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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good Sunday evening Nesters,

    Glad to see the site back up & running although it looks like we have lost some posts in the process.

    I hope everyone is OK & wishing a safe night in the next for all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters!
      I sure don't like it when I can't sign on here!!
      Everything is well.. yeah, Lav, it does look like we lost some posts..

      I'm off to a farm today to get some plants for my balcony and to just spend the day. 1 May is a holiday here so it's quiet.
      My plan is the same as it has been the past week+.. I will not drink today no matter what and no matter who! I foresee and easy and relaxing day.. let's see what it brings.

      Big hugs to all! Wishing you a good Un-Hung Monday.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good morning nesters - a sober weekend = a feel good Monday morning. Happy to have made it through a full week, no booze. It's May which means summer is favorite season. Kim - how was the rest of your weekend? Have a great day all!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Morning, Nesters!
          Glad to see MWO back on its feet. I must say, that even at this stage of the game, moving along without MWO felt funny, even for a day. All my friends hang out here!

          What a shame we lost several posts, I can't imagine the sicko's that go around hacking computers. If there isn't, I hope a website springs up for people who engage in those practices.

          LifeChange, your post several days ago made me think about my drinking life and lying. As betrayed as you feel (for totally different reasons, I'm sure), it made me take a step back to how my hubs must have felt when I lied to him about my drinking. It made me remember back to the days he would ask me if I'd already started and I would assure him I hadn't. I lied so much about drinking and I didn't realize how much it was hurting him at the time. He was the picture of tolerance and patience....until he had had enough. I hate that it got to that point, but as NS says, Time is the great healer and we rarely speak of those awful days now. Yesterday was Day 2300 for me and he is proud of me. That is priceless and makes all the uncomfortable struggles I had worth it. Thank you for your post.

          Wags, what a beautiful story of loss and recovery. I'm so glad you found your treasures.

          Wishing everyone a strong week! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Glad we're up and running again. If anyone posted a request for help and/or support that was lost, please re-post so we can reach out to you! Hopefully everyone is feeling strong and solid.

            Happy Monday everyone!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi everybody!
              Well, I made it past the 90 day mark. Before I checked into treatment, I made a plan to go 90 days before I had a drink again. Which means, of course, that on day 91 I planned on drinking! pffffft. The things we tell ourselves when we're in active addiction are so ridiculous. Or maybe I should just speak for myself? I was totally ridiculous. Happy to say, day 91 came and went and now I can go back to ignoring how many days since my last drink and just focus on dealing with today's stuff. I'm still cleaning up some of the messes I made when I was in active addiction (again, ugh) and some of 'em I can't face yet. But today? Well, I can get on here and read what others have done, and are doing, to stay contentedly sober. And take the small but necessary steps to get there myself.

              Congrats on your week+, [MENTION=23871]Susie45[/MENTION] and [MENTION=22328]PanhandleKim[/MENTION]. And to the others making milestones, too.

              Which reminds me, [MENTION=8463]mario[/MENTION], what kind of meditation do you do?
              [MENTION=16547]kuya[/MENTION], after reading your post (oh, eons ago on this thread!) about sugar and linking to the website that [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] turned you on to, I have decided to seriously evaluate and manage my food intake. I don't feel well a lot of the time, and I can't figure out why. The details are boring, especially since I don't know what's going on or what the solution is yet. But sugar is a culprit, regardless of whether or not it's THE culprit. So thanks for that link, and thanks, NS, too.

              Congrats Byrdie on TWENTY THREE HUNDRED DAYS!!! Holy cow. That's cool. And fun that it's not a "normal" number. I'm looking forward to being able to say something like that. Thanks for coming right back on y'all and being here for all the Newbs and the old timers alike. I'm talking to you, Lav, Ava, NS, Wags, (and sorry to the ones I've left off!). Really appreciate your thoughtful words, peeps.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                Hi everybody!
                Well, I made it past the 90 day mark. Before I checked into treatment, I made a plan to go 90 days before I had a drink again. Which means, of course, that on day 91 I planned on drinking! pffffft. The things we tell ourselves when we're in active addiction are so ridiculous. Or maybe I should just speak for myself? I was totally ridiculous. Happy to say, day 91 came and went and now I can go back to ignoring how many days since my last drink and just focus on dealing with today's stuff. I'm still cleaning up some of the messes I made when I was in active addiction (again, ugh) and some of 'em I can't face yet. But today? Well, I can get on here and read what others have done, and are doing, to stay contentedly sober. And take the small but necessary steps to get there myself.
                I am so proud of you, my good friend.

                Take Care.
                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Got to add my congrats to Byrdie!!!!!!!!!!!! 2300 DAYS!!!!!! OK.....I now have to aim!!! But after today only 2200 days to equal such an impressive period AF.
                  Your husband is right to be proud of your accomplishment!!



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Congratulations Brydie! 2300 days is quite an accomplishment! Very inspirational!

                    Had a good sober Monday. No drinking thoughts, thank goodness. I seemed to have put those thoughts in a pocket for the moment.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Well done, Ne! Here is your 3 month trophy!! :three: GREAT JOB (and thank you for the kind words!). Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Happy 2300 Byrdie! You are a rock star... well done my friend. Still feeling kind of yucky. Trying to sort it all out. But I still have you guys, and my family and friends and a job... the weather is getting nicer too. I'm sure it will all get worked out. Sorry to be brief; thinking of you all!

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          morning nesters

                          Much love Byrd on your 2300 days. What an inspiration you are to myself and many others, im plodding along quite happily behind you and always will but without your help and guidance i would not be where i am today.

                          I hope you are ok Kensho and keep checking in. Life throws us some curve balls but we will get through them.

                          Today i went to my addiction counsellor and its definitely helping me along. I was telling her the other night at my fam get together that i forgot to stock up on drinks for me. The urge/thought of having 1 was great but luckily i am strong in my quit to know that is total stupidity on my part. I also learnt that night to never be without a plan, even after 3+ years i could have relapsed and so it was a lesson learnt. Now to give up the smokes and then i will be able to move more forward than i am now. Life to me now is about taking care of number 1 so i can fully take care of the other important people in my life.

                          I have a sick son so off to the drs with him and to play mummy. Even at 23 they need their mum's. In times gone by a day off work would mean a day of drinking and planning when to start and how much to buy and hoping it would last and should i really just get three bottles so i would not be as anxious. Remembering all of that is tiring to say the least.

                          Take care x
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Anyone else have a significant other that deemed them as "used to be more fun" now that they are not drinking, and did it work itself out?

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Originally posted by Susie45 View Post
                              Good morning nesters - a sober weekend = a feel good Monday morning. Happy to have made it through a full week, no booze. It's May which means summer is favorite season. Kim - how was the rest of your weekend? Have a great day all!
                              Susie- the rest of the weekend was great but crazy busy. I think that's probably good. I'm so glad your weekend was good and we're off to a good start for this week. One AF day at a time.

                              Byrdie congratulations! Thank you for being an inspiration to us all.

                              Goodnight everyone and wishing everyone a sober Tuesday.



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Kensho, i didnt have a significant other but other people have told me that i was more fun when i drank and to just have one as i will be okay. My care factor of their opinion is zero as i am so much happier in myself than i ever was. I value my health very much and i was killing myself by drinking. i tell them i cannot and will not drink. The first year of being sober is a year of growing and getting over the need/want for al. I found the 2nd year was a year of emotional growth where i could deal with how i was feeling and acknowledgement.

                                How you deal with hubs's attitude is up to you both but remember no one is worth drinking AT or FOR.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

