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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Originally posted by Lavande View Post

    Glad to see everyone checking in & staying on plan. No regrets ever, right?

    Lav, you're absolutely right about no regrets. I used to have them frequently while drinking (usually regrets about drinking!) but I have never ever had a time when I regretted NOT drinking!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by Guitarista View Post

      Yo nesters. No ticket to boozeville here. I cancelled it and even got a refund. Take it easy out there.
      Oh G, I've missed your humor and I'm so glad you're back posting regularly!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good morning all - wish I had a quiet night last night but no such luck. My dad fell and ended up in the ER with a big gash in his head. He's ok. He was going to stay overnight for observation.
        But the good news is, no booze here. Another sober day in the books. Will have to catch up on reading posts later. Happy Tuesday all!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Susie. Sheesh! Hope your dad's ok. Great job on another sober day.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Well I drank Monday.
            Went through two 16 hour days of work in the rain, usually a big trigger (reward myself), got through that. Sunday a colleague, who I’ve worked with for over 30 years, has to be taken from work the job by ambulance to the emergency room. A brain aneurysm. Visit him in the hospital. Got through that.
            Mrs V and I talk about how me need to take better care of our selves. ( Not drinking, diet, exercise, etc.).
            Sunday, another friends husband collapses and dies, don’t know why yet, but probably something heart related. He was a smoker and drinker. He was only 35.
            Mrs V comes back from the store, has beer and wine, she has a glass of wine and hands me a beer. Bad case of the F-’its. I drink it and an then the next 5. Head for the Gin. Thankfully there’s only enough for 2 drinks.
            So the house is void of AL again and I am right back starting over.
            No, the AL made nothing better. I know better.
            And by the way, I am not in any way blaming Mrs. V. I was headed for the Gin anyway. I knew it was there. I’m not looking for sympathy, or platitudes, I know what I have to do.
            I’m keeping the AL out of the house.
            Wishing a great AL free day for everyone.
            Mr V


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning nesters,
              Susie, I hope your dad recovers quickly. Good thing you were sober and available to handle it.

              Yesterday I was up and out the door early so that I could get my daughter some birthday donuts before school. I was grateful that I was able to do this without bloodshot eyes, puffy face and any GSR. I was back home by 6:15 am. It was a gorgeous morning to boot. As NS and others suggested, I'm going to remind myself to recognize and be grateful that I am sober to enjoy these little life treasures. Right now I'm sitting with my coffee and one of my pups next to my side. He's newer to us and he's such a mommas boy. I love it.
              Happy sober Tuesday everyone. Thanks for being here.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Roobs. Good job!

                Mr V. Good to see you right back here and back on the sober train. I am developing a strong inner belief these days that booze aint the way for me, as i want to be the best me i can be. I've had some wobbles, but like you are doing now, i get back up on it. These times can be very useful for some solid reflection. take care.

                Big waves to all!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Susie - sorry about your dad. When I have experiences like that now, I wonder what would have happened had I been drinking. I am lucky that I never had a kid have to go to the ER when I was drinking, and I wouldn't have been able to drive. I think about that as my parents are having some health issues and I have had to be there a lot.

                  Mr. V, glad you came right back. I know you don't blame Mrs. V - that would be misplaced, but I wonder if you have had a good long talk with her about your drinking? Can you convince her to stop bringing booze into the house?

                  I have in the back of my mind that Ellie who is on the podcast The Bubble Hour (recommend) started drinking after 5 years. She had a sober blog, a podcast, a business, etc. and even she started drinking. In reflecting, she said that the signs of a relapse were there but she wasn't paying attention as she went through some very stressful times in her life (breast cancer, dad died, etc.). I (and my family) have A LOT going on in my life right now - some of it exciting and some of it hard, but all of it "stressful." I feel ok right now, like I have learned how to manage these turbulent times without alcohol, but it is in the back of my mind to watch for those drinking thoughts to come creeping back, and to keep a keen eye on my sobriety right now. I wonder if I need to do more to head it off? I am not thinking of drinking at all right now, but I am aware.

                  NS - great to see you pop your lovely head into the nest.

                  Hi to everyone else. Happy SOBER Tuesday.



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Susie, glad your dad is ok.

                    Mr V. that is a tough one. Take it day by day- don't drink today.

                    I guess we just have to stay away from the AL when we are going through crap. Run, run away! Do whatever it takes to get those AL thoughts out of our minds. I think for us alkies our first thought goes to AL to help us deal with a bad situation. Maybe its just a matter of retraining the brain to go somewhere else instead of AL.
                    I am aware too Pav, I think a big part of staying sober is to keep coming back here or to at least keep being aware. Aware that it is all too easy to have that one drink. As Mr V. said 'F__ it' and drink. That scared the crap out of me when Ellie from the Bubble Hour drank. Holy crap! Like you said Pav, she had a sober blog, podcast and everything geared toward being sober and she still drank

                    I am so thankful for being sober and don't want to head back into the abyss. But even now I find myself getting drinking thoughts and that is why I am here. Persistence is what I am practicing right now and I will not drink today. I find if I focus on just today it makes it easier to not drink.
                    Hello NS, xoxo
                    Mr. G. you still Rawk!

                    Roobs- I love my pups too. I understand being grateful for not having a puffy face and bloodshot eyes. Ugh. I had that SO many times.

                    Have a Sober Tuesday everyone!
                    Don't drink Today, you can do it. WE can do it.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Howdy pardners. Checking in at lunch. Having a productive day, which I love.

                      Susie, so sorry about your dad. That must have been stressful and scary - I’m glad he is ok.

                      Wags, thanks for your thoughts and reminder about staying quit. You and susie have resonated with me on how easy it is to start again, and how hard it actually is to get back in the saddle. Sometimes I minimize that and lie to myself. We work HARD to get sober; no sense in doing it again and again.

                      Mr Vervill, would it be a good idea to talk with the Mrs. and ask her not to hand you drinks? I know I might eventually cave and drink if someone in my immediate environment was always handing it to me. My ultimate success came only after I finally let my husband know I was no longer going to drink, and demanded he quit propositioning me. Removing the temptation goes a long way toward success.

                      Well, no crazy weather yet today, but I got stuck in a hailstorm in the city yesterday. I pulled over under a tree, and before long the gutter water was halfway up my tire and the new tree leaves were on my dash. Gusty wind dragged things off porches the day before. Just in time for all my planting to be complete of course... I've drug in 10 pots twice now! It's spring time in the Rockies.

                      I'm off to keep up the work. Summer is coming and the kids will be off in no time; I have to have several things done by then! Ciao!
                      Last edited by KENSHO; May 9, 2017, 03:51 PM.

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Spent another evening at hospital - dad was admitted for observation and test. Very sad to watch my parents age. My dad has been declining for the last 5 years and my mom is his caretaker. I don't know how long she can keep it up since he is getting worse, not better.
                        Wine was tempting after my long day but I took a pass. So hitting the pillow sober. No regrets.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          morning nesters

                          Well today my baby girl turns 30 and wow so many memories are flicking through this brain. Where did the years go and a few regrets thrown in from myself on what i could have done better but at the end of the day she is a pretty together woman and i am so proud of her. We are off to lunch "us old girls" which will be lovely. The biggest gift i have given her is a sober mum and she is very happy with that. Free wine for her and free coffee for me! i will be the designated driver and proud i can do that now.

                          Susie i hope your dad is ok and recovers quickly.

                          Kensho, i have a drunk photo of me that i look at occasionally to see that that is a place i never want to be at again. Everyone tells me how good i look now. No more "worn out crack whore" look that my son told me i looked like at the end of my drinking career. Pleasant child that one!

                          Pav, i know you wont drink as i wont. I fear relapse but i try and keep it in a healthy frame of mind. Who wants the thanks-giving massacre again or a day 1. Just like people with illnesses we have to live with our alcoholism every day and be aware. if i feel like a drink now i will talk to the other half or the fam. just looking in their eyes and seeing fear does it for me and also they tell me not to be so stupid. We cant have just one, its not how we are built. I look at the long timers and if they can do it then we can plod along too. I dont want to be where my brother is in a grave due to al and i will do everything in my power to not drink.

                          Well mum just decided to clean the toaster crumbs out of the toaster on to the ground and right near the bin. I am just shaking my head as here i am cleaning in preparation for the family coming over. Give me strength!

                          Take care. x
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Quick fly by, long day at work, heading to bed soon.
                            Hugs to all, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Wow, so many posts today, that makes me happy

                              Susie, I sure hope your Dad recovers quickly. If falling is a regular thing for him perhaps someone can assess his meds & see if there's something that needs to be changed. Has he had his vision tested lately? Maybe he would benefit from some strength & balance training. Sorry, the old nurse in me never really retired.

                              Mr V, glad you got right back in control of things. Reverting back to AL as a comfort tool is something I did for way too long as well. Developing new & healthier coping tools was a must for me. Check out the Tool box if you need some inspiration & stick around with us.

                              Ava, my daughter turned 40 in January & boy was that an eye opener, ha ha! It is a wonderful thing to see your kids grow into happy functioning adults.
                              Is your Mom staying with you much longer? Maybe you could hand her the broom to clean up those toaster crumbs

                              Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Susie- so sorry about your dad. I hope he recovers quickly - very stressful having ill parents but so glad you took a pass on the wine.

                                Mr. V - glad you're back on board and what an avalanche of "crapola" that landed on you guys! So sorry about your friends but so glad you are taking steps toward a healthier life.

                                Long but good day - house is quiet and it's raining and I'm sober. Not a bad way to end a Tuesday...

                                Goodnight to all-

