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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Originally posted by Pavati View Post
    Hi, All

    I am amazed at how many people say to me, "we need a drink!" posing it as a reward. I even find myself saying it because it is so much a part of the culture that everyone knows what I mean - this is a stressful situation. I think I'm going to start saying "We need a hike," or "we need a hug!"

    I absolutely LOVE this idea, and I'm going to borrow it!!!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by Londoner View Post
      Just back from the GP. I've got the prescription to Antabuse. He, as I knew, said it is more important to get to the route of the problem. He has given me information therapeutic help.

      For now, I have the roadblock to drinking - drink and I get severely ill. So the habit is to take the tablet and break through my 60 day AL free record, and build some good habits and strengthen my mental and physical health.

      Meditation, exercise and nutrition habits will be important - which will be easier to build without hangovers. I will then look into the therapy if needed.

      Feeling positive.

      Excellent news Londoner - you're on the path, and yes, now you need to take the steps. Having the AB will likely help you reach that first goal, and I applaud your focus on using the time to build good habits and strengthen your health in many ways. Yes, getting to the root of your drinking will probably be an essential part of this journey, and not an easy one. Stick tight to the nest - we're here for you. This will be key for taking the quit past 60 days. You're doing it!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hell nesters,

        Congratulations Mr.V, 90 days is huge! Keep it up, no turning back,not worth it! Ever!

        Londoner, you're pointed in the right direction, stay focused.

        Feeling pretty good here in Roobville. I had several days with nagging headaches which I realize are hormonally induced. Nothing like a major drop in estrogen. (Sorry guys). It was much more severe this time around, I hope this isn't my new normal. It probably doesn't help that I've been eating poorly. I'm happy to say that today the vice on my head has been removed and I felt happy and very productive. It feels good to get stuff done instead of slogging through the mud.

        Happy sober Thursday everyone.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi again,

          Can anyone tell me what happened to Mario?
          Thank you,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            There sure is a feeling of Fall in the air. That makes this chicken lady very happy, ha ha!!!

            Roobs, I remember the hormonal headaches, ugh. For me they were more or less a phase then went away.
            I don't know the story about Mario other than he is deceased. RIP Mario.

            Londoner, so glad to hear you got the help you were looking for, great.

            On top of all the news of hurricane flooding & destruction in Texas I see now they are watching another hurricane form that could possibly heading for the east coast. This is going to be one crazy season, for sure.
            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Evening nesters

              Mr V a belated congratulations on 90 days sober. So happy for you and you sound so much happier also. Keep up the great work. There is never a good enough reason to pour al down our throats. I bet Mrs V is one happy proud woman also.

              A busy day at work this week, the job i want to apply for has come up. those old thoughts of not being good enough have come to the fore but i know i am good enough so fingers crossed i can leave the insanity of the job i have now. My boss proceeded to tell me yesterday not to overload him with work, i wanted him to do one test on a patient in intensive care. I had to laugh when i had 40 patients walking through my door for tests plus everything else. obviously he was overloaded as he did not do the test till today.

              Home alone this weekend so doing a bit of a spring clean. not too much as i still dont enjoy cleaning, always so much of it. Cleaned like a mad woman when i stopped drinking, glad i moved on from that aspect.

              its the first day of spring here but ice on the windscreen so not sure about that but the day was lovely. I am looking forward to more sun than clouds and rain.

              Pav, i hear so many people say they need a drink that it drives me nuts too. I just keep saying i dont drink and keep getting people looking at me like i just said i murdered someone. Today is 3 years and 9 months, i still get a happy feeling on the first of the month thinking of how far i have actually come and that i am actually happily plodding along on my af path.
              All the ups and downs i experience are so not worth putting al down my throat.

              Take care x
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                [MENTION=23164]Roobs[/MENTION] Mario, unfortunately was murdered. The people of his home town called him a gentle giant, and that's how I will remember him. He did so much for all of us here. Sorry to be so blunt.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  I read about Mario on another thread. So sad.

                  Ava, good luck on your job. And yes! I get happy, too.

                  We are having a heat wave in California - temperatures over 100 and no one I know has air conditioner - usually we don't need it! I'm ok, but I am worried about my parents as their house gets very hot even when it is 80. Lav, I hope that hurricane stays out at sea...

                  Happy Friday! No ticket to Boozeville! (Mr. G! Where are you? We miss you!)

                  Happy long weekend.



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Pav - right here with you in Southern California wo ac! It's going to be a hot weekend! We hose down the dogs in
                    the afternoon to give them a break from the heat.

                    So sad about Mario. He was such an inspiration here.

                    At day 15 for the 3rd time I think. A strange thing happens when I hit a milestone #. My brain starts trying
                    to convince me that I can drink again. I start to feel really good and then this chatter starts. Last night, on
                    day 14, I was able to play the tape through. If I drank last night I know that all this long weekend I would
                    be drinking. And not getting much if anything done. Then, come Tuesday, I would be hungover and just
                    slogging through my day. I don't want that. My best run so far was into the 90's. And I threw it away in
                    an instant! I don't want to do that again.

                    Happy Friday all! Stay free!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning my fellow nesters,

                      I am doing well and certainly sober. Life is so much better without having to worry about whether you are going to drink or not. When it's not an option, a sense of freedom pours over me and a new found confidence is revealed. I love waking up early, refreshed and curious about how the day will unfold. So much better than being hungover, trying to remember what happened the night before, guilt-ridden for obvious reasons, etc.
                      Today I'm feeling optimistic, clear headed and ready to enjoy the long weekend where I will surround myself with people like us, as well as those that choose not to drink. Being around non-drinkers and having fun is so much more meaningful. The friendships Ive made in sobriety are second to none - we seem to have this underlying understanding almost as if we've known each other from another lifetime..

                      Hope everyone has a good long weekend - any exciting plans?

                      Last edited by LostSoul33; September 2, 2017, 10:30 AM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Things have been so crazy, but on day 6. Haven’t been sober this long in what seems like forever. Made a few good 5 days, but usually the weekends would creep up.

                        Byrdie - I know that disgusted look well from people, too. Makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. I’ve always been known as the one who goes to far with booze. Oh yeah, that’s just Moonking - drinking more and more. Lots of regrettable moments for sure. Like lifechange said, I can’t believe I’ve wasted so many years drinking. Yikes.

                        Pavati - I keep Googling and Googling and I know I need to stop. Most of the stories are the same - “Oh, I didn’t know I was pregnant and drank 4 long islands a few days before I found out, baby is fine!” Then you get the random: “I blacked out twice during pregnancy and my baby has FAS.” So, I’ll feel better for awhile and then the anxiety creeps in. I’ve looked at reputable websites (Arizona State has a good one) about how two weeks after conception is kind of an all or nothing stage and it’s not until 6-8 weeks that you can do significant damage. I just keep reading stories thinking: “Yeah, but I bet they didn’t drink as much as I did!” And the guilt of course that I knew we were sort of trying to get pregnant and that I should have just quit all together because I knew I couldn’t just keep it to 1-2 glasses a night. I mean, with my daughter I specifically remember how much I drank 1, 2, 3, 4 nights before I found out with her…but I think this time it was even more. I keep trying to remind myself that this baby is very wanted, even if I did do damage in some capacity. Again, all evidence points to whether you had 1 drink or 20 drinks in a night in that two weeks it doesn’t matter…but my anxiety ridden brain doesn’t like to believe logical, scientific things. According to my trusty phone app I was only 3 weeks, 5 days…but who knows. I’m terrified to find out I’m farther along than that. I anxiously await my doctor’s appointment. I know stressing is bad, so I’m trying to tell myself there is no point in worrying until I find out for sure at the appointment anyway. Just hard to imagine anyone drank as much as I did.

                        ssd - that’s exactly where I would get. To some milestone and say: “It’s OK - I can have one!” Which of course would spiral out of control.

                        The temp here has suddenly dropped but I’m OK with that - I love fall. We’re gearing up the camper to head out for a week camping on the lake and I couldn’t be happier. I brought my running shoes and multiple books and I’m ready for my first real alcohol free vacation. Flavored seltzer water in a wine glass should get me through just fine.

                        LostSoul, I can’t wait until I feel like that - free from worrying about whether I can drink or not. I’ll admit - I miss the buzz, of anything really. In other attempts to get sober I’d abuse hydrocodone or even caffeine and I can’t do that now, which is a good thing. But I sure miss that. Maybe I can work on healthy endorphins through exercise!

                        Also, I’m sorry about Mario. I remember him from my last time here. Very, very sad.
                        Sober since: 8/27/2017 :yay:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening, Nesters!
                          Mr V, congrats on those 90 days! :three: We are so proud of you!

                          I took today off but ended up working half a day. Finally left the house and went shopping! It was nice!

                          Moon, there is nothing like breaking out of the cycle of addiction. Close the door (slam it!) and dont look back. You have a great future ahead with your new baby, AL will do nothing to enhance that. Protect your quit with everything you've got! You will never find anyone on this site who ever returned to drinking and didnt regret it. We dont need AL to rob us of anymore precious life. So happy about your 6 days! Enjoy your vacation!

                          Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Yep, there's a definite chill in the air but I love that
                            There will be one more heat wave in September, there always is after the kids return to school.

                            Mr V, Congrats on your 90! Nice!

                            Moonking, Congrats on your 6 AF days - great start, almost a week already, yay!

                            Ava, I seriously hope you get that job if that's what you really want. Of course you deserve the best, never forget that
                            Happy Spring to you!

                            Byrdie, working on your day off? That's not great but glad it was just half the day.

                            LS, you sound wonderful!

                            Hello to Pav, ssd & everyone else checking in tonight.
                            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi nesters,

                              Thanks Mr. V, so sorry to hear about Mario. I looked forward to his posts and words of wisdom everyday, he always gave back.

                              Off to soccer tournament today in ridiculously hot weather. I can definitely handle the heat without a hangover,. I'm glad to start the day hydrated instead of with a nasty dehydrating hangover . Eww, makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

                              Happy sober Saturday.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning all!
                                [MENTION=23999]moonking[/MENTION] - great on the 6 days! I am happy to hear that your husband is going to join you! It helps so much to remove the daily
                                drinks in the house. When I did my 90+ stint afree my husband joined me. He drinks now, but is more able to moderate. I just can't seem
                                to do it. Plus, he says that the alcohol doesn't bring on depression and anxiety like it does for me. The more days afree you can get, the clearer your mind gets.
                                [MENTION=23164]Roobs[/MENTION] - it is so nice to lose the permanent feeling of dehydration! When I feel dehydrated now it is a reminder of the nasty things alcohol does to us!

                                Congrats on 90 days [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION]e!

