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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I am too very pleased that your friend is ok..
    Katie xx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone
      The weekend is over thank goodness, and I didn't have a drink although I felt the need more strongly yesterday than I have since I stopped this time. 3 weeks-No grog. We had a festival in our local town this weekend just gone. The Celtic Festival. Lots of Music and fun, lots of market stalls, knights on horses doing jousting, vikings wrestling, hitting eachother with sticks and fighting with short swords. Great fun. Very tempting to have a guinness at the ale tent but I stayed away.

      I had such a good time listening to some of the celtic bands play lively Irish music and Scottish Rock N Roll. I bought a CD of a band called Murphy's Pigs. They have seven members, bagpipes, drums, bass guitar, lead guitar, acoustic guitar, fiddle and flute.

      Talking about obvious grocery store names - here in Australia we tend to name things in very obvious ways. Take our most famous building, a place in Sydney where they often have operas. The powers that be here called it..... yes...The Opera House.

      There's a bay where sharks are often seen. It's called... you guessed it ...Shark Bay. One of our many deserts has many stones all over its. Of course it's called The Stoney Desert. I guess the early settlers had more to think about than creative names for places.

      See you
      AF since 12 April 2010


        Newbies Nest

        Phew. Just read through 8 pages and I still seem to have missed a few things.
        Bits of sadness here and there and some causes for celebration. Glad everyone sounds OK.

        I have the week off to get my house ready for sale. It took me all day to clean my two teenage boys' room. I bought them a shiny new rubbish bin and one of those fold out hampers for their laundry. They looked at it blankly and said it was a bit gay, but they'd try to remember to use it. I'm doing all those little things you never get round to - like my daughter's curtain had lost a few hooks and was hanging in one corner for an embarrassing length of time, my ceilings are so high I need a ladder to change the light bulbs and clean the ceiling fan, so that is also ticked off the list. Never thought housework would be kind of fun.

        On the alcohol front I'm doing OK, but my ex is playing on my emotions. He is on a sickness benefit because he had a breakdown (my fault apparently, even though he was the one who strayed and left), so he is coming round each day to help with the house, which is helpful but stressful. Trying not to give in to the desire to sit down with a drink each day he leaves.


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning All...
          Good to see everyone...
          looks like a few of you are you want to sell your house or is that part of your split? I am sorry if it is...
          We are getting ready here for our son's high school he was rear ended a few weeks ago and the truck is being totalled and he is making us crazy about a new car.....
          Off to work..will check in later

          Nora....I am happy your friend is stronger...please keep us posted...
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            dancing on - definately sounds like your ex and mine are twin brothers separated at birth! well done for not giving in to drinking when he leaves.. what other ways do you use to "wind down"?
            My ex drives me crackers, i would often smoke after even a text or phone call.. but not anymore, im on the gum! (nicorette).. it certainly is tough when exes blame you for everything.. my ex still does that now even though we were only married 15 months.. he goes on and on like we were married for 10 yrs or more!!!
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              Newbies Nest

              Feeling Hopeless

              Hi there everyone. I'm new and i was hoping someone could give me some advice to stop my drinking. I feel like i can't stop myself. I feel weaker than i've ever felt and this time my life has fallen apart all around me. So i feel even more crappy and all this added stress just makes me wanna go out and drink again, even though i know it'll just make everything worse. I just need something to numb this pain i'm feeling.

              I hope to meet loads of you and become good friends.

              Drinking is like beating your head into a brick wall!:headbanger:


                Newbies Nest

                I need a place like The Nest right now so i can chill out and feel safe.
                Thank God for this site
                Drinking is like beating your head into a brick wall!:headbanger:


                  Newbies Nest

                  welcome Yellow Shine
                  TRUST ME...we have all been where you are now honey, so quit beating yourself up
                  You can chill here with us all you like
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    hi Yelloshine.. by all means hang out here..
                    Katie xx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Yellowshine. Down load the book if you havent already. Alot of useful information there. Try the supplements and the CD's as everything all together seems to do the trick. Hope you are feeling better than your previous post. Everyone here is very supportive and helpful, so please feel free to chill out and read all you can.
                      Tantangra - you are doing sooooo well. I hope you are proud of your self. Your weekend sounds great. What a lovely idea doing all those things that people did 100's of years ago. I love history, especially English history.
                      I am having another test and another first this weekend. My husband and I are going "down south" for a weekend away - no kids.... But the "test" part for me is that it is to a wine district! So it will be my first visit to one of my favourite places and actually seeing what it is like thru sober eyes.
                      In my previous life, we would have roadies (another aussie term for drinks while driving.... very responsible thing to do...... NOT) all the way down, so by the time we got there we were well on our way. Usually a bottle or two before going out to a restaurant which we would consume another bottle. So the walk back to the hotel would usually be in blackout! The following day would be an early start on the AL with the afternoon sampling all the wines at the wineries. Followed by usually a quieter night (because i would have a hangover by now) but still consuming alot of wine. No drinks on the sunday drive back because all of the sudden I have a case of the guilts and try to be a responsible driver. This was a fairly typical weekend away which we would try and do every couple of months.
                      OH HOW MY LIFE HAS CHANGED!!!
                      Dont feeling too anxious about going and staying AF which is good. Just being away from all the hassles, the kids, the injured cat, the work drama's (that's another story) and relaxing will be great.
                      Have a good evening/morning everyone.
                      Take care.
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        Quick thought: I realize the "plan" aspect of my approach to becoming AF is poor.

                        "A goal without a plan is just a wish." This has been me. I'm going to concentrate on my plan this week.

                        Happy splashing, everyone!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Coco-Nut;848272 wrote: Quick thought: I realize the "plan" aspect of my approach to becoming AF is poor.

                          "A goal without a plan is just a wish." This has been me. I'm going to concentrate on my plan this week.

                          Happy splashing, everyone!
                          Way too go Coco... I'am so PROUD of you!!!
                          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                            Newbies Nest

                            YellowShine;848217 wrote: Hi there everyone. I'm new and i was hoping someone could give me some advice to stop my drinking. I feel like i can't stop myself. I feel weaker than i've ever felt and this time my life has fallen apart all around me. So i feel even more crappy and all this added stress just makes me wanna go out and drink again, even though i know it'll just make everything worse. I just need something to numb this pain i'm feeling.

                            I hope to meet loads of you and become good friends.

                            Welcome aboard, YellowShine!

                            Here's how it went for me (and perhaps a few others here). I became so sick of the roller coaster that I decided that I was willing to attempt a night away from drinking. I hung out in the nest and made it through night one, which felt like (and was) a major accomplishment. It felt very good to wake up clear-headed the next morning.

                            One night leads to another...

                            Come and hang out here...there will be plenty of us here to help get you through the night (or day, as the case may be).


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning, nestlers!

                              Wow.. this sure is a busy place! You don't check in for a few hours and spend the next hour catching up! :H Great to see, though! Welcome Yellow Shine! Excellent advice from Hippie... hope you're settling in alright. *Psst* Just politely decline Fennel's Tacos for now... until you develop a stomach for her cuisine!

                              Well, as you can see by my new avatar... the monsters are home! Yayyyy! It's been a long time coming! Yes, Sophie was rather reluctant to hop on that trailer and was hollering for her buddies (who were helping tremendously by whinnying back) - but in the end she decided to humor me. Unloading and 'introducing' the two was utterly anti-climactic. :H Not a squeal, nor a kick.. nothing (there are horses who nearly kill each other when they first meet). Well, not these two.

                              Anywho - by the time I came in it was almost 10pm, I then made dinner (bad girl, I know) and was just wiped. Had a good night's sleep, though and was out bright and early to feed and try and clean them up a bit. Yikes, Atlas was filthy and Sophie had gotten into the burrs again.

                              Dancing... I'm sorry... I went through VERY bitter sweet emotions last year, selling my home. It's not easy. :l Coco - Yes, work on your plan and share when you got it pat down, will ya? I need some help in that department!

                              Ok, I'm going to say 'Hello' all around.. better check on the pool and then get some work done here Have a fabby AF day, everyone!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters & welcome newbies.
                                I hope that someone put the coffee on for you today. I'm running late. If not, here's another pot and some Diet Coke and bagels.

                                I need to get up & get moving. I took my anxiety pills last night so I could get a good sleep. It worked - I had been so stressed out the whole night & day before. So, last night I slept great. So, now I've to run around like crazy to get ready for work. :H:H

                                Have a great day everyone
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

