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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good on you ladies [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], [MENTION=22328]PanhandleKim[/MENTION] and [MENTION=23871]Susie45[/MENTION] for getting over that hump and getting it behind you.

    Kensho - I get intermittent migraines and have found hydrotherapy to be helpful. After running through my checklist of food, water, caffeine and Excedrin the next step is to jump in the shower and let the hot water run directly over where I feel the tension on my head, my neck and shoulders. Gives me chills but calms down the pain. Not sure if that is helpful/something your already aware of.

    Ava - Happy birthday!
    “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

    "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

    Newbies Nest
    Newbies Nest Roll Call
    Cattleman Cafe


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I was looking thru some photos I took while I was in New Orleans week before last. About half of our sales team drink heavily. As you know, I am the AL Police, I DO notice how much people are drinking. I thought that maybe they were just having a night to howl, but then I rememebered that being able to drink 8 or 9 drinks in an evening isnt a '0ne off' that is called TOLERANCE. Take a look at this picture and see if you notice what I noticed:
      Yes, the lady hadnt finished the glass she was drinking before ordering the next. Like me when I was in the thick of my drinking, it was unthinkable to sit with an empty glass. Notice also that our food hadnt come yet. Addiction is just awful.....I remember those obsessive thoughts all too well. Thats what ONE drink brings back to us. Who needs that? Who WANTS that again? We worked too hard to get here to go back for a moment's pleasure.
      Please dont hesitate to call me or text if you feel wobbly, Ill do my best to help! Hugs to you, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Thank you lovely Byrdie. I actually did consider texting you last night! But posting does wonders... to put it out there and have someone say, "I hear you, I even struggle with you, we will both be ok". Thanks also to PAN, PAV and TONY - I really, really needed your responses. :happy2: Thanks ORIMUS, I'll try a shower now - sounds so good. My family said I looked like crap this morning, so I think I have legitimately earned a nice hot shower. They want their mama/wife back. RAHUL, I forgot to tell you that it was so nice to hear from you. It's always great to get your check-in posts! You all da' best! :heartbeat:
        Last edited by KENSHO; April 22, 2017, 03:52 PM.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Originally posted by Rahulthesweet View Post
          Hello Byrdie, Lav, wagmor,
          Thanks for showing concern. No medication. Doing less cycling, too much coffee 5 to 6 cups a day, bad diet snd ice cream.

          I an cutting these down and lets see
          Sorry to read you are feeling low Rahul. I know I went through a VERY flat period after about two years was probably caused by my heavy smoking that was messing with my body chemistry.

          I agree with folks here that better to eat badly and stay sober BUT I am hearing you and think you are saying that you are really getting depressed by it. THAT is more serious and must be addressed.

          Coffee and lots of sugar (ice cream, junk food) mess up your blood sugar. May I suggest you take a look at this site Diet Doctor - Making low carb simple

          NS put me onto it a year ago and it has turned my health around. I don't crave junk any more and have lost tons of weight but, most importantly it has stabilised my moods.

          In the meantime get some glutamine and take it when you crave sugar or icecream.

          Have you tried decaffeinated coffee? Even if you replaced 3 or 4 of your coffees with decaf it would help.

          The truth is that sugar addiction lies at the root of many people's addiction to alcohol and if not addressed can be a factor in relapse.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Somehow we've gotten back into cold & damp weather here, ridiculous!
            I have piles of winter clothes & piles of spring clothes in my room - don't know which to put away, ha ha!

            Kensho, good to see you are OK.
            I developed a nasty sugar habit when I first quit drinking but learned here that I could manage that with some L-Glutamine. it really worked & haven't had to bother with it since. Now, if I could find something to cut the salt cravings....
            Taking the option of drinking completely off the table was a big help for me. I made a promise to myself & I have kept that promise

            kuya, decaf coffee & tea have become my new best friends

            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

            Last edited by Lavande; April 22, 2017, 07:50 PM.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              It's been a good and busy day. It's 9:30 pm here and this is practically the first time I've sat down since getting up this morning. It's helped me keep the focus off of wanting wine. It's really cool in the Texas Panhandle tonight and I'm drinking coffee and watching our fire. It feels good to be sober right now. Susie, do you want to set a goal for another 3 days? Today was day six...

              Goodnight to all-
              Last edited by PanhandleKim; April 22, 2017, 09:41 PM.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Everyone,
                I have been talking about my quit today with a few people. Its been 3 years since I quit drinking. I told everyone that the biggest help for me to quit was My Way Out. All you people here really helped me stay sober, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

                Kensho, hang in there, we will be ok

                Kuya, I have been following Diet Doctor for a couple of years now. It is awesome. I have gotten so much information from that website and it really has turned my health around. Good eating goes with being sober...although I do have my moments. It is tough to abstain from sugar all the time. Right No Sugar?
                Lav, that is a good reminder about the LGlut. I know that helps, maybe I should pick some up since I have been having trouble abstaining from sugar.

                Anyway, I am posting because I missed you all and I need to keep coming back so I can stay sober. This website saved my life.

                Have a great sober night everyone

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good morning nesters.

                  Nice to see the nest bubbling with folks sharing, it certainly helps the person & certainly should help the folks reading it, We are not alone here we all walk together.

                  Nobody entirely escapes temptation, You must expect it & be ready for it when it comes, None of us is entirely safe from it, We must always try & keep up our defences that is why its a good move to have your plan & goals each day, to help you get over the first big huddles, which do get smaller & easier as you progress further.

                  Its also good you recognise the temptation when it comes , That's why its also a good idea to read the tool box & put the knowledge you find there into action, Its no point in having all this knowledge & not putting the work in, There is know miracle's here.

                  Have a good day folks.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    A huge congratulations Nar on 3 years. Another success story and so proud of you. Sending a big Aussie hug. xxx

                    Had a fam night last night. we are a family of fam night partiers and i did feel that i would have liked a drink to be "in" but as i said to one of my sons friends, i could have just one that night, then the next time think "oh i had one before so i've got this under control" and so the story continues until i would be back to where i was 3 plus years ago. I dont have uncontrollable urges/cravings now but the thought sometimes crosses my mind. I am lucky that i have my children who understand that situations like this make me edgy so they have my back. Mind you they dont stop drinking but that is their choice. The night was fun and i can do anything sober now. They all woke with hangovers and i woke up tired. Tired i can do.

                    No work tomorrow or Tuesday so a long restful weekend.

                    Take care x
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters,
                      it's been a long time.. I've been reading now and again, getting inspiration, celebrating milestones and birthdays and small/big steps forward with all of you, but silently. I have been mostly not drinking the past weeks.. but have "kept the door open", feeling I didn't have the strength or the will to deal with life. Same story, years later.. I always get to the point where enough is enough and though I have been less destructive than in the past, drinking is always destructive to my body, mind and soul. To be honest, I don't know how this is supposed to work for me. None of my plans have worked when it comes down to the nitty gritty.. and obviously I haven't taken drinking completely off the table, even though I really thought I had. Now I'm taking each day as it comes.. with new eyes, trying not to get caught up in the fact that I've begun like this each and every time. I'm trying not to make too many "rules" for myself because I seem to be someone who likes to break rules.. even when I set them for myself and they are in my best interest.
                      I have the next 3-4 weeks at home to recover after a successful surgery.. I am on day 4 of not drinking and am quite set up for taking care of myself and allowing myself to heal.

                      I've missed all of you here..
                      Lav, I thought of you a lot on your 8 year anniversary.. congratulations!
                      and great job, Kim and Susie, on the first week..
                      Nar, Congratulations on 3 years!
                      Happy Birthday, Ava!

                      Great stuff being posted here, as always.. I'd like to be one who sticks around through good and bad. I'm sure I have it somewhere in me.. I finally sat myself down to meditate this morning, which I've been procrastinating doing. This always brings me back to the essence of who I am. And I find I can really accept and love that person. On the contrary, when I drink, I hate myself. Clear as day.
                      :hug: and a restful Sunday to all..
                      Last edited by lifechange; April 23, 2017, 05:23 AM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Originally posted by PanhandleKim View Post
                        It's been a good and busy day. It's 9:30 pm here and this is practically the first time I've sat down since getting up this morning. It's helped me keep the focus off of wanting wine. It's really cool in the Texas Panhandle tonight and I'm drinking coffee and watching our fire. It feels good to be sober right now. Susie, do you want to set a goal for another 3 days? Today was day six...

                        Goodnight to all-
                        Hi Kim - I am back to day 1. But I would like to set another goal for 3 days. I caved last night at a birthday celebration. Really not an excuse. But I am getting back on the horse. I hate to disappoint my QB! Sorry.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Well not sure what happened to me last night. We were at a birthday celebration and had wine. Ugh. At the time it seemed like a good idea but of course today, I feel badly. I think part of my problem is that my drinking hasn't been awful. It's not great -Not going to sugar coat it but it isn't awful so I rationalize it.
                          But I am here and addressing the problem. I can't dwell on yesterday. Today is a new day and I will not drink today.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by mario View Post
                            Good morning nesters.

                            Nice to see the nest bubbling with folks sharing, it certainly helps the person & certainly should help the folks reading it, We are not alone here we all walk together.

                            Nobody entirely escapes temptation, You must expect it & be ready for it when it comes, None of us is entirely safe from it, We must always try & keep up our defences that is why its a good move to have your plan & goals each day, to help you get over the first big huddles, which do get smaller & easier as you progress further.

                            Its also good you recognise the temptation when it comes , That's why its also a good idea to read the tool box & put the knowledge you find there into action, Its no point in having all this knowledge & not putting the work in, There is know miracle's here.

                            Have a good day folks.
                            Thank you Mario - I will check out the tool box.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi all, I'm back. who ever has the butt velcro, can you pass it my way? In a rush right now, but will check in later.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi all, still here & sober but physically and mentally exhausted so just trying to get through day to day stuff until I feel stronger x
                                Wonderful to see such strong posts & support for each other - I am benefiting aloft by just reading in itself x
                                Susie I am so sorry you drank :hug: glad you are still here & determined to beat AL - we can do this & even moreso - it is worth it x

                                Thanks Pav x I have a few ideas & know exactly & will have a think (when my heads a bit cleared) if I can action anything to help in future. Balance I think is the key for me x

                                Wishing all a safe and sober Sunday Sunday

                                Ps good to see you back posting LC :hug:
                                To see a world in a grain of sand
                                And a heaven in a wildflower.
                                Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                                And eternity in an hour.

