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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Evening nesters

    Lovely to see you pop in Matt. That is a shock about your friend who relapsed. I am petrified of that but i cant live my life afraid of relapse. All i can do is stay accountable each and everyday and always have a plan up my sleeve. We are/can be sneaky with regards to al but at the end of the day the one we hurt are ourselves and our loved ones. I hope he comes out the other side and live his life without al again. My teacher was saying he had been sober for 20 years and relapsed for 7 years. I have not asked why as its enough that he spoke but his wife left him which gave him the wake up call again that he needed. He said he tells his story in the hope that we will think before we do.

    It has been a cold winters day here and now i am over it already. If i could only hibernate for 3 months then i would be happy.

    Glad you are staying positive LC. Compared to drinking every day is a good day even if it is bad.

    Great work on day 8 Kim, i never realised how much planning went into my drinking daily until i stopped. Lying and justifying why i deserved a drink at the end of each and everyday was tiring emotionally.

    Take care x
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning all, sunny and warm again today. Gonna reach 85F today, crazy for April.
      Got another ride in yesterday, 15 miles, but with many more hills. Feeling a little tired and sore today, but better than a hangover.
      Exercise is one of the big tools I’m using to keep from drinking, so far so good.
      LC, I took a play from your plan and sat on a bench overlooking a lake after my ride, so calming.

      Wags, great to here, you got a ride in! hope those injuries heal fast for you. It’s so frustrating not to be in good health, so why do I pour poison down my throat. Ugh!

      Hypernova, great to hear of your riding as well! Let’s go together!

      What a scary story Matt! Just proves that we must always be vigilant.
      Hi to everyone else, I’d list ya, but I know I’d forget someone!
      Mr V


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by available View Post
        Compared to drinking every day is a good day even if it is bad.
        Love this AVA! So true.

        That said, today is hard. Not because of alcohol - just feeling tired, unmotivated, and tired of feeling sick. It's been a week of migraines - or a virus - or ?? A bit depressed here. I'm sure it will lift, but I'm just not interested in people's drapery right now. Hoping to make progress in the nutrition field today, have a consult with a muscle testing practitioner to get answers.

        Anyway, not to be a downer, just sharing me today. Hope for positive vibes for all!

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Kensho :hug:
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Re: Newbies Nest

            I'm so beat I'm heading straight for bed..
            see you all in the morning..
            Kensho, :hug: from me, too..


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Holy crap Matt! That is a really scary story! Yes, we need to stay vigilant. This could happen to any of us, that AL mind comes in and talks to us in a 'logical' manner. Sleeping is bad for you so have a nightcap. I can see that happening so easy.
              All these people that I met last week were talking about a 'booze fast' and how they could take a break and then drink again. I know that was playing with my AL mind because I began thinking that maybe I could do that. Drink for 11 months and quit for 1 or drink for 1 month and quit for a week and then do it again. Anyway, once I realized these thoughts were creeping into my brain I started posting here right away. I have 3 years of sobriety- geez, that is a three year fast so I should be able to drink a bit now and then quit again. Scary thoughts which are still there and that is why I am here. I do not want to go back to drinking, I cannot moderate not matter what my AL brain is telling me right now.
              I will wake up and exercise tomorrow early in the morning, MrV, I agree that exercise is good.

              Big hugs from me Kensho.
              xo Life
              Ava- a day without drinking is a good day.

              talk later everyone.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Quick check in here, too.
                Matt, what a tale. I have a friend who relapsed after 10 years, FOR 10 yers. What an awful time for her. I try and take these cautionary tales onboard and learn from them. Maybe I wont have to learn this the hard way!
                Kensho, I hope you feel better, gentle hugs.
                Susie, Pan, LC, Narilly, great to see you active and posting!
                Hope everyone has an easy evening. Byrdie
                Last edited by Byrdlady; April 26, 2017, 07:30 PM.
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  The clouds finally departed after dinnertime & the sun came out right before it was time to set for the day - what a tease, ha ha!
                  it was a good day anyway, no AL obsessing or anything like that

                  Kensho, I sure hope you can track down the source of your pain. Have you seen a neurologist or tried Imitrex? My daughter has had some trouble with migraine-like pain lately (showing up as jaw/tooth pain but nothing wrong with the tooth). Imitrex helped her.

                  Matt, sorry about your friend, that's sad. I really think we humans are only designed to absorb so much of that horrendous stuff. We all having a breaking point I suppose. I hope he is going to be OK & you too!

                  Greetings to everyone & wishing for a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, Gang:

                    A busy nest. Love it.

                    Narilly - I hear you. I was posting less and less and decided that I was romanticizing drinking again - one of the signs of a relapse. It freaked me out when someone I had quit near in time started drinking again. Byrdie and NoSugar assured me that just because someone else did it, didn't mean I did it. I did read a lot about recognizing the signs of a relapse, however. There is a lot to find on the internet about it, but here's a quick link for those of you interested. Drug and Alcohol Relapse Happens In Three Stages

                    Matt - great to see you! Sorry about your friend, and I am glad he can talk to you.

                    Hyper - that is pretty near my list of my favorite things, too. I would add a delicious meal, but that goes without saying around here (my house that is).

                    NS - Always a way with words. I actually can't believe that I struggled so long to KEEP DRINKING. I tried just about every rule and scenario I could think of - time off; timing my drinks; changing what I drank - all of it. What a RELIEF (Kensho!) to stop thinking about it all of the time. What a relief.

                    Off to get the young one on track with his homework. Sigh.

                    Happy SOBER Hump Day, all.



                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      A quick late night post in the nest...finished day nine on a busy note. Preparing to leave town in the morning to accompany my daughter to the state art competition. Will be spending next four days between San Antonio and Austin. I absolutely love Austin but it's a city I've spent a lot of time drinking in. Asking for prayers and well wishes to get through trip AF. This will be the last trip I take with my daughter while she's in high school - she graduates next month - I don't want there to be any memories of mom falling into the bottle. I'm not sure what my schedule will be but it helps me so much to post and read everyone else's posts, that I'm really going to try and check in from time to time.

                      Kensho - prayers that tomorrow will find you feeling better.

                      Susie - looking forward to us getting through this weekend sober.

                      In a hurry but goodnight to all...



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good Thursday Morning Nesters,

                        It's sunny here today, but freezing cold! Just had to make a warm water bottle..

                        Kim sending you strength for the next 4 days. I would keep in mind exactly what you said, "I don't want there to be any memories of mom falling into the bottle". Focus hard on that and on making the next 4 days solely about your daughter and this being your last trip together. I think I would also plan ahead by imagining the places you might go where you feel you could be tempted to drink and do it differently.. in your mind first. There are bound to be lots of yummy alternatives! And do check in here.. we are all right with you, supporting you and praying for your safety!:hug:

                        Had a lovely mini road trip yesterday.. just a bit under 2 hours out of town, a walk around a beautiful lake, tons of bird watching and spying from a distance on the house my friend is hoping she'll get. It was so nice to get into nature. Berlin is a fairly green city with a lot of parks, even fairly large ones, but getting into the woods is an entirely different story and something I need to do much more often. I miss that about living in the States.. it was much more accessible (at least where I lived) than it is here.
                        I'm so pleased about how well my plan is working. I'm sure that at some point I'll need to look a bit more into the future. And I will have to deal with more stress when I get back into work, family, the balancing act of real life. I'm in a bubble right now, only responsible for caring for myself. And my sick cats (they got into something they shouldn't have!).
                        So today, I am 100% sure that I will not drink no matter what and no matter who! I will take care of myself by eating well, meditation.. keeping in mind all that I have to be grateful for, not worrying about the things I have no control over.
                        So far, so good.

                        Wishing you all a good one!
                        See you this evening.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good morning nesters, all of you.

                          Being around for a while now in recovery, just over 8 years, ,Sometimes I tend to forget how hard it is to get clean & sober . I myself don't ever think about drinking or taking any other drugs , that obsession is relived & for me my job now is to pass what I learned on. It can be a bit rough knowing that some people are going to get it & some are not.

                          We all want the newcomer's to succeed , Sometimes here & other fellowships I involved in I see so many folks coming in & going out & coming back in again that it seems we are failing, I remember a few years ago I was helping a lad in recovery, I was doing everything for him, going to gyms, getting him work driving him places and I even missed going home to Ireland for Christmas as he had no one, But on the the 24th of December he went back on the drink & left me fuming angry & confused.

                          I learned from that that I cant engineer anyone's sobriety, whether they drink or not is for them to decide, only them. So if it ever comes across that those of us with lots of clean time under our belts come across as preachy , Please understand its only because we want you to stick around & find out what we have discovered , Recovery from this is possible, give yourself a chance.

                          have a good day folks & keep on sharing as you not alone .

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters - went to bed sober last night and I really love that feeling of curling up in bed, knowing that I will sleep well and wake up without a hangover. I have to remember that next time I get an urge to drink. Going to bed sober is the best.
                            I am feeling a renewed sense of balance and peace. Hoping to sticks around. Happy Thursday all. Thanks again for all the encouragement!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              24hrs sober for me after ANZAC week screwup and anxiety kicked in tonight during tea. nothing 5mg of valium won't fix. Having full shave and shower to celebrate and feel better and should of done that first b4 val. Always good food even when drinking so should be a quick recovery. Can't wait for red face to calm down. First target is 2 weeks .Had coffee and gives me jitters and only drink it with cig.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Originally posted by Susie45 View Post
                                Good morning Nesters - went to bed sober last night and I really love that feeling of curling up in bed, knowing that I will sleep well and wake up without a hangover. I have to remember that next time I get an urge to drink. Going to bed sober is the best.
                                I am feeling a renewed sense of balance and peace. Hoping to sticks around. Happy Thursday all. Thanks again for all the encouragement!
                                Yes Suzie....I missed that's been a while I haven't drink and become sobber...

