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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters,

    It’s Saturday, warm and sunny here in central FL. Mom is spending time with us as she was in the hospital for two days this week with acute vertigo. Given that she’s 94, falling could prove problematic or worse. I’ve gotten her a rolling walker per docs orders but she’s loathe to use it. Pride is a nasty devil isn’t it? Anyway...there are worse problems for so many others. I’m grateful to be sober and here for her. I just finished making a homemade chicken pot pie for dinner tonight. Smells so yummy in here!

    LC and Ava’s posts about control/no control got me thinking about commitments. Making them and keeping them. As my drinking got progressively worse, the more I shied away from making any. If I was invited to do something, I would try to remain noncommittal, just in case I changed my mind, or, more likely, was too drunk to attend/participate. Then it got to the point where I would just say no, knowing if it was pretty much anything other than a breakfast get together (even then mimosa or bloodies were acceptable) I’d be too looped to drive. Then people stopped asking (all except a few friends that used me, like I used them, as drinking buddies).

    I like to think I’m past the guilt/shame/remorse for all those broken promises, missed opportunities and forgone memories. In sobriety, I’m actually a very dependable, helpful, and, some say, fun/funny person. I volunteer two days a month mentoring moms (4) with preschoolers. A new friend asked me to help with this — it’s really strange for me as I’ve never had kids (I’m no help offering advice about sore body parts either from birth or nursing) but I can bring in a blended-family POV on other parenting issues. Last week I babysat for one of my young moms and found muscles I never knew I had. It was a very big 11-month old. Now, never in a million years would I volunteer for an ongoing commitment when I drank, I’m pleased that I haven’t missed one meeting and I’m learning too from these young ladies. Nor would I ever had said yes to babysit. But I had told this young mom when I first met her to call me if she ever needed help outside our meetings. And when she called, the first thing she said was, “Did you really mean it?” For a brief second, I flashed back to my old self and thought“No.” But sober me was excited that she (1) asked and (2) trusted me. It ended up being a great experience.

    Sobriety has given me the confidence to say yes, and mean it. It’s also given me the confidence to gently say no to things I don’t want to participate it — and not feel guilty. (Well, not feel as guilty. :-)) And...I remember it all! I really like not being noncommittal—I really like being a person of my word. I really, really love being sober. It’s all so worth the work.

    Thats it for now — time to read back all the posts I missed while mom was in the hospital. Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends.

    Hugs — ML
    Mary Lou

    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I had a dream last night that Byrdie had a big party for all of us - as in all of us here. We somehow ended up on a shoreline (don't know if "washed up" is the right terminology), and went to her house. I met lots of you - put faces to names. It was really weird. I was honored to have my husband meet Byrdie. Then we walked into her dining room and there were guitars. I picked them up and started playing (an unfulfilled dream of mine now), and one of the guitars had about 20 strings and a spoon to play it with. So strange - but what it did was enforce that I AM a part of this tribe. I felt like we all belonged to the same club and were fighting the same fight. I love to tell myself that I'm "not as bad" as others. And while that may be true to some extent, I am just as addicted as the next person. I clearly understand that I can function drinking, but that I am not living the life I want to live.

      Sorry to just drop in - just wanted to share my strange dream and say thank you all for being here.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Getting colder again, the way it actually should be here in these parts in November

        Kensho, good to see you & I have to say that your dream was quite unique!!!
        That would take me a while to hash out but I imagine you can consider yourself rather attached to the nest & it's residents

        Marylou, I would give anything to still have my Mom around to take care of - good for you looking after her.
        I share your feelings of strength & confidence in our AF lives. This is how we were truly meant to live!

        Londoner, glad you are not drinking. Whatever else is going on in your life, perhaps you could apply the same tools to manage that as well.

        Byrdie, I never really get that extra hour of sleep - my internal alarm clock screws that up every year, ha ha!!

        QW, if the adults in our lives had known they were damaging us so badly, do you think they would have continued? I am not really forgiving them but I do acknowledge that they probably were doing the best they could with the information & knowledge they had at the time. I never ever treated my kids with such harshness, I respected them & listened to their concerns - big damn difference, huh??
        Well, somehow we survived & we are healing ourselves, thank goodness!!

        Hello to Pav, LC & everyone else.
        Wishing a safe & cozy night in the nest for all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi All, It's now Sunday evening and I finally had a drink-free weekend. Last night was a bit of a struggle getting to sleep with the nerves/anxiousness, I woke up this morning tired, but glad I finally had a semi-normal night's sleep for a change. To keep me away from the temptation of drinking today I even ventured out for a surf - although 11 months heavy drinking meant my fitness level was that of a 90 year, but I'm feeling so much better for it!
          "one is never enough so one is one too many"


            Re: Newbies Nest

            evening nesters

            Welcome K1. Great work on a drink free weekend. I remember my first and never thought it was possible, now i have had that many of them the weekend is just another normal sober day. Distraction is must to stop our minds thinking of al, al will try and entice us no end to have that "one", that we arent as bad as we thought, we deserve it, had a bad week and the list goes on and on. Take it one day at a time and you will get there, we are all at different stages of not drinking which is why the nest is a great place. I am from Aus so Sunday evening here also.

            I had a 2 hour nap today, it was the best i must say. Went to the others mums place to clean it out and i am doing a pretty good job i must say, he comes away overwhelmed and sad but at least he is communicating this to me which is good. Up to the last room in the house which was his mums bedroom so i can expect some real sadness but at least now we can work on it together. The settlement date for the house is mid december and there is such a lot to be done still. K1 i came home feeling like a 90 year old also after packing, bending and moving! need to have a nice hot bath.

            Mary, what a lovely post. i reflect on the old me to the new improved version and i dont want the old me back, that person barely functioned and this one functions every single day. Ive learnt to say no, ive learnt to take a step back and ive learnt that my sobriety is 100% critical in being who i am now. I have all the tools in place now to be the person i am but i am still growing and learning daily.

            Well i had better go and cook the dinner and maybe a nice hot bath.

            Take care xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good Sunday morning Nesters,

              Welcome to the Nest, K1! and well done on having a sober weekend. I went for a run this morning and I think it's the 3rd time I've exercised in many months.. I was also feeling like a very old woman! But, like with not drinking, it doesn't take so much time to begin to feel physically and mentally better. Good to have you here.

              Marylou, I'm glad your Mom is ok and able to stay with you. Your post definitely struck a nerve with me.. as I am still really in the stage of being noncommittal.. especially with people who know me very well. I haven't yet got past the shame of my string of relapses and haven't been able to talk about it with my best girlfriends.. and having this "secret" makes it difficult for me to talk about anything real, difficult to look them in the eyes because they've known there was something wrong, just haven't known what. I'm almost ready to talk to them about it.. I'll be happy to have it out in the open. Great work you're doing, mentoring moms.. :hug:

              Ava, I think a 2 hour nap is on my list of things to do today! Right at the top.. Thank goodness you're there to help with the sorting of the house.. and I'm really glad your man is communicating his feelings to you. We all know how very difficult it is sometimes to be so vulnerable. I can imagine that going through this together will strengthen your relationship even more.

              Crazy dream, Kensho. I would love to have some faces with names.. even if they are just from my imagination. I love dreams like that. And I'm also so grateful to be a part of this community.

              Hello and hugs to all you feathery friends flying by and stopping in the Nest..xx
              Last edited by lifechange; November 5, 2017, 07:05 AM.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Kensho,what a crazy dream haha! I've also dreamt about people from here,some I do know what they look like,others my mind just makes it up K1,great job on an AF weekend! waves to all
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Sunday Morning--

                  K1 - welcome to the nest. A surf sounds like a great way to spend energy, time, and mental space. I am glad you're feeling better this morning.

                  Kensho - that would be fun to all meet up. Too bad we're all over the place here. I do think that because I am so private about quitting that I miss out on the in-person sober group. I see on FB groups of people celebrating each other's big quit days and I think it would be nice to have. I have one friend here that quit also, but that's about it. EVERYONE drinks... (Some more than others...)

                  Ava - I was at my parent's recently and I noticed how slowly over the years so much junk has accumulated. It made me want to spend some time there now to try to clean and organize a bit for them. A house becomes a lot to manage over time. I can see that even with junk in my own little place...

                  I feel like finding something creative to do today, but also a messy house is calling. We'll see if I can squeeze out both. Definitely looking forward to cooking some soup for the week. We lost an hour of daylight last night - winter is fully upon us, even if it is still autumn... (And by winter, I mean balmy 55F winter).

                  Ok - Off to do something. Not sure what.

                  Happy SOBER Sunday.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hello everyone!

                    K1- glad to see you here. Everyday without a drink is a gift, just take it one day at a time and don’t drink today.

                    Quit, I love your quote “Years ago I read an article by Ann Landers and she said that no one could take advantage of you unless YOU let them. She was right.” That is SO true. Keep it up Quit, you are doing great-111! Yippee!,

                    Hi Pav, nice to see you. I am just staying home today- it is -10C and I don’t feel like going out. It’s a nice day to stay home.

                    I went out for supper last night with friends, they all had a drink and I just had water. I used to drink with these people and they don’t even care that I don’t drink. I said, “hey I haven’t drank for three and a half years!” They all congratulated me and that was that.
                    So glad to wake yp UN Hung today.

                    Kensho, your dream is hilarious, I hope we had fun. Of course we had fun . I see shades of G Man in that dream, playing guitars and being by the beach.

                    Well, I am off to watch Netflix. I’m going to enjoy my day hanging out with my Weiner dogs, cooking, watching Stranger Things on Netflix and staying warm.

                    Ava- can’t wait for you to get that new job. You still have such a great way with words, lol
                    Life, way to go on the run. Hey, you are not an old lady...stay after it

                    Hello Pauly xo

                    Don’t drink today!
                    Last edited by narilly; November 5, 2017, 01:47 PM.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hola Nesters near and not so far,

                      Welcome K1wi bro! Great job on your booze free weekend mate. Choice bro!

                      Kensho, nice dream. I have a 12 string guitar, but bring on a 20 stringer too! Hope you're ok.

                      Hey Narilly, the beach pad is cool and a little damp at the moment, but summer is coming.

                      Hope everyone had a safe, sober and magical weekend. Take care of yourselves out there. Forget any guilt or shame. Set that stuff free. They're overrated. L8tr g8trs!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening, nesters!
                        KiwiB, welcome aboard and congrats on your sober weekend. That’s a big accomplishment around here. Stick with it and you will amaze yourself!
                        MaryLou, great pist. I forgot how noncommital I used to be! Everything recolved around AL and if your activity interfered with my drinking, I prolly wasnt going to fool with it. Heck there at the end, I wasnt driving on weekends at all because I started drinking at 10:30am. Thank you for the reminder of what I dont want to go back to. Funny, I saw a FB post of a neighbor that I know has a problem and she posted a picture of a beer with a lime in the top of it. For a fleeting moment, I thought, those were the days when I could drink with impunity....then I caught myself.....AL had a stranglehold on me, I wasnt drinking with inpunity, I was drinking because I needed my fix. Just like she is getting her fix. Things look different from the inside of an alcoholic. I hope she isnt struggling like I did. Its each person’s choice, when she gets sick enough of it, she’ll quit like we’re doing.
                        Kensho, intersting dream there! You are welcome at my home anytime! I dont have any guitars so BYOG! Glad to see you!
                        Hope everyone has an easy evening. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          K1wi - welcome to the Nest and huge congrats on your AF weekend. Every day AF is a win but darn, I remember how hard that first weekend was. Feel really great about it and the great unhung week you’re about to experience. I read your first post and thought the daily photo idea was brilliant. I wished I had taken a daily “selfie”, for my eyes only, just to see the changes as the days turned to weeks, to months, to years, and onward. Keep up the great work.

                          Kensho — I love your dream. I’ve always wanted to learn the harmonica so I’m in with that. So far, I can do the lead in to “Love Me Do” and several bars of “Secret Agent Man.” Yeah....I’ll keep working on it.

                          Moms doing slightly better but still having dizzy spells. We may have to drive to NC for the weekend as SD is due to deliver anytime and her MIL isn’t coming until the 15th. So...I’ll need to make sure moms cared for if we do go. That planning will wait until tomorrow.

                          Hope all the peeps here (and those just hanging around - come on in) have a fabulous AF week.
                          Mary Lou

                          A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Quiet day around Lav-land, ha ha! Perfect for experimenting with some new & improved recipes

                            Hello 7 welcome K1! Congrats on your first AF weekend, the hardest by far. Stick around in the nest for a while & let us know how you are doing!

                            Marylou, you sure sound busy these days. Taking care of others is always a good thing, be kind to yourself as well.

                            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              K1 - welcome! Great job on getting thru the weekend. Now time to tackle Monday!

                              Pav - I wish I had more local friends who had quit as well - it seems like that would be nice to have as part of each other's support network. Good thing the nest feels so cozy and welcoming. I feel like I know you all better than I know some people in real life, or at least we share more openly with each other on some difficult fronts. One more reason to send a hug wave around the nest :hug:

                              Ava - sounds like you're doing a good job indeed. Cleaning out a parent's home is never easy, whether it's yours or more of an in-law's. I'm sure your other appreciates your help and support. He will find his way - it'll just be a matter of seeing whether he can find it without you having to choose to stay or leave. You sound centered and grounded though, and now you have that awesome new work environment, so hopefully life will feel quite a bit easier all the way around.

                              Kensho - crazy and fun sounding dream! I would love to have a Nest Party! I cannot play the guitar one whit, but I'll practice my uke and bring her along

                              Marylou - I can only imagine that growing old is not for the timid. My 87-y.o. father is living with us - he's still fairly independent, but I know certain conversations are coming, and I know from my mom's illness and passing that the future is unpredictable, so who knows what tomorrow will bring any of us. Good for you on being there for her. Sending you hugs and strength :heartbeat:

                              Londoner - sorry to hear about your other relapse, but glad to hear that you're still strong on the AF front. Get right back in that other saddle - you CAN do this!

                              LC - great to see you. Exercise sure does wonders, doesn't it? I use bike riding as my main exercise and I haven't been able to ride as regularly over the past 4-6 weeks due to the dog bite injuries on my hands. I rode this past weekend and discovered, again, how quickly fitness seems to flee. I still enjoyed the ride, but I need to get out there at least 3-4 times per week to maintain my strength and endurance. I mostly love how it clears my mind and decreases my stress levels.

                              G, Byrdie, Lav, QW, Nar, Pauly, and everyone else stopping by the nest - waves and hellos as we launch into another week!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning and Happy Monday--

                                Grateful for another week sober, and some great colleagues...

                                Keep on keepin' on,

