Good evening Nesters,
I had a half decent day although it did start with a funeral this morning for one of my husband's former coworker. Bless him, he retired way back in 1982 & passed away just 33 days before his 90th birthday. That's a pretty good long life.
Ava, every time I hear you talk about mum - I just want to reach out & give her a tiny little shove, ha ha!! You have learned to manage her quite well, good for you

I hope every thing works out well for you son in counselling. Enjoy your week off!
Byrdie, eat the ice cream & bake some nice cookies while you're at it too. We're just human & are allowed a little bit of self pity from time to time. I think the trick is to not let ourselves get stuck in the pity party & allow those feelings to grow into somethin worse

Wags, I think it's safe to say that most of us have had to learn the hard way. Maybe it's just as well so we don't easily repeat previous mistakes. At least that's what I am hoping.
Let's all stay put in the nest & stay safe together :hug:
Hello to Pav, ML, moonking, G & anyone I've missed.
Wishing us all a safe & comfy night in the nest!