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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi I am new to the site joined today. I am really worried about my drinking habits of late. I find it worst when I am at work of all places !! Im ashamed to admit that but for the first time ever I have admitted it !!! I am bored with my job and do not have an adult conversation for hours.. I am feeling somewhat unworthy . but my body is starting to feel like S**t I have a rash all over my lower back and some mornings am vomitting bile. I would like your help and support to help me.
    P X


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters!!
      Funny SS!!!!
      Welcome Patsy...this is a wonderful site to be on...very supportive...I'm no doctor so I have no idea about the throwing up bile...doesn't sound good though....hopefully someone else here will know more about that...sorry! Everyone here is so kind and nonjudgemental...and very helpful!! So welcome!!

      I hope everyone to come has a wonderful FRIDAY THE 13th!!!!! I'm so glad I fly out tomorrow...not that I'm scared or, a little!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Newbies Nest

        Hi, I haven't posted on this thread before. I loved the eagle joke. Thanks Sunshine_gg. I have been reading all over this site and I am curious, I hope you don't mind me asking but is your avitar a picture of you?

        Mrs. S.
        Mrs. Swino
        AF since 2/9/2009!!
        Working toward 90 day goal!
        Then I don't know..
        and then I'll hate wine...Ya, that's the ticket...


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Patsy and MrsSwino - welcome to the nest! Pull up a twig and find a comfy corner

          SD.. you lucky DUCK (hahaha) - sigh.. really wish I could escape winter for a few days - I'm SO jealous! I've got my voodoo doll ready... holding a match under its butt.... watch out for sun burns! :H

          Yes, MrsSwino, after my last disastrous decision to 'have A drink' I felt that I would be more accountable by actually showing my face. My resolve and will power really sucks at times and I need to create as many things possible to help keep me straight.

          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest


            Hello my little ones....gonna be a quick appearance as I'm gonna crash in the nest shortly. I didn't go into work today as last night was baaaad....the headache continued to get worse and I couldn't take any meds for, laying in bed with an ice pack covering my eyes, I tried to sleep...not much luck...called dr this a.m. and was given permission to take only Tylenol....never been so excited for a tylenol....gotta rest up for tomorrow's double shift, but grateful for a chance to rest up today. Welcome to the newbies, very happy to have you......have a wondeful weekend all....I'll 'be myself' when all this stuff is over...around to ya later...


              Newbies Nest

              "Mornin Y'all,

              Another day in the books. Feeling great! I have never been one much for computer stuff, but I am finding that I look forward to visiting with our fellow nesters. We all share something very personal and I think that brings us together. I am finding this very helpful. I am about to go to work now. I'll be on the road over the wknd, but most hotels have free wireless. I'm too chirp I mean cheap to pay for it. I'll see you on the road. God Bless!

              Patsy33, I am in my first week here. I am very much a newbie. I know about the bile thing all too well. Waking up hungover day after day realizing what I am doing to myself well, that created alot of anxiety that would cause me to gag and viola, bile. Gross. You will find the nest a warm, soothing place. Good Luck!

              Luv Y'all


                Newbies Nest

                sdlovespackers;542149 wrote: Ent- Sounds like you have gone through lots of physical and emotional/mental trauma...can't say I have been through the extent you have...mine was very short lived and not by a parent...but I know, I too wanted to just numb those feelings...of why me? why did I deserve that? was I so unlovable??? Honestly, it wasn't/isn't us...they are sick....and you being a child, it was even easier to convince you, it was your's never a child's fault. You were robbed of a happy, healthy childhood...getting through the emotional part of what happened is so hard but truly an AMAZING will be so HAPPY you did...I honestly think it is the ONLY reason I have been able to start on this journey of kicking alcohol....i don't have to hide anymore...I AM HAPPY AND I AM FREE---OF BEING SCARED ALL THE TIME!!!!
                To the rest of you have a wonderful week...will be checking in daily...may not always write, but I'm always reading....almost 2 weeks and have not been drunk...been modding with success!!!!!!!!!that's so true. i try to remember that but sometimes i just sink into my hole and forget it all and drink. I need to constantly remember myself of that. We're all great people and we deserve more . For no misstakes to be made, my mother were great to me mostly though, i just wanted a loving father. I see movies with such subjects (click for a example) and it still makes me sad and weepyish. Cause it's a father who realised he's wronged his family and realise that's the most important thing.

                within;542168 wrote:
                Ent...let it out. Thats why we are here. I think for me just allowing me to be me is difficult. Drinking helps me cope with that. The more practice we have with being ourselves..I hope the easier it will be. so say what you gotta say!:goodjob:
                I'm constantly amazed by how great and spiritminded people i find here, that's exactly how i've felt. I just drink sometimes because i feel like the younger and more social self. I find that only then can i really connect with myself. :l. It just makes me so damn sad though, i'm so scared i might turn into him. I want to be able to tell people how i really feel without feeling so awkward and uncomfortable. Telling people really positive thing shouldn't be hard. I can do it but i sound so academic and sterile when i tell people such things, so the whole message get lost in it all :sorry:

                I were uncomfortable to return since what i wrote were a bit mushy, but i didn't drink for 3 days after that and it really did me good actually. Life is better without alcohol. I did drink yesterday and today though, makes me so sad.


                  Newbies Nest

                  I hear you totally---I seem to let my guard down when drinking...feelings just come out more easily...I'm not so 'protected' by my words if that makes 'in the box' with my thoughts....they seem more that the word???? But I know what you mean...the hurt surfaces...where sober it is sooooo buried it would take ALOT to get it to surface...I mask it wonderfully with humor or avoidance---I can talk a circle around a question like a pro!!! What to do?!?!?! Your not alone, though...know that...hang in there -hug-
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi All
                    Just checking in, renewal poor u hope u are feeling better soon u are so kind to everyone.
                    Welcome Patsy loads of room here in our little nest, come on in and rest a while. I am going to put the head down now have a heavy day to morrow. Sleep well feathered friends
                    Nite Nite


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters!
                      The sun is out and it makes me want to sing! Tweet-tweet-tweet. Gonna find a comfy twig and settle down for the evening.
                      Welcome Patsy!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone, thought I would say hi and thank you all for your advice and inspiration. I'm coming to the close of my second AF day in ten years, and just by reading some of the posts here I think I'll be able to get through the cold turkey withdrawals. Thanks everyone !


                          Newbies Nest

                          hello and goodnight

                          hello and WELCOME those new to the nest....
                          I am new as of last week...its amazing how much i have found here in such a short time.
                          Thanks all....

                          Well folks, I am off to beddy bye
                          sleep tight
                          luv and hugs
                          a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi. Welcome Patsy - I have the lower back rash as well! (Lovely). Hi Randy. Its my Husbands Birthday today, and I've given him the present of his life - (PM me if you want details!)Lets just say there will be extra smiley faces going on the calendar. I'm feeling good, no major cravings. I'm also feeling ready to tackle the extra weight I'm carrying, am making a plan for next week. Glad you got a Tylenol PR, hope you're ok for the next shift. Hello to everyone I've missed, B.xx
                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning peeps,

                              Welcome Mrs.Swino & Patsy & Randy :welcome: Have you introduced yourself in the Just Starting out section yet so others can get to know you? There's a lot of support here.

                              Betty-HB's V-day present. Do they make smiley faces for that!! :H I've noticed that men lose weight and women gain weight when they quit drinking. go figure! I see you"ve been out walking your dogs. Have you notice how the exercise has not only helped with the weight but with the old attitude? hmmm.

                              Papa R-I so hope you are feeling better today. First the manflu, and all those long hours at work, and now this. I've brought you an exta feather pillow for your head. rest and feel better.

                              To all my fellow nester-HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!
                              AF since 7/26/2009

                              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi hi, have just popped on for a quick look AND AM STAYING IN THE NEST! Sorry, I missed MrsSwino in the welcomes.

                                Lilmea - my weight has stayed exactly the same, but yes my 'tude is ten times better. The gift I gave my Husband is based around a book. I'll post it on 'What we're reading' when things have calmed down a bit.

                                Hubby is making a dish he's been threatening to do for a while - fish baked in salt. Fingers crossed!

                                Happy Valentines Bxx
                                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


