I'm thinking of Lil Bit too Byrdy. An amazing woman who i am learning much from. If she can be grateful in the face of death, what the hell am i worried about. For me, better to have loved than not to have loved before, and i've still got years left on the planet to experience love, loss, sorrow, joy. I don't have only a few weeks left! Lil bit is an extraordinary person. :heartbeat:
Thanks Pav! :heartbeat:
Kensho! You're a huge star and one of my heroes 'round this joint. If i drink only a few, once in a week, it still throws my inner peace and self confidence/happiness and messes with my inner chemistry too. So, i'm better without even a glass or 2 a week, or a night. A small amount of AL still has a negative effect for me, even if i don't go crazy. (but i'll sure get back to crazy soon enough, so noooo deal). Have one of these little beauties - :heartbeat:
L8tr g8trs.