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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    I love you Pav

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by Nursie View Post
      Hello Nest! Doing a fly by tonight!
      I have been working a second job so I haven't had much time left over to be online.
      205 days sober!
      I go to therapy every Friday. I read about my addiction and I watch related videos. I keep a gratitude journal. I listen to hypnosis. I pray and I go to church. I take good care of myself. I feel like I fought a bloody battle but I am now healing. I put down my sword. Fighting alcohol never worked for me. I had to forfeit and move on.
      I hope everyone in the nest is doing well. I miss hanging out with you guys!
      Oh yeah! Wowza!

      Narilly, love that you got the chef in!

      Lav, sorry to hear about your daughter in laws decision. I think you've mentioned things can get a bit rocky there before. I hope things can get resolved.

      Hi Lil bit if ur reading! :heartbeat:

      Thinking of you Pauly.

      Byrdy, i love ya too.

      Date night tonight. :egad:
      Last edited by Guitarista; May 30, 2017, 04:55 PM.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        GMan, let us know how it goes, you know we are nosey!
        It sounds as if my Neice's double mastectomy went well. There was involvement with one lymph node on the right side and they found a couple more small tumors but removed everything. They are thinking she wont be doing radiation and chemo. Fingers crossed for a full recovery.
        Pav, you are right, we have one day down in a 4 day week.
        Stay strong all! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Tuesday evening Nesters,

          I had to take a 100+ mile round trip with my husband today so he could see a hand specialist. Looks like he is dealing with osteoarthritis & possible carpal tunnel syndrome. So a couple of cortisone injections & a hand splint later & we're back home with the chickens, ha ha! Grateful for a clear head to deal with this stuff

          Byrdie, that's good news about your niece. I hope she heals quickly!

          G, date night huh? What time are you picking us up? Lol
          Have fun & behave yourself

          Glad to see folks checking in with happy reports after a long holiday weekend.
          We are on a roll kids so let's keep moving forward!!!

          Have a safe night in the nest everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Pav. Similar story. It was 4 years ago on memorial day weekend that really scared me and got me pointed in the right direction. I had been wanting to quit but hadn't up to this point. I drank all day the day before memorial day and starting at 5 a.m. started again on memorial day. I remember feeling probably the worst I had felt and really made up my mind that this just had to stop It took until July to finally quit but here I am now.
            Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

            William Butler Yeats


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hello nesters,

              Byrdie, I'm glad to hear your niece may be through the worst of it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

              Lav, you always seem to face life's challenges calmly and gracefully. Your presence in the nest is very comforting to me.

              Gman! Make sure you give the scoop on the big date! Hope you had fun.

              Narilly, I seriously thought I was reading my own words or when I read your post;

              "It is amazing to wake up feeling good and being productive. No bloodshot eyes, wine mouth, puffy face, bruises from an unknown origin. Thank goodness. I never thought I would be able to quit drinking I loved it so much. The buzz just made me feel SO good but that first buzz only lasted for about an hour and then I descended into oblivion after that. I was afraid I would lose friends and that everything would change. You know, it did change but for the better. I may not hang out with my drinking friends as much but now I feel so much better about myself. I don't have all this self loathing which I used to have."

              I was just thinking how the dynamics of some of my friendships have changed but I'm okay with it this time around.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                TJAF - I'm a July Quitter too!! I didn't have a Mem-day specific event that pushed me (more like NYE if I recall correctly) but I'm grateful that I finally made the leap to an AF life last July. Coming up on a big one-year anniversary here. I've lost track - whereabouts are you in your quit?

                Lav - that's a long way to travel to see a specialist, but it sounds like you handled it with aplomb. Sorry to hear of your husband's hand troubles. I'm hoping that my wrist and finger injuries from my car accident, which still give me a considerable amount of pain, won't lead to arthritis down the road. I've got a custom splint for now and it seems to help quite a bit, but it also limits my ability to use that hand for anything (I guess that's part of the point, eh?). Hugs to you both!

                Byrdie - glad to hear your niece's surgery went well. She's got a long journey ahead, but that should give her a good solid start.

                Nar & Roobs - those words ring true for me as well. Much less self-loathing now. One thing I've noticed is that being AF means that I ALWAYS have at least that one positive thing going for me even when it feels like some or many other aspects of life are challenging. I have no idea how I used to get through anything while drinking, and I used to think it would actually HELP me! What a fool I was. Life is still very challenging at times (like now) but being AF is a huge part of what makes it possible to cope effectively.

                Gman - can't wait to hear about the big date!!!

                Feathery hugs to everyone! Have fantastic AF days/nights!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  I guess you were a quicker learner, TJ - took me until December of that year. And it never occurred to me that I wanted to quit - just learn to be a better drinker. Have I mentioned I can be a little stubborn?

                  Wags - I like that attitude. At least I have sobriety... I was in a high trigger situation last night and of course I had the thought - one would be GREAT... HAH. See above post. Thankfully, the thought passed quickly, and I am still able to conjure how bad I felt 3+ years ago. NEVER going back there...

                  I'm hitting another rough patch at work - a very challenging situation over which I have little control but a lot of responsibility. This always causes weird dreams and sleepless nights which contributes to my feeling a very challenging situation over which I have little control... Another benefit of this sober thing - I have learned that the serenity prayer works in MANY aspects of life! I have to realize what I can and can't control, take charge where I can, and let go what I can't. Go, Pav!

                  G - hope that date is splendiferous. We want to hear ALL about it!

                  Happy SOBER Hump day,


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Today is a big day in Wag-land: My 87 y.o. father is moving in with us.

                    We have a finished basement with a bedroom, full bathroom, and a little "kitchenette" which is just a mini-fridge and counter space for a microwave, toaster over, coffee maker, etc. When we first started talking about this possibility, we wanted him to take the upstairs main bedroom and bathroom and we'd move downstairs (so he wouldn't have stairs to navigate at his age) but he's a very introverted and private person and he was adamant about taking the basement instead. And so, here we go...

                    My dad and I are about as close as it's possible for him to be with anyone, which is to say we get along very well and love each other, but we don't talk about things that are very personal. Since my mom died almost 10 years ago, I've been his primary family support. My brother lives out of state and is essentially useless, which frustrates me to no end, but is another story.

                    It is truly difficult to watch my dad, an incredibly intelligent and quick-minded man, age and deteriorate. It is very likely that our house will be a temporary living space that allows him time to learn his way around this side of the city and for us to go together and explore various options for senior living. I'm not sure he has the money for that type of graduated care, but we'll be looking at options and finances etc and making some decisions.

                    I could never handle all of this - the emotions, the logistics, the stress - if I were still drinking. Back when I was drinking, this type of situation would have driven me to drink more - more volume, and more frequently.

                    Today is the big moving day (we hired movers - we're all too old for that sh*t!! Wish us luck and please send me strength


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Guys, I've been avoiding this post but I do believe that confession is good for the soul so here it goes.. I drank last Thursday and drank every night up until today. And I don't plan on buying anything this evening. It's time to start again. I was just a few days shy of six weeks when I blew it. No excuses - I just did it. I knew this period with family, graduation, spiraling emotions, etc. would be difficult and I didn't fight the temptation like I should have. Graduation and graduation party went well (thank You God) but I continued to drink Monday and Tuesday after all the family was gone and festivities were over. I hid it (or tell myself that I did) but it doesn't matter - I put that poison back in my body. I'm angry with myself for being weak and apologize to everyone here who has been so helpful. All I can do is start again and I'm determined to do that.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Kim, this is a sight FOR alcoholics BY alcoholics. If anyone understands the power of this addiction, it is this group of people. Im so aorry you chose to drink, but if you can learn from this and move forward, putting AL out of your life for good, then all was not in vein. Its the repeating of this mistake that is the tragedy. Now you know you can DO better. Off we go! We will be right here beside you. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters - I too have been struggling with staying sober and haven't been around much. I do feel a shift in my thinking...for the better. Up till this point I have felt a bit mixed about it was something I knew I should do but wasn't sure I really wanted to do.
                          I now feel I want my sober life back. The going back and forth between drinking and not drinking is exhausting. Drinking also causes me a lot of anxiety. Bottom line....drinking and me just don't mix. Any amount of alcohol just doesn't agree with me anymore and so the time has come to put drinking firmly behind me.
                          Kim - we dust off and start again.
                          Thank you all for listening! It's hard to admit failure but I too am determined to get my sober life back.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            We finally saw some sunshine around here, grateful after so much rain this month.

                            Roobs, thanks for the kind words. I think I am just old enough to not get my feathers ruffled too easily anymore, ha ha! Also my nearly 30 year nursing career taught me to stay calm & get things done I haven't heard as much complaining from the old man today so I think his steroid injections must be giving him some relief!

                            Kim & Susie, today is a brand new day!
                            You both sound like you have learned somethings about yourselves & that's a good thing. Work up strong commitments, alter your plans as necessary & get a fresh start. You both can do this - do it together as quit buddies!

                            Wags, good luck with your Dad, I hope it all goes well. I moved my parents in with us, I know it can be difficult at times. My 3 brothers were useless too.

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Originally posted by PanhandleKim View Post
                              Guys, I've been avoiding this post but I do believe that confession is good for the soul so here it goes.. I drank last Thursday and drank every night up until today. And I don't plan on buying anything this evening. It's time to start again. I was just a few days shy of six weeks when I blew it. No excuses - I just did it. I knew this period with family, graduation, spiraling emotions, etc. would be difficult and I didn't fight the temptation like I should have. Graduation and graduation party went well (thank You God) but I continued to drink Monday and Tuesday after all the family was gone and festivities were over. I hid it (or tell myself that I did) but it doesn't matter - I put that poison back in my body. I'm angry with myself for being weak and apologize to everyone here who has been so helpful. All I can do is start again and I'm determined to do that.

                              Kim, I'm sorry you drank. Yes, confession is good for the soul. Sermon on the mount. You didn't blow it!... You just made a bad choice. Or did you. Anxiety. Too much on a persons plate.. Looking for relief. Some find it in alcohol.. Wine, is just a cultural excuse. It's still alcohol. Your human Kim. Your not a bad person. Quite the opposite imo. This site has varying goals. The beauty of MWO!... Promise, founders agree. Not a free license to drink. Don't have to live up to others expectations here. Severity of addiction is all over the map. Some, it was a habit. Big difference, imo. Too much to touch on. Very happy to hear everything went well for your daughters graduation!.. :smile: Glad you recognise alcohol is poison.
                              Your not weak at all!... Just human!... Glad your back and moving forward..... :hug: Measuring yourself up to others, is futile in my opinion. People have very~very different back grounds and life styles. Really, different circumstances.

                              Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                              Kim, this is a sight FOR alcoholics BY alcoholics. If anyone understands the power of this addiction, it is this group of people. Im so aorry you chose to drink, but if you can learn from this and move forward, putting AL out of your life for good, then all was not in vein. Its the repeating of this mistake that is the tragedy. Now you know you can DO better. Off we go! We will be right here beside you. Byrdie
                              With respect, I disagree. This site was created and developed by a problem drinker. With her Dr and others. A woman who wanted to moderate her drinking. Like many of us. Until, it didn't work out. Tho, for some it did. Trials of Rx's in hopes of moderating. Then chose to abstain with the help of modern medicine. I wouldn't consider her an alcoholic. Nor her ex-husband. There are so many variables and formulas to this. Just because your way out is 100% abstinence, doesn't mean this site is just for you! Rare is a gemstone. We are all gems here.... Many people actually use Rx's for help. Some become 100% AF and others don't. Some people developed a habit. Different than an alcoholic. Still, we are all rare and good gems at MWO!....


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                WF,I think Byrdie was saying that cuz the founder is no longer around and its basically us posters running the show now and most of us here want full sobriety but understand how hard it can be to achieve, Kim,or anybody else should never be ashamed and put off posting and it takes ALOT of guts to come back and confess you drank,cripes I almost left the site after my last blowout! I was just too ashamed,defeated and angry,thank God I didn't leave for good cuz after what I've just had to go through I'd have never made it through without my friends on MWO,the friendships are real even though we dont see each other face to face,wishing all the nesters a great AF day
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

