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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi Ann! Sorry you are feeling terrible. Try to harness that feeling and begin again. Do you need to adjust your "plan"?

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi all! Just want to introduce myself. I am new to MWO but not new to quitting. I quit drinking for 4 years but had a relapse. I have been on and off for the last 9 months. I need to get my sober life back. So I am here - committing to not drink today. Tomorrow too.
      I know it gets easier. I just have to do it. Thanks for listening.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Ann/Susie- I'm back again as well - trying to start off this week being sober. I have quit, started drinking and quit again so many times lately that I'm driving myself, and I'm sure those around me, crazy. I keep telling myself that every day sober is one more day of "being present and available" that I wouldn't have had otherwise. If anyone would like to share, I would love to know specific plans that some of you have used that have helped in your AF journey. Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday..



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Kim,
          What helped me stay sober for so long was I really got fed up with the way I was living. I felt crappy and knew my drinking habits were a problem. So I joined We Quit Drinking (very similar to this site but no longer running) and I joined a beginners team. I got a lot of support from there and it really helped me. I also learned to recognize my triggers and how to avoid them in the beginning of my quit. Once I got on the sober path, it really was easier. What is much more challenging is the ON/OFF way of life that I seem to be in now. Drinking 3 days, sober 4 days,...It's a roller coaster that I need to get off of.
          Today is Day 1 and I am finding it difficult. I have all the leftover wine from Easter dinner sitting on my counter. As long as I don't have Drink #1, I am good. But Drink #1 turns into Drink #2,3...
          How about we commit to the next 3 days without booze? I will if you will!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Originally posted by Neo View Post
            My problem at the moment is I had a dental implant and fortunately started smoking after it was healed but regretted doing so however crown hasn't been fitted. Once it is, and is exposed again to the smoke, I may lose the implant so that is the question I need to ask myself and will be getting my teeth well cleaned and touched up to match the crown. Once this is done, I should keep of the cigs . I know within 3 days ,I smell better, eat better and having a good reminder last night at 3am in morning why I need to keep off AL .Luckily the Val calmed me down

            I can guarantee you will feel heaps better on Day 4 of a nicotine quit .Getting there is just a little agonising and is easier said than done but has been worth it for me each quit as I focused on eating whenever I had an urge for AL or Cig
            Can you not use patches Neo so you only have to deal with alcohol?

            My quit buddy quit both at the same time and he stays quit to this day BUT it is a big ask and although I admire that you NEVER give in I wonder if it is time to take a different approach.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by Susie45 View Post
              Hi Kim,
              What helped me stay sober for so long was I really got fed up with the way I was living. I felt crappy and knew my drinking habits were a problem. So I joined We Quit Drinking (very similar to this site but no longer running) and I joined a beginners team. I got a lot of support from there and it really helped me. I also learned to recognize my triggers and how to avoid them in the beginning of my quit. Once I got on the sober path, it really was easier. What is much more challenging is the ON/OFF way of life that I seem to be in now. Drinking 3 days, sober 4 days,...It's a roller coaster that I need to get off of.
              Today is Day 1 and I am finding it difficult. I have all the leftover wine from Easter dinner sitting on my counter. As long as I don't have Drink #1, I am good. But Drink #1 turns into Drink #2,3...
              How about we commit to the next 3 days without booze? I will if you will!
              Susie- I'm in!! Somehow it seems better just to have someone to share a goal with. I so understand about drink #1 turning into, for me, a couple of bottles. One drink is too many and hundred is never enough. Maybe just pour out that wine or have someone else do it if you feel like it might be too tempting. Thank you for sharing your plan and sharing a goal. I know tomorrow will be tough because I have a meeting with my boss that I anticipate may be a little stressful. I just have to anticipate those feelings and understand that although they may be uncomfortable, they're not going to kill me. Prayer I know will help also. We'll start again today...


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Originally posted by Susie45 View Post
                Hi Kim,
                What helped me stay sober for so long was I really got fed up with the way I was living. I felt crappy and knew my drinking habits were a problem. So I joined We Quit Drinking (very similar to this site but no longer running) and I joined a beginners team. I got a lot of support from there and it really helped me. I also learned to recognize my triggers and how to avoid them in the beginning of my quit. Once I got on the sober path, it really was easier. What is much more challenging is the ON/OFF way of life that I seem to be in now. Drinking 3 days, sober 4 days,...It's a roller coaster that I need to get off of.
                Today is Day 1 and I am finding it difficult. I have all the leftover wine from Easter dinner sitting on my counter. As long as I don't have Drink #1, I am good. But Drink #1 turns into Drink #2,3...
                How about we commit to the next 3 days without booze? I will if you will!
                [MENTION=23871]Susie45[/MENTION] Chuck out the wine!

                I almost think it makes it harder that you can go on and off for days at a time, rather than a full blown daily drinking that is steadily downhill with all the negatives that go with that kind of relapse. Right now you are in no man's land of a little bit bad but not terrible.

                A suggestion.....commit to six weeks takes six weeks for any drug to completely clear every cell of the body. Tell yourself....actually promise yourself, that if you do the six weeks you will re examine where you are at and decide THEN about the future.

                You are struggling because things aren't bad enough, don't wait until they are!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by Struggles 106 View Post
                  Hi all

                  I am back, after a disastrous lapse...and I don't think I need to go into how bad I feel.
                  I want to write more but I'm just too shaky at the moment.

                  So sorry to hear Ann. I am not on much but I think you have my email. {{{{hugs}}}}


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Just on a general note for those in early days of quitting, I found supplements VERY helpful. Here is a list of what helped me most.

                    Vitamin B
                    Glutamine.....twice daily stops brain fog and reduces cravings
                    Theanine with GABA .....reduces anxiety
                    Inisitol ......reduces anxiety and can be used as an alternative to GABA

                    Magnesium and zinc to replace what we have stripped from the body over years

                    Fish oil/EFA Helps repair nerve damage
                    Vitaman D3 (large dose 5000 iu daily) helps with sleep
                    Tryptophan and/or melatonin ..... helps with sleep (more short term than vit D3)


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by kuya View Post
                      [MENTION=23871]Susie45[/MENTION] Chuck out the wine!

                      I almost think it makes it harder that you can go on and off for days at a time, rather than a full blown daily drinking that is steadily downhill with all the negatives that go with that kind of relapse. Right now you are in no man's land of a little bit bad but not terrible.

                      A suggestion.....commit to six weeks takes six weeks for any drug to completely clear every cell of the body. Tell yourself....actually promise yourself, that if you do the six weeks you will re examine where you are at and decide THEN about the future.

                      You are struggling because things aren't bad enough, don't wait until they are!
                      Thank you kuya - I agree with you. Things aren't bad enough which makes this even harder. But I recognize the pattern and it doesn't change. I keep thinking it will have a different outcome but it doesn't. I actually came here with a goal of making it to 30 days. There...I said it....30 days. When I have one month sober under my belt I will re examine. I think just coming here is a step in the right direction. I had an Odoulls (spelling? non alcoholic beer). And I snacked on crackers. Both helped. Next dinner and going to bed early so Day 1 nearly complete!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Originally posted by Susie45 View Post
                        Thank you kuya - I agree with you. Things aren't bad enough which makes this even harder. But I recognize the pattern and it doesn't change. I keep thinking it will have a different outcome but it doesn't. I actually came here with a goal of making it to 30 days. There...I said it....30 days. When I have one month sober under my belt I will re examine. I think just coming here is a step in the right direction. I had an Odoulls (spelling? non alcoholic beer). And I snacked on crackers. Both helped. Next dinner and going to bed early so Day 1 nearly complete!
                        Another thing people don't realise is that drugs do not leave the body in an even manner. There is a rapid removal during the first day then a lull until the fourth day (when you have been crashing) then further 'blips' depending on the individual and their metabolism, state of health, fat etc.

                        That is why people sail along for a few days then have an AWFUL day as more toxin is dumped. They get disheartened because this dumping makes them crave to stop the feelings that go with it but it is a GOOD thing.

                        Treat these bad days as GOOD things.....they are simply showing you are shedding toxins....provided you don't drink you will NEVER have to relive that particular days again!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Originally posted by kuya View Post
                          Can you not use patches Neo so you only have to deal with alcohol?

                          My quit buddy quit both at the same time and he stays quit to this day BUT it is a big ask and although I admire that you NEVER give in I wonder if it is time to take a different approach.
                          IMO Patches are a gimmick because you haven't quit the addictive part nicotine which is out of your system in 3 days and is a boost for companies bottom line selling these. You can def breathe/feel the difference in 3-4 days. That being said I'm leaving cigs as an option this first month and focusing on the AL,but will see how I go


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by PanhandleKim View Post
                            Susie- I'm in!! Somehow it seems better just to have someone to share a goal with. I so understand about drink #1 turning into, for me, a couple of bottles. One drink is too many and hundred is never enough. Maybe just pour out that wine or have someone else do it if you feel like it might be too tempting. Thank you for sharing your plan and sharing a goal. I know tomorrow will be tough because I have a meeting with my boss that I anticipate may be a little stressful. I just have to anticipate those feelings and understand that although they may be uncomfortable, they're not going to kill me. Prayer I know will help also. We'll start again today...
                            It is nice to have a quit buddy. Ann....join us!
                            I am going to bed sober tonight. Day 1 is done!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Originally posted by kuya View Post
                              Another thing people don't realise is that drugs do not leave the body in an even manner. There is a rapid removal during the first day then a lull until the fourth day (when you have been crashing) then further 'blips' depending on the individual and their metabolism, state of health, fat etc.

                              That is why people sail along for a few days then have an AWFUL day as more toxin is dumped. They get disheartened because this dumping makes them crave to stop the feelings that go with it but it is a GOOD thing.

                              Treat these bad days as GOOD things.....they are simply showing you are shedding toxins....provided you don't drink you will NEVER have to relive that particular days again!
                              I had no idea...that's good to know. That helps to reframe what's going on chemically...


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Originally posted by Neo View Post
                                IMO Patches are a gimmick because you haven't quit the addictive part nicotine which is out of your system in 3 days and is a boost for companies bottom line selling these. You can def breathe/feel the difference in 3-4 days. That being said I'm leaving cigs as an option this first month and focusing on the AL,but will see how I go

                                Completely agree... they ARE a gimmick and eventually you have to quit nicotine.

                                I quit smoking 2 years ago ... 2 packs a day for 44 years... it was a nightmare! BUT I had solid sobriety for nearly 3 years already.

