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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Well just a small update,
    Otis is a little frenchton dog (French bulldog/Boston terrier) his head is really, seriously big he looks like a bobble head. Lol we don't have any other pets or children at home they are all out on their own. We are pretty excited to be be this fur babies parents. I am amazed of the support from family and friends on this decision as Otis will be therapy for both hubby and I.
    On the other front hubby is now sober, no alcohol in his blood stream but is still extremely ill. It has been a tireless and down righ scary deal up to this point (one I wish never to repeat). I will still need to watch him super close for the next few days for any of the signs that I need to take him to hospital. Having a drink ever again is not an option. This whole experience has reinforced my commitment to sobriety. He told me if he ever goes to have another drink that I'm to slap him...I may hold him to that.
    Good Night everyone!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Inthesky - your new pup Otis sounds super cute. I'm a huge dog lover and I sure do appreciate the several special ones I've spent time with in my life. We currently have a little jack russell mix that looks a lot like my profile pic but a little bigger. She's such a sweetie and totally therapeutic for both of us. I'm glad you're feeling so good about that decision and getting support from family and friends.

      Your hub's situation sounds scary. Alcohol withdrawal can truly be life threatening, so it's good you know what to watch for. I never realized it was that deadly until my 2nd to last quit back in 2014. I was drinking so much every day that I was getting trembling hands etc if I didn't have some al in me by mid-morning. I was scared into quitting, and then I was scared to quit! I did a taper over a few weeks and then finally went to see a Dr. By then, I'd reduced my risk but he still gave me prescriptions for a few days of meds that would make it safe to stop the taper and fully quit. Most people are not at this level of risk for serious withdrawal, but it's really good you're aware, informed and ready to take action if need be. Sending hugs and strength to both of you :hug:

      Moon, Nar, Lav - I LOVE camping too! It's definitely a happy place (well, except for that trip from hell a few weeks ago when we got the flat tire out in the boonies and then got rained out of the second half of our trip). What types of camping do you enjoy the most? Are you rustic almost backpacking types of campers, or more like glampers, or somewhere in between? We do all three, but probably enjoy the backpacking type the most just due to really getting into nature and away from people. But really, I enjoy it all except maybe not in overly crowded campgrounds.

      Ok, I'm heading to bed soon hoping for a good night's sleep. Hope everyone has good nights and days!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters!

        I was also having troubles logging in and am happy everything seems to be up and in order again.
        G-man, Congrats on 60 days.. Really good work on getting to this point!
        and Sky, well done on 10 days. It's good to hear you sounding so strong and protecting your quit at all costs. Wishing the best for your Husband's safe withdrawal.

        All is well here. We have bank holiday today, a one and only, celebrating the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's Reformation. It's still funny for me, having been raised in the U.S., to have so many religious holidays where everything closes down. It's more quiet than Sunday..

        Has everyone stocked up on Halloween candy? Another difference here, which I appreciate so much as it's reminds me of how things "used to be", is that it's completely normal to get a homemade cookie or an apple as a trick or treat. I usually only get 10 or so kids coming by..

        Here's to 4 legged friends as therapy! The girls are busy snuggling one to death at the moment. I would love to add a dog to the family. Some day, maybe.

        Ava, so happy to hear it's the last days of working with the V.I. He really is a piece of work.

        ok. Hugs to all of you lovely Nesters. xx
        Last edited by lifechange; October 31, 2017, 04:49 AM.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hello everyone. Couldn't log in over the weekend and had a mad busy day yesterday. Today is almost as bad so far, some people are driving me mad! Feeling a bit weak and wobbly today, and very tearful, but will get myself to a meeting tonight and hopefully hear what I need to hear. Will check back in again soon and catch up properly.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hello nesters,

            Inthesky, Otis sounds adorable! It's nice being able to pour all your love and attention into your pup. Having a dog also forces you to get out for a walk which can be a great tool during the witching hour. we have 4 pets, who I adore. They're the only ones who listen to my mumbling and silly talk. They hang on my every word. I would probably have more if we lived in a bigger space.

            Today is Halloween which used to be yet another excuse to booze it up and then wake up with a miserable hangover. Yuck! Not today, I'm excited to pass out candy, hang with my kids, eat some butterfingers, enjoy my pets and go to bed without spinning!

            Happy Halloween nesters.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good Morning!

              Hasto - a meeting sounds great. Do you have any sober friends you could call upon to meet you after work so that you can get home without any other stops? Stay strong!

              I love dogs but we are all out of the house so much that having dogs would make me feel guilty. My parents live nearby and they have two dogs that we know well and play with/walk with. Not quite the same, but still get some puppy love...

              Halloween - used to mean walking around with the adults having red solo cups and certain houses advertising "adult treats," meant you could get a refill. What? I love the idea of costumes, but I never can seem to get creative enough and plan ahead enough to get a good one.

              Hope you all have terrific Tuesdays. Take care of yourselves and don't drink!



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Wags - we're probably in between rustic and glampers. We live out in the middle of nowhere with a lot of national forests around, so we were always visiting and doing light hiking. We both just loved being outdoors, looking out at a lake, getting away from it all. We also always wanted to tour the US and Canada, but...we realized very quickly how expensive it was to board our dogs AND how stressed out they became (and they were our babies before our human baby arrived!) Once our human baby DID arrive, we found she was extremely colicky and high energy and we would probably not be getting on an airplane any time soon. But we also wanted to take her out and experience life, so we kicked around some ideas and ended up with an RV. I know, I know, most people do not consider this "camping" but it works for us. Right now we tend to stick to places that aren't more than 3 hours away and have lots of activities for little kids. A lot of that means being in crowded campgrounds, which is OK. But my favorites are RV spots are those that are tucked away from everyone else. We still try to do some light hiking with the dogs and kiddo when we can, but mostly end up swimming in lakes or digging in dirt or finding a playground. I’m a big nerd, so I love to find parks that have historical talks or nature centers or old timey villages to tour.

                Eventually, when our kids are older (probably about 10 years or so) we plan to do some bigger trips. Yosemite, Glacier National Park, Grand Canyon sort of thing. There is a beautiful RV park out in Montana that we can't wait to go to, but I think it's about a 24 hour drive (I need to learn to drive that big rig first!) And once we can do bigger trips I’m hoping we can get them more into hiking and that sort of stuff.

                We really just love getting away from it all. Everything is so much more relaxed. No hotels, no eating out, nature - it’s just wonderful.

                I love, love, love Halloween. Wish I had the energy to decorate this year - oh well, maybe next year! Pav - when I was a kid the dads used to walk us around the neighborhood to trick or treat. They always pulled a wagon with a cooler and it didn't hit me until college that they were drinking beer the whole time!!! We always wondered why they needed so many drinks to require a whole cooler. Now we know!

                Otis sounds adorable! We just added a pup to our lives about a month ago. She's harder than I imagined, but so sweet and loving. They really are good therapy for us.
                Sober since: 8/27/2017 :yay:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning,
                  I'm waking up to one day closer to having Otis can hardly contain excitement. (Thursdays the day!) We will definitely be taking him glamping with us..we camp fairly often and love to explore new places and meet new people. Last year we were in our RV for a whole year and felt abit closed in during the bad weather. From now on we will be fair weather campers.
                  Halloween I'm not sure how I feel about tonight., it used to be a drunk night for sure. In our last house I had over 250 trick o treaters and it was also a time for friends to stop in for their refills, bathroom break they took their kids around. My house was always decorated inside and out and was the fun place, loads of fireworks at 9pm etc. It's bitter sweet as we left the neighbourhood but probably not the healthiest neighbourhood for us.
                  Hubby is the same as last night pretty much still vomiting, temperature fluctuations, body tremors....I wish he would have gone to hospital to go through this..or at least seen a doctor. His drinking was severe, AL from moment of wake to pass out. Never to experience a hangover because never stopped or slowed down....would even get up during night to make sure. He is perseveringly through all this, just hope he keeps his commitment to never have another drink. I wish I could bottle this time up and show him if he ever thought about it again.
                  Thank you everyone for your support it means so much to me.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Today my surrogate grandfather died. He was such a nice, open man, always joking around with everyone... loving life and enjoying the company of others. He was somehow an act to follow. I had hoped to see him again this year when we visit.. but he was 92 years old! and ready to go, as he'd said for a long time. It's all about taking each day as it comes... and this we know.
                    xx to you all..
                    Last edited by lifechange; October 31, 2017, 11:17 AM.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      LC - I’m so sorry for your loss; what a lovely age though. And such a wonderful way to be remembered - loving life. Take care sweet lady.
                      Mary Lou

                      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters & Happy Halloween!

                        LC, very sorry for your loss. At 92, I imagine he was tired having been there & done so much, RIP

                        Wags, my camping days are long over, believe me, ha ha! When we did camp sometimes we pitched a tent in the middle of no where & later it was a popup camper when we had the kids along. Now I can't be bothered anymore, I like my comfy bed

                        Inthesky, Otis sounds like a nice addition to the family!
                        Please try to get your husband to sip on water or tea to avoid dehydration which can cause serious problems. I'm glad to hear you are quitting together, good for both of you!

                        No trick or treaters around here, I live out in cow country. Where we used to live we would see hundreds of kids every year - well it seemed like hundreds
                        Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!


                        PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BYRDIE!!!!!!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Had a great birthday today. Thank you for all the good witches. You are the best!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            What??? How did I not remember that Halloween is just another name for Byrdie's Byrdday??? Hope you had a beautiful day!!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              LC - I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy to lose a loved one, no matter their age. Sounds like a wonderful loving man. I hope you find comfort in your memories of him. :heartbeat:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                HAPPY,HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDERFUL BYRDIE!!! The nest would be so very lonely without you. Thank you for being here.

