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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening, nestlings! I'm back home! I have many tales of my vacation, the very first being that United Airlines canceled our flight to O'hare, supposedly due to Chicago "weather" which was a complete and utter lie. There was no offer of alternate transportation to our connecting flight, so we hurried home (with two other travelers we picked up) and drove to O'hare. I can't say enough bad about United (their second worst rating in the U.S. is well deserved).

    Anyway, Mrs. Fennel and I arrived in Savannah, GA and rented our Hyundai Sonata (never again) and drove to Hilton Head Island. We purchased groceries at the Bi-lo and Mrs. Fennel was immediately attacked by a slug. It was on her hand, and she flicked it on to her jeans. She was screaming while I loaded up the trunk with groceries, but the rental car was so sound-proof, she found it prudent to wait until I got inside to resume her screaming. When I opened my door, she resumed her screaming, and pointed out the slug on her jeans. I promptly ran around to her side of the car and carefully slid my car key beneath the traumatized slug (whom I swear was also screaming by this time) and slid him carefully onto a bush.

    It was also my duty to protect Mrs. Fennel from spiders, crabs, shore birds, gators, and various flotsam and jetsam, which I did with my usual dexterity and virility.

    All in all, it was a fabulous dream come true. Work-outs in the gym in the mornings...hours beach-combing...bicycling the entire island, kayaking the salt marshes, biking the beaches, hiking the audubon was perfect!

    I only got called "sir" twice and I bonded with Mrs. Fennel's parents even deeper than before. I cooked them gourmet meals and found some really cool shells for my mom.

    I invented some great recipes for the taco truck...jelly fish aspic and hermit crab name it, I've got it!

    I apologize for missing out on the birthdays...Happy birthday to Tranq, Hippy Chick, and Coco Nut...I'll be checking the lists for more birthdays, as I believe birthdays are very important events.

    Sort of glad to be back. Very much missing the sea breeze on Mrs. Fennel's hair. Hard to beat that.

    See you cats in the morning.


      Newbies Nest

      Fennel - Wow - you have been missed!!!
      I was hoping that you would have created more vegetarian recipes. Hrmph. :H

      I still would have be screaming if the slug would have been on me. Tell Mrs. Fennel that I'm so sorry and I feel for her.

      Welcome home Fennel. :welcome:
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Fennel,
        Good to see you back - and glad to hear you had such a great vacation! bonding with your wife's parents is a fantastic thing! Those taco recipes sound yummy...
        Come join us in the pool for the 30 day challenge!
        Katie x
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          NoraC;847058 wrote: Fennel - Wow - you have been missed!!!
          I was hoping that you would have created more vegetarian recipes. Hrmph. :H

          I still would have be screaming if the slug would have been on me. Tell Mrs. Fennel that I'm so sorry and I feel for her.

          Welcome home Fennel. :welcome:
          Nora, as much as Mrs. Fennel was screaming...the slug was screaming "Make it stop...just make the noise stop, pleeeasssee!!!!!" However, I will pass your condolences along to Mrs. Fennel.


            Newbies Nest

            KatieB;847059 wrote: Hey Fennel,
            Good to see you back - and glad to hear you had such a great vacation! bonding with your wife's parents is a fantastic thing! Those taco recipes sound yummy...
            Come join us in the pool for the 30 day challenge!
            Katie x
            Thanks so much, Katie...Mrs. Fennel told me her parents told me things they hadn't told I feel honored. Since my own father passed away fourteen years ago, Mrs. Fennel's father is the closest thing to a father I have these days, and I truly utilize him as such. I tap him for fatherly advice, which he freely gives. Her mom also tells me things that Mrs. Fennel hasn't heard, so I do feel so honored. Any relationship I can forge with them can only be good, in my opinion. It's been eleven years, so I guess I've earned some seniority...


              Newbies Nest

              fennel;847064 wrote: Thanks so much, Katie...Mrs. Fennel told me her parents told me things they hadn't told I feel honored. Since my own father passed away fourteen years ago, Mrs. Fennel's father is the closest thing to a father I have these days, and I truly utilize him as such. I tap him for fatherly advice, which he freely gives. Her mom also tells me things that Mrs. Fennel hasn't heard, so I do feel so honored. Any relationship I can forge with them can only be good, in my opinion. It's been eleven years, so I guess I've earned some seniority...
              That's fantastic! They sound really nice.. and its great that they think highly of you to confide things in you they haven't told their daughter! you must be feeling very proud.. and you deserve to!
              Katie x
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                Newbies Nest

                KatieB;847065 wrote: That's fantastic! They sound really nice.. and its great that they think highly of you to confide things in you they haven't told their daughter! you must be feeling very proud.. and you deserve to!
                Katie x
                Yes...I feel very accepted. Mrs. Fennel says she feels that I know her parents more than she knows them. I feel that it's all in knowing what questions to ask, yes?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone. Just taking an hour of my extremely busy weekend for a bit of ME time so of course I come here.

                  Welcome back Fennel. You were very much missed. Your time away sounds like you had a great time. You have a lovely way of expressing yourself - the sea breeze on Mrs Fennels hair - it gives me a lovely image in my head. Thank you for your birthday wishes. I struggled for a few days before as I was having the usual struggle with will I? Wont I? with regards to having a glass of poison to celebrate. But our lovely virtual family talked me out of it.

                  FeeBee - I didnt know that the craft fair was on as I have never been but I might just treat myself to see if there is anything to help cure the boredom. Thanks for that suggestion. Sounds like you are in Perth too?

                  Chook - hope you got thru the cravings yesterday without picking up.

                  Tranq - Being an Aussie I do admire Adam Scott but I was talking about the perve factor. Padraig is such eye candy and I just love his accent. Hope you had a good game. I am a golf widow again today, two days in a row!!

                  Runningwind - Yes Diane Fossey is the correct name. I actually went to the area she was working in Karasimbi and certainly got up close and personal with the gorillas. I have a fantastic photo of me with a huge silverback just sitting next to me. I will try and scan it and download it as it is just like it is out of National Geographic. It was one of the four highlights of my life and I will carry the memories forever. (Just realised too that I was sober for the whole time I was there as it is not too easy to get AL in central Africa - maybe that is why that trip was so special - cause I actually remember it! ).

                  Dizilizid - welcome. Glad you us. Post and read often - ask us anything. We are all in the same boat so welcome aboard. Hope you find the peace and tranquility being AF brings.

                  Well my time is up. Better get back to it. Stay strong and here's to an AF week.
                  Hi to Molly (where you been?), Maz, Meech, Katie, Lav, Nora (you flower child), Spam, Coco, Spud, Mama, Sunshine, Dancingon, Tant, Pap, Ringing Cedars, Liverbirdy, K9, Have I forgotten anyone?
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Family
                    Hippy...lovely lipstick....Papa Bear has a huge nech and shoulders (he played football for Florida State), so I always called him "my Big Gorilla"....for my birthday this year he gave me a bracelet with a diamond coated Gorilla charm.....I wear it every day

                    I have a gift for Mrs fennell.....
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Where is everyone tonight?
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters....I had planned on sleeping in today. Hubby came in to wake Molly(our dog) up to go outside. Guess who he woke up.:H Anyway, I think I'm going to try to go back to sleep.

                        Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night everyone.

                        I'll be back after my nap.

                        My new avatar is Nick & Nora Charles from The Thin Man movies (approx. 1934). Great movies.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good afternoon Nesters,

                          Quiet here today............

                          Nothing happening in my world - really - I just took a nap!
                          I'm watching my son's goofy goldens this weekend & they keep me awake half the night pacing the hallway. They need some doggie downers, I swear.

                          Love your picture Nora

                          Wishing everyone a good rest of the day in the Nest
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone
                            Sorry I haven't been around, have truly been working my tail off painting and general navvying to get our kitchen finished. It is finished now (nearly) and it is really fabulous but I'm so tired I don't know which end of me is up so I apologise for not being around (thanks HC and RW for caring!).
                            Bank hol here tomorrow and my eldest sons birthday, so all the family coming for lunch and to view the new kitchen so will have to be up at crack of dawn to clean and scrub to show off!!
                            Hope all are well here and will be back tomorrow I hope
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest


                              Give your dogs the pink tablet per dog....that's what I give my dog when there are storms. REALLY WORKS!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Lav - yep, I've been on here for hours. Lonely nest today. :upset: I guess that means everyone is having a wonderful day. We are having a nice day today. I am just relaxing. Enjoying it.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

