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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Fellow Nesters

    Just a quick hello and then off to work. Haven't been here for a few days and so much is happening. Welcome to the Newbies who I will enjoy getting to know better.

    Hip, could I just say don't do it darl. It really is not worth it. It is just a fancy you're having. Glamming up a glass of champers!! No, No, No. Even if you do manage to have just the one, this seems to set the stage for more fancies later on and then you'll have to go through the mental arguments all over again.

    I'm starting day 6 again. I should be there with you as I think we started pretty much the same time but I have given in to those fancies a few times and had 'just the one'. Ha! Instead of thinking how glam 'one' glass would be just think how gross one bottle will be!!!

    This weekend we're are going to Queensland's georgeous Sunshine Coast. Our eldest son and dil will there for a wedding (they live on the other side of Australia and we haven't seen them for a whole year) and my 2 daughters and their bf's and our youngest son are all getting together. Soooo excited. I love having them all together. I really want this to be an af weekend for me so I can enjoy them properly and not be a lush or worse!!!

    Suns, haven't got much advice - I think my kids turned out pretty darn good eventually and so will yours with a mum like you. Unconditional love is what they need and they need to know they have that from you. I do feel for you going thru the terrible 2's with your teenagers.

    Anyways, love to you all. Mama, hang in there - you've certainly got a bit going on but al will never help you. Have a great day/night all
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Newbies Nest

      VERY happy to see you're going to stay here for a while yet, IJR!!!

      You know, it's funny you said that... when you step away from here, you seem to forget your core problem... it seems to be the same for me. At times I feel I really need a break from MWO - yet, it's only a matter of time before I realize I really still NEED to be here.

      Wishing you all the best... and that your honesty will pay off for both you and your son in the end! :l

      Oh.. and Coco...?
      You are the damn best looking penger I've ever seen! :H
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all,

        Jeez it was so busy last night at work.. I was exhausted by 11pm, then my son woke me up at 0530 this morning.. AAAARGH!!
        Well, i'm awake now and have the pleasure of going to Mediation this afternoon.. my ex does not know I am going - when I have tried to bring it up with him, he has talked me down, and said "we don't need to go as I let you have our son when you want".. this is soooo not true! only last weekend he sent me a text saying he was going to have our son full-time as he didnt want to see me as it hurt him too much! well, ive had enough.. i need someone to talk to about this, and to have some things put down in writing.. so he cannot use our son as blackmail anymore either..
        Wish me luck!
        Katie xxx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          Good luck Katie.. here in Ireland one cannot go to Mediation by themselves, she won't go cause the law is on her side anyhow, wife has not let me seen my son at all since the start of January, not even a picture.
          Wish you strength!
          A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


            Newbies Nest

            Good Job Katie.......
            IJR....I feel your pain in your posts and I wish I could help........

            mama is feeling better after being an idiot last night
            Thanks for all the sweet words of encouragement.............I am finally eating something and not so 'uggie" feeling....
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              Sunni....that is a beautiful picture of you....really....
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest


                I am sooooo sorry to hear that! That is awful! Despite my ex being a mean SOB to me.. I have never denied him access to our son.. this mediation is more for him to stop messing me around, and using our son as blackmail - I want him to be there for our son too, as I know how important father's are in a child's life.. not having one myself (apart from an evil step-dad but that's another story..) take care - maybe get some legal advice? I know nowadays the law is 50/50 with the father and mother.. it's all about both parents being in a child's life..

                Katie xx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Katie, yes its 50/50 everywhere else except Ireland, here its 3 hours supervised access per week if you pay a solicitor 2,500 euro.
                  But it's ok, I need to get myself organised and sorted out first and stop messing about, then I go in confidence.
                  Good luck oh and mama bear you are helping by just being here
                  A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


                    Newbies Nest

                    Katie - Good luck. I will be thinking about you!!

                    IJR - I am so sorry about your situation. It is not right. But, you are so wise to say to get yourself sorted out first. :l

                    Mama - Glad that you are able to eat. Why oh why do we do these things to ourselves?

                    Boy - do we have some beautiful women in this nest!!! It is nice to be able to put some faces with the names.

                    I am waiting for a call from my brother. We are picking him &his friend up from the airport. They are just getting in from their visit to Italy to visit my niece (his daughter). I'll be glad to get him and get back home & settled into the nest for the night.

                    Well....guess I'll go over & check out the pool. I heard that KTAB is skinny dipping.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nestlings!

                      Another bustling day in the Nest and in my home!!!
                      Hubby is spinning around like a Mini-cyclone here getting ready for his trip away,I am getting ready for work and getting the girls ready for school & Day Care...but always have time to pop in here...get my fix for the day!!!!

                      Katie-thinking of you and good luck girl! Let me know how you go with mediation!

                      Ijust- so sorry you are not being with your son..I can't imagine the pain that can cause? I have two brothers who have both had relationships split and lost children...their suffering was/is it is for the children! I have always therefore been very aware that the break down of a family is not fair on anyone! It is a difficult thing!
                      Sunni- thinking of you too!
                      Hippy- NO-No-No!!!!
                      Mama- you sound better, here's some velcro...I got extra because of my last slip! Ouch, when you slip off the twig, those splinter dang hurt don't they!!!!!!
                      Mazzie-hope your QLD trip is fantastic,fill us in when you get back!
                      Hi Liverbirdy-good pic! You too Nora!and of course Coco!!!
                      I would show mine, but I actually prefer my Medusa head at the seems to reflect my current state quite well LOL:H
                      Tranq- don't work/play too hard young man!
                      Check in later a this weekend will challenge me,I have no doubts..the thoughts are already there and its only 8am!urgh!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mediation cancelled

                        Hi all,

                        Just had a call.. the lady I was supposed to see for mediation is off sick! So they have had to reschedule me for end of May.. which kind of works out as its after the next court case so at least I will know what is happening with that...
                        So, now for a relaxing day with my son now I dont have to rush off anymore! yay!
                        Katie xx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Newbies Nest


                          I am SOOO glad you are here in the nest. Keep posting and keep talking.

                          Spam xx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all.

                            Katie, Lav, LiverBirdy, Nora (nice photo), Mama, Sunshine, Coco (also nice photo), Rusty, Emcee, Litre, Ijustrealised, Mazzie and Chicken.

                            THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALLLLLLL.

                            I can see I will be letting down more than just myself. So when I have a birthday toast tonight with my sparkling mineral water I will toast you all. I will not listen to the demon voice Lav.
                            Sunshine - thanks for the Thursday Sermon. You are right, it wont be just one - never is, never was..... And I will end up getting annoyed at not being able to have more.

                            So thank you all again. I WILL NOT DRINK TONIGHT. My resolution to you.

                            And thank you for the birthday wishes.

                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hippy Chick,

                              You sound so strong today! Congrats!!! I am so pleased for you.. you will feel amazing tonight and tomorrow guaranteed, knowing you got through a birthday AF!
                              Have a fab day,

                              Katie xxx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                WHOOOHOOOO HIPPPIEEEEEEEE!
                                Another EXTRA Happy Birthay to youuuuuu! :l Good gril! (Yes, I said gril - I'm cool like that)

                                Nora, oh, so glad you joined the 'reveal all' club (no.. not like Ktab) It's wonderful to see all your beautiful faces! Oh.. btw... I totally forgot to say in my offspring dilemma.... kitties are growing like weeds and are adorable!!!

                                Actually, my kitty buddy at the barn must have had her babies but I don't know where? But the belly has definitely gone wayyyyyy down.

                                Katie... you are taking things in stride - I'm so proud of you! Have you looked at the new flat yet?

                                Chickiedickiedoo... remember to make some time for yourself, too, in all that hustle and bustle, ok? Take good care of yourself while hubs is gone and stay away from the poison, ok?

                                Lav.. thinking of you - how are you holding up? :l

                                MamaBear... hope you're feeling heaps better by now! Hang on tight... if you keep falling off of here, we'll have to come up with a full body velcro suit for you!

                                Tranqabsent... where ARE ya????

                                Ok, almost bed time for this old girl. Been burning 11 huge piles of brush tonight *uggh* - all to make more room for pasture, since the impending barn will take up a bit of room of the current paddocks. Ohhhh.. and ... pssst... did I tell you??? My horses are coming home on MONDAY!! :happy: Oh, I can't wait!

                                Alright, I'll hop over to the pool, see if Ktab ever made it out!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

