were "normal".

                        This weekend I was home alone. I thought about the fact that if I wanted to, I could drink. Unfortunately there is wine in the house (left over from a party and to be served at an upcoming party - NOT A RECOMMENDED PRACTICE!!!) and so it wouldn't even have taken any effort. BUT, here's the thing - I didn't have any desire to drink it. Truth is, my homemade kombucha tastes much better than wine. But most importantly, I know that I never wanted just 1 "serving" of wine (a measly 4 ounces) and I'm no longer wanting to escape to numbness. It seems ridiculous that I ever did. I remember clearly that warm feeling that Kensho and Pav were talking about. I maximized it by not eating for several hours before that first drink each and every day. It was rewarding - but came at much too high a price.

                        So, hang in there, ssd. There will come a time when not drinking is normal for you (you'll rarely even think about it one way or the other) and for the most part, you won't want a drink. When that random thought that pops up, you'll be able to clearly see it for what it is, and just let it go.

                        PHKim, I found that reading and posting here A LOT was the key to quitting. Perhaps promise yourself that you'll post before drinking - that pause may be all it takes to stop you from making a choice you'll regret so much later. I hope you can stick with it and regain the life you want and deserve. :hug: NS


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          We had such a lovely spring day today & another promised for tomorrow - feeling grateful

                          TJ, geez I am sorry about the prolonged recovery for your shoulder. You must have done a real number on it, huh? I will keep you in my thoughts :hug:

                          Kim, I am fairly certain we have all had a number of starts & stops on this journey. I made all of mine before finding MWO, tons of them. By the time I found this website I was so seriously sick & tired of myself I decided that this quit had to be THE QUIT! I made a commitment, a good working plan & jumped in with both feet. I vowed to never buy another drop of AL & to this day I haven't. My husband buys beer & keeps it in his garage. Sometimes our son stops over with beer to share with his dad. They do not bother me, they do not drink a lot either. I kept myself home & away from people & temptations for a few months until I felt stronger in my quit. That's what worked for me. Think about your triggers & how you can handle them in the future without AL. You can do this, you need to make a good plan.

                          SSD, getting those first few AF months under your belt is work but the worth every bit of effort. You will definitely feel stronger & stronger as you go along on your journey. Hang in there, OK?

                          Thinking about your future & how you want it to look is a useful tool. Picture yourself in 2 months, 6 months, a year. Do you want to see yourself stuck in the same old rut or do you want to see yourself as a strong & healthy AL survivor? That was a no brainer for me

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters ,

                            Hi Pan , good for you that you posted & what you said is so true, This disease/addiction/habit is so strong & for me its shows its more than just a physical craving but a huge mental one to, You know you shouldn't be drinking, You realise all the harm you are doing to yourself & others yet we cant stop, I never stopped for my children,Mother,siblings,& partner ,It took me years to realise I had to want & to really deep down want to stop for me. The essence of our growth is a willingness to change for the better & then an unremitting willingness to shoulder whatever responsibility this entails.

                            Have a good day folks.

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              [MENTION=8463]mario[/MENTION], that is a phenomenal post. Thank you for it!
                              My lure to booze is purely mental. I KNOW I should quit, and I know all the reasons why I should quit, yet I hold out. I want to quit, but evidently not enough. I realize all the harm I am doing to myself and my loved ones, but it's not enough to stop. It makes no sense. None. And yet I fight with that. Why? Can I learn to be happy and accepting of my drinking? Or is the only solution to happiness abstinance?
                              Last edited by idefineme; April 11, 2017, 03:05 AM.
                              "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
                              “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Evening nesters

                                Mario that post was so true, thank you. Until i wanted to give up for me and realised deep down inside that i was killing myself slowly but surely only then could i start to recover. My main reason for quitting was myself, number 1 and for my children. They kept telling me they didnt want me to die from drinking and one day i realised i didnt want to die from drinking either. I wanted to see my grandchildren born, i wanted to make sure my children had me and i wanted to learn to love myself again. My brother died from al and i justified my drinking by saying I was not as bad as he was. How bad is bad for an alcoholic, how low did i have to get to be as bad as my brother? Dead basically! I do know that i could not have gotten sober if i did not have the support of people who "got me" and understood all that i would go through and tell me that life was going to be great in time. I had to believe it would be good, i do remember it didnt feel too good at the time but now after 3+ years i can tell everyone that if you can stop then in time your life will be great, even with experiencing, sickness, death, work, money issues, life is great for me. I also know i have to be accountable each and every day to be sober, to remind myself of where i never want to be ever again. That is easy compared to when i used to plan my drinking days.

                                Define, we are all different in our search for sobriety. I sometimes think maybe "1" but then i become terrified that i would end back in the hell i lived before that 1 became none. I prefer none and i dont miss what al gave me as it gave me nothing. It took and took and took so much of my life.

                                TJ, i hope your shoulder heals for you. It sounds like an awful injury for you.

                                I have had a busy week. I am looking forward to the break over easter and my son is visiting with my grandson who is a dog and i adore him and he adores me. I have to do an 8 hour first aide course tomorrow for my course which i am not looking forward to but the positive is i am not at work and it needs to be done. It is cooling down here and getting cold in the mornings. I will say i like winter now but in a month or two i am sure that statement will change.

                                Take care xx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

