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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters,

    My heart goes out to all those affected by the shooting in Las Vegas.. very sad to have so many hurt by such a senseless act.

    Pav, Congratulations on 200 weeks without alcohol.. that is such an accomplishment!

    Kensho, same with me with regards to arguing. I love feeling in control in such situtions, both feet planted firmly on the ground, the ability to think things through. I'm so much more even-keeled, so much less likely to fly off the handle. Am also enjoying being up later in the evenings and feeling fresh in the morning!

    Moonking, I hope you'll be feeling better soon.. sounds like truly hard-core morning sickness. Like Kensho said, crazy that we put ourselves in that state with drinking.

    I woke up in the early hours and thought just that.. the more time I have away from drinking, the more clear my mind becomes, the better my body feels.. I imagined how it was, how sad, to be drowning myself with wine and beer as if it was water.. the liters I poured down my throat, hiding glasses and bottles, lying to myself and everyone else. In the moment I don't have any urge whatsoever to drink, so it's easy to see the insanity. I'm immensely grateful each and every day I choose not to drink.. I'm finally taking care of myself..

    Marylou, what a wonderful experience with your Husband! I'm very happy for you and for your supportive relationship..:love:

    Big hugs to Byrdie, Lav, Ava, G-man, Wags, Pauly, Roobs, NS.. and all of you flying and/or stopping by. I almost said, Hope you all have a nice Sunday 'cause it's a holiday here and so quiet you could hear a pin drop.. so Happy Tuesday instead!
    Last edited by lifechange; October 3, 2017, 01:15 AM.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola nesters,

      My condolences to the people of Las vegas. Pauly, you ok?

      Congratulations to the Pava twins! Yooooooge alright.

      Marylou, that's a beautiful post. :heartbeat: And Byrdy, :heartbeat:

      Ah ok then, lot's of love and hugs for the lot of youse! :heartbeat::hug:

      LC, great post. Always interesting reading your thoughts. All good here thanks in answer to your earlier question.

      I'm at work with my ex romantic interest tomorrow my time, in 13.5 hrs. First time we've seen each other since she called things off 7 weeks ago. Should be interesting! It'll be cool. I'm ready and relaxed. Heart strings will be tugged a little no doubt, but i accept the reality and will just have a good day being myself. I will sit with any emotional pain and let it be.

      Take it easy out there.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest


        A little meditation before work, and you'll be fine, G. You got this...

        It was a sad, weird, and overall crappy day yesterday. Good thing we get a new one today. Time for us to be the best humans we can be.



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Originally posted by Pavati View Post
          It was a sad, weird, and overall crappy day yesterday. Good thing we get a new one today. Time for us to be the best humans we can be.
          Yes it was, Pav, and the combination of personal and social problems is getting me down. I appreciated your contacting me. A little kindness can go a long way and the world sure could use more of that.
          I'm grateful that drinking doesn't even remotely seem like the solution to a low mood. It is a time for all of us to be awake and part of the solution, in whatever way each of us can contribute. Like you said, to be the best we can be. xx, NS


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Checking in, I hope everyone has a peaceful evening. NS, you are so right, distance away from AL gives us such superpowers, even when the world is such a mess. Hugs to all, Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nesters,

              Glad to see folks checking in & staying strong. We are stronger together, always remember that :hug:

              NS, the world has problems & I am afraid the US is at the head of the line these days. So many overwhelming events going on at once & no real leadership in place to help steer us to safety. What a sad state of affairs, unlike anything I've ever witnessed. Keeping ourselves strong & clear headed & focused on creating a better future is the best we can do.

              G, I just know you are going to be OK.
              Report back to us, your best fan club

              Hello to LC, Pav, Byrdie & everyone.

              Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                evening nesters

                A super busy week, trying to catch up from my time off as usual. I had my job interview and it went well so the new prof told me. now i have to wait and be told yes i have it or no i dont. He did tell me i ran the department very well and i said yes i do but i also told him i have been there ten years in November and i have no reason to stay on. I told him what i wanted and he had no issues. i know i can do this job but we all know that people do not pick wisely. hopefully i will know by Friday. feeling pretty stressed but thats because i am not in control. oh well positive thoughts.

                NS sending you love and hugs.

                Hope all went well G. Firsts are always hard but what doesnt kill us makes us stronger.

                Enjoying some peace and quiet. my son has gone away so its me and the girls. love it but have some early starts at work also this week. Lots of coffee i am thinking.

                Take care x
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I would love to connect with new and senior members who may be able to show me the ropes. I have only very recently found this wonderful online resource and I'm so grateful that I can share trials and successes on this ever so bumpy road to recovery.
                  Today marks day 18 of my life free from alcohol and drugs and with the steady guidance of my clinical team, friends and family I will endeavour to continue making positive choices.
                  If any one has advice or suggestions please feel free to give me some guidance as I'm not really sure how this forum works entirely.
                  Positive vibes only <3


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters,

                    Ava, best of luck to you. You must be very proud of yourself for taking on a new challenge and speaking your mind. Good for you!

                    It is really difficult to feel positive when the world is going insane but like Pav said, I will try to be the best human I can be today.

                    This weekend I have a fundraiser to go to. It's one of those Painting parties, drink wine, paint a picture etc... of course I won't be drinking. I sent out an invitation to a woman I've done some business with. She emailed back yes and she bought the ticket BUT just a heads up, she doesn't drink. I can't believe how happy that made me, I feel like instant kindred spirits. She stated in a way that reminded me of myself. It put a smile on my face.

                    Happy sober hump day!


                      Re: Newbies Nest


                      Good to see you pop in, NS. Like Byrdie says, good thing we don't drink.

                      Ava - good luck on your job. Job hunting is stressful - trying to portray who you are while giving them what they want... I know you'd be great and I hope they see that.

                      Hi, Brigitte - there is lots of advice here. 18 days is an amazing start. You could read back here on this thread, or explore the toolbox for ideas. You've found a great place...



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Brigette - Welcome! Yep, this thread is a great mix of new folks and long-timers who can all help your find your new way. I agree with Pav - for starters, read back thru this thread and you'll get a sense of the ups ad downs we weather together. Also visit the Tool Box for great posts specifically designed (or recognized) as being useful for folks who need support, resources, motivation, or, well, tools!

                        NS - glad to see you! Sending you support during this difficult time. Pav, thanks for reaching out to our friend.

                        Ava - good luck with the job news!

                        G-dude - how'd'it go???

                        Waves and hellos to everyone!!!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          So, I could use some advice...

                          You might recall that over the summer I've mentioned my cousin a few times - she's my age, and is the closest I've ever had to a sister. She found out unexpectedly in late June that she has a very aggressive form of brain cancer. Treatment didn't do much other than make her sick and she entered hospice at home about two weeks ago. Hospice workers believe that she'll pass sometime this month, with gradual deterioration over the next few weeks.

                          I've been in touch with other family down there and they have invited/welcomed me to come down for a visit. I absolutely want to go see her, and see all of them if possible, and I've decided on next week. So here's where I'd love some advice. I've been with people who are dying before - primarily my mom - but never with someone so "young" whose life got halted in its tracks so very suddenly. Any words of wisdom on what to say to her? I generally believe in letting the dying person take the lead re what we talk about, and I've been one of the few people who hasn't buried my head in the sand since her diagnosis, so we'e discussed some hard things already (when to start hospice, who she wants in the room with her at "the end", etc).

                          Any of you lovely people have any input from your own experiences, either personal or professional?

                          Sigh... I'm so grateful that I'm not drinking.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters!

                            I managed to pick up a nasty cold and am feeling like about a buck o five! Funny, I was getting down on myself the past 2 days for being tired, trying to keep up the momentum.. and yesterday I just crashed. Thankfully I could and after a lot of tea and sleep I made it to work. Ughhh.. But better than being hung over!

                            NS, hugs and love to you. I'm thinking of you alot..

                            Ava, way to go on the job interview.. I agree, it's so stressful to apply for a new job. They would be more than lucky to get you and hopefully they're realising it! Keep us posted.. Hows little Mads doing these days?

                            Welcome, Brigette! Well done on 18 AF days.. I'd start off like the others have said. Checking in here, reading and posting at least once a day is what keeps me on track more than anything. If I begin to avoid the Nest/MWO or become inactive, it's usually a sign that something's going on. Looking forward to getting to know you better..

                            Wags, :hug: I don't have a lot of experience with loved ones dying. I was with my Grandmother, who was quite old, when she died .. and the other person was a friend in his 40's who had Leukemia.. in both instances, it was enough to be present, to hold hands, to express love, to listen.. I guess it will also depend a lot on where she is mentally and physically at that point. You are such a loving and sensitive person, I think you're instinct/intuition will lead you, as will she.. Sending you strength and love..I'm glad you are going to be with her..

                            I have a bit of good news.. I got a call from André's Social Worker today, who said that he'd moved into his new room.. He will get help there with his psychological and addiction problems and can stay as long as he needs to.. It's a nice place where he has his own room. Thank goodness.. I am so happy and relieved..

                            Hi to Byrdie, Lav, G-man, Roobs (let us know how it goes this weekend at the fundraiser.. very cool that you might meet a kindred spirit!), Pav..
                            and everyone else flying/stopping by.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola nesters!

                              Good luck on friday Ava. Any joint would be super lucky to have you around.
                              Welcome Brigette. Day 18 Wowza!
                              Hi Wags. I got no advice on that, except to say that i reckon she'll love and appreciate your company and just simply spending some time together. :hug:
                              LC, Go Andre! You've been a good friend and support to the man. I hope his new digs is a peaceful place where he feels good and safe.

                              Well y'all. the day at work with the ex romance went as well as could be expected i suppose. We smiled at each other and the interactions were warm and respectful. My heartstrings were pulled a little, but that's ok. Seeing her at work for a short time this arvo during shift changeover, then we probably won't cross paths till mid november sometime. I admit part of me is keeping the door slightly ajar for her. I know this can be dangerous with affairs of the heart, but that's in the back of my mind, but also with no expectations and i know i can't control outcomes so my overall approach is accept she has moved on, but don't delete her from my life just yet! I wish her all the best and send her on her way with love. Maybe i'm a fool. :eek-new:

                              Aside from that, all fairly good here. Take it easy out there.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Wags,that's really sad about your cousin,no advice but a ((hug)) Bridgette,welcome LC feel better soon,I feel like I might be coming down with something too but I guess it's change of season,,NS,great to see you hope all is well
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

