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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good morning nesters & welcome back Lost Soul, This sure is a place where you can feel safe as no one here is better or worse than anyone else, We are all here for the same reasons, To try & beat our addictions & the crap that comes with it.

    Keep working at it Susie , it is hard, why we would we expect it not to be, but it can & will be done if you put the work in & implement an action plan for oneself.

    The wise have always known that no one can make much of there life until self-searching becomes a regular habit, Until we admit accept what we find,& until we patiently & persistently trie to correct what is wrong.

    Have a nice day folks.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by Lavande View Post
      Tony, sorry you are having such a hard time getting your Rx. I thought Antabuse was pretty much available everywhere.

      They are, generally, Lav but the production has been switched, in the UK from one company to another. The new company has bought the rights to a load of drugs but they do not have the required Government Licence to produce Antabuse and this cannot be sorted out overnight. Only one dose (200mg) is licensed in the UK so the whole country has, basically, run out!
      Honestly, you could not make this up!!! Long story short, I know I can get a supply and whilst all prescriptions are free in Scotland, paying for one supply from the US is worth it - I'll get a "shipping order" of 6 months worth and the Licence should be sorted by then!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by PanhandleKim View Post
        I'm wrapping up day 3 as well and working on that goal with you really helped me. Do you want to shoot for 3 more? I understand about the witching hour (s). Mine is around 5, right after work, until about 8. It seems to ease up somewhat after that. Started supplements again and that seems to help as well.
        Yes Kim! I am in! 3 more sober days it is. That will get us almost through the weekend. Let's do it!
        Last edited by Susie45; April 20, 2017, 04:33 AM.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Originally posted by NoraC View Post
          Hello nest. Just wanted to drop in and tell Kim and Susie - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
          Thank you! Baby steps but going in right direction.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Morning all - thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. Day 4 is here. I had the best sleep last night that I have had in awhile. Drinking makes me anxious and I will wake up in the night with guilt and remorse that keeps me awake. When I don't drink, I don't have any of those feelings and I just sleep. It is so nice to wake up before my alarm, feeling rested.
            Last edited by Susie45; April 20, 2017, 04:54 AM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              [MENTION=23871]Susie45[/MENTION] [MENTION=22328]PanhandleKim[/MENTION]

              Your doing just great.... looking forward to giving out a double 7 day prize soon!!!

              Remember that "witching hour" is only a short period in your day. I know it was easier for me to do this as I'm self-employed so I choose what I do and when, but I found switching my day around so I am busy through the worst time of day works very well...
              Last edited by tonyniceday; April 20, 2017, 04:56 AM.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Originally posted by mario View Post

                Keep working at it Susie , it is hard, why we would we expect it not to be, but it can & will be done if you put the work in & implement an action plan for oneself.

                The wise have always known that no one can make much of there life until self-searching becomes a regular habit, Until we admit accept what we find,& until we patiently & persistently trie to correct what is wrong.
                Thank you Mario - the one thing I do know from my years of sobriety is it does get easier! But only if I don't reach for drink #1. Finding my way back to that sober life is harder than I thought it would be. Just need to keep my focus and not overthink. One day at a time.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hello All,

                  Its a while since I came here. Nit feeling good now a days. Feel like depressed since last few days. Dont feel like having booze but just not happy... (
                  Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                  Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                  Rebooting ... done ...
                  Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
                    [MENTION=23871]Susie45[/MENTION] [MENTION=22328]PanhandleKim[/MENTION]

                    Your doing just great.... looking forward to giving out a double 7 day prize soon!!!

                    Remember that "witching hour" is only a short period in your day. I know it was easier for me to do this as I'm self-employed so I choose what I do and when, but I found switching my day around so I am busy through the worst time of day works very well...
                    Tony - Your comment really resonated with me because I'm self-employed too. Interestingly, I found that this control over my own schedule actually made it easier for me to drink and harder for me to quit. I'm embarrassed to think back on all the countless days where my "happy hour" started waaaayyy before 5pm. When I was at my worst, I would actually start drinking soon after everyone else had left the house in the morning. I'd drink all morning, sometimes trying to work, sometimes not. Based on the level of buzz I achieved, I'd know exactly what time I needed to stop drinking so I could sober up somewhat before anyone else got home that pm. Then I'd start in again when it was socially acceptable. Ugh... It almost makes me cry to think how bad things were.

                    I'm really glad you didn't have the same challenges, and even more glad that you found a way to get through your witching hour even though it wasn't a set time of day.

                    Susie and Kim - as others have mentioned and as you're discovering yourselves, whatever is your tricky time of day usually does pass fairly quickly. If you can do something else to keep yourselves busy and get past that time (sometimes as little as 15-30 minutes), the hours after that are often far easier in contrast. Whether it's taking a walk or playing a game on your phone or going to a movie - find things that you enjoy and that keep your attention off al, and you'll continue to tally the AF days!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by Rahulthesweet View Post
                      Hello All,

                      Its a while since I came here. Nit feeling good now a days. Feel like depressed since last few days. Dont feel like having booze but just not happy... (
                      Rahul!!! So glad to see you here. I was just thinking about you. I remember you from my time here back in 2014, and have been wondering if you're still posting on any of the threads.

                      Sorry to hear you're feeling unhappy. Are there parts of your plan that can help you work through this? Anything you want to talk about? As you know, sometimes just reading through some of the threads here can be very helpful. For now, sending you good thoughts, support, and a hug :hug: Wags


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Went for a walk during the witching hour. Then grocery store. Then cashews. It all seems to have done the trick. Although I think the cashews cancelled out the calories I burned on walk. At least no booze!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy birthday Ava! And you get to spend it with your Mum.......lucky you!!!!

                          Rahul, nice to see you around, and hope your funk works itself out


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Rahul, Im sorry you are feeling low. Have you stopped or started any new medications by chance? I started taking an over active bladder med (I know, TMI) but I had the rare side effect of severe depression. It was awful! I hope that whatever is the cause will pass soon. Glad you came to us to talk about it. Even sober people have blue spells.
                            Keep it going everyone! Being sober is the best gift I have ever given myself.
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi all
                              I'm here & sober but my head still feels like spaghetti - honestly if I could bottle this feeling & take a dose of it before drinking - I would not drink! I guess that would be what you would be doing if you play out drinking thoughts?
                              Thankyou so much for for your support & help x

                              Hi Rahul, sorry you are feeling down I think you did the right thing reaching out & send a big hug & hope you feel better soon x Huge congratulations to you on your sobriety x

                              Kim, no worries - I mentioned Belfast because it's the capital but honestly there is so many nice places further afield x Aw that's really kind of you to say. I think you get everything with me lol!

                              Susie, I think your managing really well & definitely think holding tight to past sober time can be a great tool x

                              Wags, thankyou so much for that link - I find that really exciting and it's really nice to read about that lady's work & also her enthusiasm about the human brain! When I really think about it, I think our brains are really amazing and it's such a exciting area of science & there is still so much that we don't know! Such opportunity for learning x

                              Thankyou so much
                              Wishing all a safe and sober now Friday
                              To see a world in a grain of sand
                              And a heaven in a wildflower.
                              Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                              And eternity in an hour.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters!

                                Great to see everyone checking in & making progress!

                                Rahul, good to see you. Checking in when you're feeling a little blue is a good thing. We're here to listen :hug:

                                I'm just going to wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

