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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Has everyone noticed???????

    We have over 7,000 posts now in the Newbies Nest!
    Thank you Pops & G for starting this safe place for all of us
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      :goodjob:Congratulations on your AF Birthday Hippy!!! That is great, mine is coming up this month so you are a great inspiration. :thanks:
      Having lunch with my Sis and Mom today, wow can't believe the difference in my life. Used to never plan anything as usually 3 or 4 days a week was too hungover to keep many committments. Now, I'm planning everyday for something new and fun! With no dread or quilt.
      Good luck K9 heading into weekend 5:goodjob:
      Nora C, glad it was just an AL nightmare and not the real thing
      Morning everyone else and have a great AF weekend!! :l
      AF since April 19, 2010
      NF since Nov 10, 2000

      "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
      -Lady Nancy Astor


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Everyone!! Just dropping by real quick to say hi. won't be able to catch up on anything but this last page as I am getting ready to go to my VERY FIRST DOG AGILITY TRIAL!!! I've been training for this for 2 years and still not ready but it's now or never!! It's 2 hours away so a friend is driving up with me and we'll be staying at a motel for the weekend with 7 DOGS!!! I'm really nervous and will be running around frantically in the next 10 minutes stocking up on supplies and stuff I probably don't even need LOL!! Koby has already been to the groomers and looks gorgeous!! Too bad his handler (me) won't match him LOL!! Anyway, I'll check back in when we get home. BTW-just 3 months ago I would never have agreed to share a motel room with someone because I would have been too ashamed to have them watch me drink so much, plus the snoring and tummy problems. And I would not have even thought about not drinking after a long hard day out in the sun and heat. How times have changed!! (Well, I can't guarantee the snoring has gone away LOL!!)
        HC-huge congrats on your first ever AF birthday!! I'm so proud of you!! I hope you had a blast and I wish you many many more!!
        Nora C-so good to "see" you! You're gorgeous!!
        To our newbies-welcome!! Just follow the program if you can, read as many posts as possible and remember: Choose to Unbooze!! Don't put that first drink in your mouth and you will be fine-really!! Nothing is made better with AL.
        I hope everyone has a wonderful fulfilling AF weekend!! I'll be thinking of you all and will miss you but alas no wireless where we're going (I don't think) so I'm not even bothering to bring the laptop.
        See you sunday nite or monday!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Newbies Nest

          Paps...HAVE FUN
          still at work with new bosses, but they seem impressed and I think I am safe....
          will catch up with everyone later
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            mama bear;846260 wrote: Paps...HAVE FUN
            still at work with new bosses, but they seem impressed and I think I am safe....
            will catch up with everyone later
            Of course they are impressed! In the meantime, any word from the interview???


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks Everybody,

              For making this a very, very special Birthday!!!
              I just had a Gorilla (with balloons) come to my door singing Happy Birthday... I thought I was going to die
              Having a quiet night with hubby tonight but will be back tomorrow to catch up on everybody.
              Everyone have a great night/day!

              The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters!

                It is 5:30am here and I am awake because the dogs needed to go out and 'be clean' girls and boys! Otherwise I would still be asleep,cause I only went to bed at 11:45pm..urgh!

                But I am feeling okay for a few good reasons! One: no alcohol on no hangover!
                Two: I had a solid 6 hours sleep as opposed to interrupted sleep from either the alcohol/caffeiine mix of Beam & Coke or being woken by my babies (YAY,they both slept through last night!!!!)
                Three: went to bed feeling very satisfied, cause I actually used last night productively without the AL and caught up on updating the "Memory Books" I have been making for my girls. Haven't finished yet, but made lots of progress! (Yay-me)

                So all up, I feel not too bad, despite the early wake up call!
                Running-glad the b'day was a nice af event!
                Hippy- you did so well!So proud of you girl!
                Mama- you sound great. Yeah, what word on the interview?
                Lav- WOW, that many posts! Yes "Thankyou" Pops & G! with all our hearts!
                K9-Love your work!
                Pap- good luck, I'm sure you will do great and yes, how amazing to not be 'limited' by our addiction! Suddenly there is a new-found 'freedom' iin many ways!
                daybyday- have a great lunch...remember to stop for a second in the midst of it and soak it in, the fact that you are able to enjoy it like you haven't before! Well done!
                Nora,Coco,Katie,Tranq,Fen (if you check in) and all the other old Newbs..Thanks for all of your support are wonderful people!
                Welcome Fibe and all other Newbies..grabe a twig and some velcro!
                Has Roamer run screaming?
                Love to all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Everyone!!

                  Hi Chook! - you are up VERY early!!
                  Runningwind - singing gorilla - LOL! - was that your husband's idea? :H
                  MamaB - glad to hear your new bosses are impressed!
                  I am also feeling fantastic this morning!! I had an early night for once.. 9pm; got a good 9-10 hours sleep which I really needed after working 2 evenings this week (and Im working til late tonight too)..
                  I think the biggest reason I am feeling so great is that I am finally starting to be happy with myself.. the therapy is working, as are the anti-d's and remaining the majority of the time AF.. I am actually excited about life now.. and enjoy it so much more than I used to.. I have so much energy to play with my son! - in the past I used to drink every friday evening and just sit slumped on the couch watching tv from mid-afternoon.. but now I have so much energy I am playing energetic games with my son..
                  I hope everyone has a great day today! Day 7 for me AF, plus Day 5 with no cigarettes! :yay:
                  Katie xxxx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning. How good does it feel to wake up after the birthday celebrations with NO hangover!! What a novelty..

                    Thanks Daybyday - hope you have a good birthday too.
                    K9 - weekend 5 that's fantastic. Well done.
                    Papmom - it really is that simple....dont drink that first glass....but putting that into action is the hard part!
                    Runningwind - a gorilla!! Hope it wasnt a strippergorilla... (I love gorilla's - real ones. I spent some time in Africa with the mountain gorilla's.)
                    Chook - memory books are great. I have done that with my two and I enjoy reading back over their earlier lives. I am sure your daughters will love it when they grow up.
                    Well busy weekend for me. Husband off to golf, son off to play footy and my daughter off to play soccer. So hopefully will get some me time later.
                    Take care
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all
                      Just sneaked in for a quick read. Lovely to see the real faces of some of you. I can't take that risk, yet. Maybe one day.

                      Happy Brithday Hippy and Tranq. An AF birthday sounds great. At the end of this year I turn 50 (when did that happen?) and I know all my friends and acquaintances will except me to have a boozy party, but I just might surprise them and go away with the kids, as it's near Christmas. I think I might like to do an Outward Bound course for my 50th in the New Year. Has anyone done this? It's kind of like Survivor without the cute outfits - challenges you on lots of levels.
                      You see for my 40th I got my navel pierced. It wouldn't heal, and after 9 months I took it out.
                      When I was 46, I got a tattoo. It will last forever, but it's only skin deep. For my 50th I kind of want to do something to create a memory and inspire me for the future.

                      It's my daughter's 12th birthday today, so there are lots of pre-teens about to descend on the house. Lots of noise, screaming and junk food. At least I can send them home in a couple of hours pumped with sugar. OK better go do the cupcakes.

                      Papmom, good luck with those doggies.


                        Newbies Nest

                        G'day Hippy Chick,

                        are you aware the Craft Fair is on at the Perth convention centre from May 19 to 23? Great for getting heaps of craft supplies. I had a blast there last year and looking forward to this one.

                        Abstinence from November 01 2009
                        Relapse New Years Eve 2009
                        Totally alcohol free since January 01 2010
                        TSM from May 11 2010


                          Newbies Nest

                          Am struggling not to have a drink right now! Don't have any in the house,but the temptation to go buy some is MEGA strong as of about an hour ago! Am drinking diet coke & eating low fat popcorn right now instead..urgh!


                            Newbies Nest

                            This will be Day 5 AF...don't drink Chook!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Yes - Don't drink Chook!
                              You are doing so well.. these cravings will only be temporary.. keep yourself distracted and keep full of soft drinks and even snacks if that helps..
                              I'm Day 7 today and about to start work in an hour - so hang in there and join me in this AF weekend!
                              Katie xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nestlings...

                                Real quick again today... almost out the door - shopping *uggh* and lunch with my girl Have a great AF Saturday, everyone!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

