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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Ava- there is something about a mothers love that can never be replaced! I have no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't have minded seeing your smiling face at the bedside there, regardless of what other supports were at hand!!

    Lifechange- And oh goodness, I absolutely love the "peanut allergy" reference; I have often told my psychiatrist that I feel as though I must have a chemical reaction, some kind of unforeseen explosion of atoms when the ETOH hits my system, creating an alter ego who is powerless to make rational decisions. I wish there was an eli-pen on the market for my 'allergic reaction' HAHA! I hope that your health is on the mend! Plenty of herbal tea and rest best be on the cards!!

    Abcowboy-What an astounding accomplishment he has made. When you hear of dedication like that it truly gives you a good nudge in the right direction, a little voice that says..."yeah, I can do that too!!!!". And what a grounded and understanding person to have in your life!!

    Sorry for the late reply; I live on the other side of the world to most of you guys and just finished a 13.5 hour shift. Happy to be home, showered, fed and almost ready to do it all again tomorrow.

    No personal Boozeville for this little chicken , Guitarista!! However there is a massive Oktoberfest celebration in the area this weekend....I have no doubt that I will come across plenty of patients suffering the consequences of the copious amounts of beer, vomit, injuries, breakups and emotional distress that comes out of it!

    Stay safe, steady and most of all sober my dears



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, Nest:

      I had one of the crazier days yesterday. At the end of the day I was having a meeting with members of my family. I was SO amped up and frazzled from work that I knew I wouldn't be my best self in the meeting. Getting to the parking lot 10 minutes early, I decided to meditate. I can't tell you what a difference it made. I really felt that calming feeling as if I had had that one first drink, only more clear-headed. It is so amazing to have real tools to use instead of the false promise of something in a bottle.

      Ava - Sorry about your son, and I'm glad he's ok. Chalk one up for your mom - good thing she was there. Good luck with the job and everything.

      G - Feel free to bring her up again or anything you want to talk about. Have a bewdy!

      Hi, everyone else. All I can say is TGIF. And, no, I will not be traveling to Boozeville.



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Ava - thanks for sharing your experiences with Robert - great advice in there. I'm sorry to hear about your son - hope he's feeling well again soon.

        LC - hope you're feeling better soon too. Taking a day off work can sometimes be hard to do for ourselves, but is often exactly what our minds and bodies need.

        Pav - awesome job with the meditation before your meeting. And how wonderful that you could clearly see how much more effective that was than the "one drink" approach!

        Since we got rained out on our camping trip last weekend, we're gonna try again this weekend. If we're able to stay the whole time, I won't be back on here until Sun eve or Mon morning. Hope you all have fantastic AF weekends!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hello everyone,

          To those suffering with colds - hope you feel better soon. My little one has a nasty cough and I hate seeing her suffer. Unfortunately there's not much you can give to anyone under six years old - except the old, "Ooooh - a little whiskey will help her sleep!" jokers.

          I cannot imagine 55 years sober, that's one incredible journey.

          So sorry to hear about your cousin, wagmor, that's so incredibly tough. I can't add to the advice everyone else has already given - my experiences with death are limited and it's one thing I don't deal well with. Glad your cousin has you. And glad you are sober.

          Sorry to everyone else - I know there are other stories and I feel like I should address them all, but I'm stretched on time. I took the past two days off to deal with the morning sickness and am trying to get caught up at work. Nothing new to report, just that I'm over this. I told my husband if I have to have a c section this time I'm going to tell the doctors to just tie my tubes right up because I am NEVER, repeat, NEVER going to be pregnant again. It is a miracle the human race has survived this long.

          As the days drag on I think about drinking less and less, which is a good thing. I do worry about how I'm going to "get out of" the peer pressure, but I suppose I'll deal with that when it comes. Right now the thought, smell, and sight of alcohol makes my stomach turn, just hoping that sticks around for, oh, I don't know, the rest of my life. But I sure would like to get my tastebuds back for other delicious things like hamburgers, fries and milkshakes.
          Sober since: 8/27/2017 :yay:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hola Nesters.

            MK, i can't imagine what you're going through, but you are doing an amazing job!

            LC, hope you're feeling better real soon my friend.

            thanks Pav. Top job on the meditation buddy.

            Hope you have an easy weekend at work Bridgette.

            All good here. working myself this weekend. Lucky i like my job and the people. Mental health week kicks orf here sunday 8th. World mental health day is tuesday oct 10. I know how substance addiction/abuse often goes hand in hand with mental health issues and often some kind of trauma that hasn't been addressed. We must learn to take care of ourselves and remember to get some kind of self love, self care in today and every day.

            Big waves to all.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              I agree entirely with the use of meditation, even a very short time of focused mindfulness can cause a huge shift in emotional and physical balance!! I have an app on my phone that has guided meditations and it has helped my sleep in particular immensely!! The satisfaction I used to find in a couple (or a bottle) of wines is far surpassed by genuine, organic relaxation. It took me a long time to be able to sit with my own thoughts though, it can take a bit to get used too, don't you think, Pav?

              Moonking- you poor soul! This child must be strong willed and full of courage if it is causing your body such chaos!! I don't know how you feel about supportive therapies but there are some relatively safe antiemetics on the market these days that can be used during pregnancy to get you through.

              I have another chaotic shift with the full moon flying high in the sky this evening in AUS...I refuse to believe that the luna influence is merely superstition!!! The cells of our bodies are made up a percentage of water...the moon controls the tides of the ocean, you cannot tell me that it doesn't also influence the humans down here on earth also! Haha!

              Stay safe, balanced and full of love :love:

              Sending love and light to all


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Evening, all. Cakes are in the oven, time to relax. Hope everyone has an easy evening! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  We're supposed to have a rainy weekend here so I guess I'll catch up on some inside projects & that's OK.

                  Brigette, after working nearly 30 years in hospitals I can tell you 100% for sure that the full moon often had them howling, haha!!! My daughter is working in hospitals now & she's seeing the same thing. Good luck with your weekend!

                  Byrdie, baking sounds like a good idea

                  Moonking, hang in there, I know it's extra rough for some folks but the morning sickness will end soon

                  G, have a good weekend at work!

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    evening nesters

                    Glad everyone is sounding great. Hope you feel better soon LC, god i remember when i used to get sick it would be a great excuse to drink. the thought makes me shudder now.

                    Another Aussie Brigette, its nice to have some of us in the same time zone though i used to waffle on and on when i first came on here.

                    I picked up my boy yesterday and i am happy about that. took him to the drs today for different meds and his surgery needs packing. so i had a lesson in that in case needed and the district nurse does not visit tomorrow. our health system is good but you need to know how to navigate it. luckily i do. He has slept a lot today which is good and his friends have stayed away.

                    Moon always remember that saying NO is easy and its two letters. No one will ever force me to have a drink and at the end of the day it is my choice and my body. I have given my body enough hell to last a lifetime through drinking.

                    Mads is not well today so i have a house of sick puppies and people. may have to take her to the vets tomorrow if she is no better.

                    son is calling, take care x
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest


                      Yes, meditation takes practice, and I don't practice often enough. I have been doing a lot of stretching at night to try to unlock my shoulders, and I'm thinking I can combine the two.

                      Ava - glad you can be nurse for your furry and non-furry kids, and navigate the system. That makes such a difference - to know how to navigate.

                      I am meeting friends for breakfast - they used to be happy hour friends, but two of us have quit drinking and the others never were big drinkers. This works well.

                      Happy SOBER Saturday.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Well one of my cake layers broke when I turned it out of the pan last night. That becomes the cook’s snack. So back to the store for another cake mix. Now I have red velvet cake layers coming out my ears. I now have them in the freezer and will frost then tomorrow. I put togetger the cake topper today, not sure Im 100%happy with the greenery so will look around, I have time!
                        Its been a fun day of creative thinking, I sure hope this cake turns out, Im nervous about it, I dont want to disappoint the bride!
                        Hope everyone is having a good day!
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Looks amazing to me Byrdy!

                          Have a great weekend everyone. Safe, sober and magical.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Nothing special going on with me so far this weekend, wasn't really expecting anything anyway, ha ha!

                            Ava, glad you have your son home, I know he's in good hands
                            I hope Mads feels better too.

                            Byrdiie, that's a great cake topper! Good luck finishing the cake

                            Hello to G, Pav & anyone else checking in here.
                            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Super quick check in; should already be dressed and heading to work but I wanted to ensure that I popped in and sent some positive vibes first!!

                              Yay, Available! The same time zone would definitely help with more timely contact, but my hours are so manic I don't know what time it is most of the time anyway hahaha!!

                              The moon delivered on its usual promise of chaos!!

                              Stay safe everyone!!!



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nesters,
                                A quick check in for me, as I have guests this weekend. Nice people I've known for a long time so it isn't stressful. We will go to a small concert tonight.. A mom from the school who has a lovely voice and I've always wanted to hear her live.

                                I'm with you all on meditation and always notice a big difference in my life when I commit to doing it regularly.. though even when I don't, using it as you did Pav, helps immensely, too. I often disappear at work for 5 minutes to bring myself back.. and I often use it to calm my mind at night, to fall asleep. On our kayaking trip, my friend and I got up early and went down to the river to meditate outside and together.. I was a bit shy about doing it with someone close to me but it was really nice..It's something I'd like to be more disciplined with.

                                Brigitte, I hope your work shift goes well.. it sounds very stressful but you have a great attitude and general outlook on life..:love: I, for one, am always very affected by the full moon!

                                Ava, Hugs to you! I sure hope your son and Mads are feeling better soon..I'm glad you can be there for both of them..

                                I hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday.. it's what I'm hoping for! Byrdie, I hate it when that happens! And I guess if it's for a wedding cake, you can't just frosting- glue it together, eh?:happy2: Good luck with the new cake!!

