Hi guys
Being here today is really difficult. As you may guess today is day 1 AGAIN, This time I think I really messed up. I think Mrs T is going to leave but I'll just have to wait and see. I started drinking again when there was a gap in the supply of Antabuse - you all know the drill - just a glass or 2 after work, felt in control, went to see the Shrink and he told me that he thought I was on a slippery slope - turned into a cliff and now I've hit the bottom again.
I'm back on the Antabuse and Baclafen as of today and I really am going to have to take this hour by hour again.
I really didn't ever want to be writing this again. I still feel like I'm going to be mourning the loss of alcohol but I KNOW it's the only way on, and my only hope of saving the car-crash that is my marriage at the moment.
I gonna keep checking in here and on the roll call. - One day at a time