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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Byrdie! Super gorgeous cake and I am certain it tastes even better than it looks!

    Happy 4th to all!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Happy July 4th!
      I'm sitting in my living room listening to fireworks neighbors are setting off. Grateful I'm in the AC because it's super humid out there, ha ha!

      Roobs, it sounds like you are overly tired & letting worry take over about things that may never happen! I recognize that because I used to do the same thing. I finally came to understand that I was putting extra, unneeded pressure on myself & no one needs that. Try keeping yourself present, focus on today. Start making a mental list of all the things you do right & feel gratitude. It really helps!

      Byrdie lovely cake!!!!
      You can do my next wedding cake, LOL

      Hello to everyone & wishing for a safe night in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Roobs, how do you enjoy paris without alcohol? I do understand your point I mean wine is a big part of the culture but so is the food, history, the architecture, the countryside, it's people, it's romance, it's literature, it's language. I think you will have the enjoy part down pat without alcohol. Enjoy
        Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

        William Butler Yeats


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone,

          I'm back from my road trip and visit to help my cousin. I'll post a fuller report tomorrow but for now just wanted to do a quick update that all is well and my quit is not only intact it's stronger! Also, I've been eagerly anticipating my upcoming 1-year milestone and watching my day count increase. It wasn't until today that I realized I must have miscounted somewhere because I thought today was Day 336, but I also know for a fact that my quit date was July 24. So it's almost like a present to myself that I'm really on Day 346!!!

          Thanks again everyone for your kind words about my cousin. We're hanging tough as a family, and we appreciate every ounce of positive energy coming this way. It's really nice knowing I've got this great support nest during challenging times like this.

          I'll read back through all of y'all's adventures from the past 2 weeks and will catch up with you all soon. For now, 5000 miles safely and soberly traveled, and goodnight time for me


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Evening nesters

            Good luck with the job interview Nar, though you dont really need it, they will recognise how great you are. x

            Wags, nearly a year, the count down begins, i was so excited and counted down the days as i never ever thought i could do it. if it wasnt for my hard work and the love and support of here i am sure i would still be in the hell of al. So proud of you.

            Roobs i think voicing how you feel makes you face those feelings. It doesnt mean you will drink but it gives those feelings a voice to be heard instead of them building up inside. it is acknowledging how you feel. When mads was diagnosed with cancer my son asked me if i wanted anything and i said "a bottle of wine or ten". No way in hell would he buy it for me and no way in hell would i drink it but its how i felt. I dealt with my feelings without drinking and of course got through it.

            Pav in 10 years you will wonder what you were worried about. I spent some or a lot of the kids teenage years drunk and have regrets but they have turned out great. resilient creatures are our children.

            Glad you have air con Lav, maybe you should invite the girls inside to cool down too. we are having quite a mild winter but i should not talk too soon about that.

            I have finally finished my course in drug and alcohol so i am feeling pretty proud of myself. i have wanted to do it for years but that witching hour always changed my mind so i just drank and used the book full of excuses on why i could not do it. Now i will finish my course on mental health and hopefully do a diploma and look into working in that field. Life surely does open up without al in our lives.

            TJ happy 4th birthday, when is it exactly. we dont like suprises! Glad your shoulder op went well.

            Byrd that is a gorgeous cake and if i ever get married again (highly doubtful) you can make my cake and bring it over.

            Bed time for me. Take care x
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi all,
              Have not checked in here for a while. Starting day 35 and feeling good. Just got back from a nearly 2 week vacation, and made it through AL free. Including visits with family, who all drink, and a wedding. I can honestly say, the vacation was better because of No AL. Yes, there were times I thought it would be nice, outdoor restaurants on the bay, a refreshing beer after a hike, but the desire passed quickly. A small moment of panic at the dinner the night before the wedding, when all that was being served was beer and wine! Not even soft drinks or water, yikes, was not quite prepared for that one, and since I was on vacation, I didn't have a supply of my own beverages. I was able to snag some sparkling water, when the table was being set.
              Mr V


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, Nest:

                Good luck today, Nar. Break a leg, or whatever I'm supposed to say. I know you'll do fab.

                Congratulations, Ava! I really think you'll be a great drug and alcohol counselor - you already are on MWO.

                Wags - we missed you. Amazing countdown time. I remember I felt really off kilter for about three weeks leading up to one year. I had drinking dreams again, etc. I think it was just on my mind more. But the milestone felt SO GOOD to accomplish. Glad you had a good trip.

                Nice cake, B. You can do my second wedding, too.

                Mr. V - congrats on your sober vacation. I had an experience like that, too. So weird how people don't think about us at all when planning parties!

                Mr. G, Lav, Roobs, LC, Kensho, Pauly and everyone else - hope all is well.



                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hola friends!

                  All the best on the job front Narilly! You are sure to impress my friend.

                  Congrats Ava on finishing that course. Wow, there are no limits now. Well done Mr V. Some tricky scenario's there! Looking forward to your 4 yr anniversary TJ.

                  Day 24 here. Gig and date 5 rolled into one tonight. Clarity. Mind body and spirit in harmony. My way is clear. Oh yeah!

                  Hi Pav and y'all!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good luck with date #5 Mr G! Im feeling good about this lady!
                    Hope everyone had an easy day! Byrdie
                    Last edited by Byrdlady; July 6, 2017, 06:37 AM.
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Great to see everyone!
                      Not as hot & humid today, what a blessing. Rain day coming tomorrow I think (sounds like a good excuse for a nap)

                      Wags, glad your trip went well, good to see you back.

                      Ava, wonderful that you completed your course, nice job

                      Mr V, good job on the AF vacation & 35 AF days, yay! I can't believe there was no water offered at that dinner - weird.

                      Hi there Pav, G & Byrdie! Hope your gig & date #5 go well G.

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Pav - yep, that "just one drink" temptation is a powerful one. I've found the best response is exactly what you did - think ahead past the first one and realize that there would never be "just one" for me. Great job protecting your quit, and now you get to enjoy that feeling of no regrets. I think that feeling is far better than the lie of the first drink buzz, we just have to be disciplined enough to get to it.

                        Byrdie - sounds like a terrible dream but at least you spit out the vodka. Your cake was beautiful!

                        Nar - congrats on being un-hung after Canada Day, and good luck with the interview today!

                        TJAF - congrats on your upcoming 4 years! Do we get to know the date in advance so Byrdie can make a cake I hope your shoulder rehab is going well. Joint replacement is no small surgery, and the rehab can be rough, but it seems that most people feel tremendously better once everything is healed and back in working order.

                        Mr V - congrats on your sober vacay! I just accomplished the same, and it felt and feels so good. I didn't have the wedding challenge you had, but a couple of other big family parties. At one, they had only bought bottled water for the dogs who would be joining the picnic-type event!!! No water, bottled or otherwise, for the humanoids among us. Needless to say, I shared my dog's bottle of water

                        G-dude - hope the gig and date #5 go (went?) well!!!

                        Lav - hope things are starting to cool off a bit for you weather-wise.

                        Ava - hugs to you and Mads as you enjoy this time together.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, Nest:

                          I am off to the mountains for four days and won't be able to post. Wanted to let you know. I will come back Sunday night and will try to maybe post under the wire on the Super Sunday Shoutout - don't like to miss that.

                          Off on a vacation that used to be a big drinking fest. I was worried about this when I quit - 8 months before the yearly trip (the month changes, for those of you keeping track...). It turns out that I have just as much fun - in fact MORE fun because I feel better - and it is not awkward and I have no regrets. I love waking up early, drinking my coffee, and reading my book on the deck. I love the smug feeling of NOT having a hangover like my friends. I love experiencing things for real instead of through an alcohol haze.

                          Hope #5 goes well, G. We're rooting for you to find what you need and want. If it is with this gal, than yipee!

                          Happy Weekend. No ticket to Boozeville here.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            @lifechange, I woke up thinking about you and was so happy to find your post on roll call! (Now I don't have to stalk you :wink. It is so easy to slink away from MWO or other support systems after a screw up but you're not doing that! You're back and willing to try again - and as long as you do that, there is always hope and the chance for you to see all of this in a fresh, new way.

                            I think @Struggles 106 is the clearest example of this - she scared herself terribly the last time she drank and if you read her posts before and after that incident, I think you'll see that she sounds like a different woman. Overnight she changed from feeling like quitting was something she had to do and so had to muster all sorts of will-power, rules, and procedures to somehow accomplish that. Now she sounds grateful that she never has to go through all of that again and doesn't have to convince herself over and over that she can't drink. (Apologies, Ann, if I'm misreading you but I think you sound great - and FREE!).

                            The thing is, none of us need to wait for a terrible rock bottom that hurts us or someone else terribly. Ann was so fortunate! That is one advantage of a community like this - in this one little way, we are much more alike than different. Any of us could be the one driving drunk, or ruining a relationship, or putting a child at risk. We don't need to repeat the experiments but instead can learn from our "peers" who bravely shared what has happened to them. All of the worst things can happen to any addict who continues to drink. Let's learn from one another and spare ourselves and others so much unnecessary pain.

                            Last edited by NoSugar; July 6, 2017, 02:30 PM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              What a beautiful post, NoSugar. You can count me among the people who wish I hadnt waited until something bad happened I'd give anything if I had wised up BEFORE I jeopardized everything I held dear. Alcohol is NOT worth it. I have gained ao much in my recovery, I dont feel Ive lost a thing. I have grown up. It is a wonderful feeling of freedom.
                              Welcome back, LifeChange. Snuggle in and lets get down to work. We will be right by your side.
                              Have a great evening, all. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                We've had many inches of rain today - many......
                                Tomorrow will be the day of reckoning with many, many muddy chicken feet around here, ha ha!

                                LC, I didn't see your post but am glad you are here with us. Our quits are worth the effort, believe me. Stick around with us & let us know how you are doing!

                                Hello to NS, Byrdie, Pav, Wags & everyone checking in today.
                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

