Good evening Nesters,
Itchy Lav checking in here but I'm OK, ha ha!!
I happen to know that I have an over-reactive immune system so these things are not a big surprise to me. My allergies have gotten worse over the course of my lifetime but aging will do that (along with developing new allergies). A tube of Cortisone cream helps a lot. I just don't like it when I am forced to go seek a Rx for Prednisone, yuck.
Sunday shall be an all day celebration here for you wags, nice

LC, sorry about that tequila laced spoonful of something, ugh. Sometimes people can be thoughtless.
Hello to Pav, Ava, G, Byrdie & everyone.
I have to be up & out at 5:30 tomorrow morning to get my husband to the hospital for his hand surgery. Not used to those crazy early hours anymore, oh well.
Have a safe night in the nest everyone!