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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    G, I love that video. Makes so much sense!

    I, too, struggle immensely with what I can and cannot control.

    I had another drinking dream. This time I just had 12oz of a local wheat beer that I could TASTE when I woke up, ha. In my dreams I have no control over my drinking. I KNOW I shouldn’t be doing it, but I can’t stop myself. Very relieved when I wake up to find it’s just a dream.

    I’ve been feeling better these days - finally hit 14 weeks, which means I have at most about a week more of nasty morning sickness, but this weekend was the best so far. Hubby finally finished the box of wine we had and we had no booze in the house for awhile until he went to get stuff for a mixed drink (can’t remember exactly what it is, but I don’t like it…too sweet.) Anyway, since I was feeling better I definitely fell back into a “I can have a glass of wine after birth!” mentality. But I must remind myself that the signs are all there that I cannot. We had some nasty weather on Sunday, tornado touchdown not far from us. Used to be a big drinking event for us - you know, grab your beer and watch the storm roll in on the front porch. This time we stayed in the basement, but hubby made himself a drink. And stopped at that one drink. I was sort of in awe, because if it was me I definitely wouldn’t have stopped. It was a realization moment for me…cannot go back to the alcohol. That’s proof enough there.

    Sorry about all the stressful days everyone, I suppose that’s how life works. Glad we’re all sober through it.

    Byrdie - “Getting sober has made me realize I AM good enough.” This made me tear up because you are so right. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, too. It makes me sad to think of how words said to us as children still affect us as adults. My feelings were never validated as a child or teenager. I suffered from severe anxiety, although at the time myself nor my parents knew what it was. I was told to get over my feelings, to stop being dramatic and I very much remember sitting in a trusted adults office when I was 13 telling him how I had stopped eating and had self-harmed and when he brought my parents in my mom rolled her eyes and said: “Is this really even that serious? You know, I have my own issues going on right now.” It was then I learned to keep everything in, learn to put on my mask and be perfect to the outside world. I don’t think it was until I was hospitalized when I was 16 that they started taking me seriously, only then to be told how much money I was costing and getting yelled at every time I relapsed. I strive to not ever not validate my child’s feelings. I won’t be perfect, but I can do the best I can do…and being sober will help me be the best mom I can be.

    Lav - I think for my mom she really was fighting with her own personal demons and didn’t know how to deal with mine. We lived in a, for lack of a better term, ritzy, gossipy place where everyone was “perfect” and I think she was fighting to maintain her perfect family with having a severely imperfect child. I think she felt a bit sorry for herself and literally had no idea how to help. I’m the reason she and her best friend at that time are no longer on speaking terms. My mom was a “bad” parent and she couldn’t associate with her. I know that hurt my mom, but she certainly did not have to tell me that I was the reason her and her friend were no longer speaking. My mom and I still have a decent relationship, if she knew how I felt, it would destroy her. So I’ve created healthy boundaries for myself. We focus a lot on her grandkids and she is a wonderful grandma and has finally met someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with, which has helped her tremendously. In fact, a boundary that I’ve always wanted to set but was never able was to stop drinking around her. Because when we would drink together things would get bad. Real bad.

    Marylou - I hope you know how much you meant to that young mom in that moment. Sometimes we just need a break and it’s so hard with little to no family around. Little ones are hard freaking work and even a brief break can put everything back into perspective when we’re about to lose it. You’re awesome.

    Kensho - sounds like a fun party curious as to what we all looked like in your dream! It would be fun to meet up with everyone, or like Pav said to have a Facebook group or something. But, I’m also very private about my quit. No one knows. And I’d be sort of embarrassed for you all to see my crazy drinking pictures that have been posted. Yikes.

    Welcome, K1. The nest is a great place to keep yourself accountable.

    Narilly - let me know what you think of Stranger Things. I just finished it this weekend. Am less impressed than Season 1. Finished American Horror Story, too, so I’m looking for a new series to binge watch.

    Holy crap, guys, sorry I wrote such a book. Sounds like I have some stuff to work out, no? This is what happens when your brain clears and you can focus on thinking again instead of not throwing up. Instead of all the food I’ve eaten, I get to vomit all the words that are backed up in my head!

    Things are OK here. Sad for my country (US) right now. I don’t know what’s going on. Can’t wrap my head around all the hate and it makes me want to sit in a corner and cry.
    Sober since: 8/27/2017 :yay:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Howdy. No new dreams to report. Wagmore, I too visited the gym yesterday and was amazed at what I could NOT do that I have always been able to do. Yikes, never been this out of shape! Time to reclaim my strength and fitness.

      I'm ready to stop this stupidity of drinking. I have been in a "do whatever you feel like" phase, and I can say one thing for sure - I feel like shit. Like the vacation you need a vacation from. What a waste of time. Hope you all don't mind if I'm glued here for awhile because me, myself and I aren't able to stay on the right path alone.

      I've also been feeling a little powerless with the state of the US and world. I want to DO something but feel we are pretty stuck. It's like wading through toxic sludge. I want to be swimming in clean water! The only thing I can do is focus on positive things and build strength where I can. What we focus on grows, right?

      Here's to a good day for everyone...

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Goodmorning everyone,
        Welcome to the nest K1... it's a great environment to keep your quit with tons of tools and helpful advice.
        Just touching base ... I got our four legged friend Otis. He has a beautiful soul and is so much fun. He snores and grunts all the time it makes you just laugh. Enjoying him so much.:heartbeat:
        Hubby is now through the worst of the withdrawal from AL, he can now see the damage it was doing to him. He had a TIA the other day while we were traveling to pick up Otis (in a blizzard) and a seizure in his sleep (we think) the next night, that left blood blisters throughout his mouth. He is just starting to sleep again. Had his first dream in along time last night and eating properly again. AL plays some pretty crazy games with people's heads telling him just one to calm his nerves. Seriously! Having Otis has been very therapeutic for him though, lots of laughs and smiles.
        It's amazing that when you quit drinking you become so much more present in the people around you, I went to a huge Christmas craft fair the other day with my step mom (gone 7hours) had lunch and a wonderful time. She understands that hubby and I can't be around AL and is very supportive. And yesterday we went out for a family brunch with my grandparents, these are things I would normally jam out of on the 11th hour or be prepping with to go cups, or showing up half smashed. (Embarrassing both myself and family).
        I was asked the question by family the other day "why do you hate driving?, it such a freedom" My response was I don't hate it, I just think there are better things I could be doing with my time, it's just not a passion. The truth is I have been drinking since a teen and always have had a driver, only got my licence when I was 20 because I had too lol. I don't drink and drive, but I will ride with someone drunk...go figure. So maybe the sober me discover a love of driving and this freedom people speak about :victorious:
        Sorry I have to cut this short have to go get Otis a jacket it's cold here. I will continue this afternoon till then
        Have a great sober Monday!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Beautiful stuff Sky. Warm regard's to Otis! Snoring and grunting? I totally get it! Hope hubby's doing ok.

          Great post Kingy. Many of us here sure have some lousy early 'conditioning' to leave behind. And we can and do.

          Kensho. Saddle up! We don't have to be drinking 8 litres of wine a day to realise booze ain't working well for us, and/or in the way of us being our best selves. Hope you have an easy week.

          A few muso's in the nest! Yeah!

          All good here. A busy working week which i'm enjoying. Take care out there. Git some self loving in today.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi Fellow Nesters

            There’s been some great posts in the past few days. For those who have recently joined, welcome and know you’re among friends here.

            Kensho, I liked your dream about getting together at Byrdie’s. Wanna bet there’d be cake?? A good, al free, time would be had by all!

            Lav & Byrdie, sounds like we (and no doubt many more on MWO) experienced similar things in our lives, especially the feeling of not measuring up to other people’s standards. 30 years of my working life was in banking. How I learned to be a good manager was to remember all the bad things my bosses did. And not repeat them. My last job working for wages was as GM of an economic development/small business support not for profit organization. I had 5 staff members reporting to me, all but one I hired. They made me look like a superstar to my Board of Directors. Twice each month when I handed out paycheques, I took the opportunity to say thank you. I was sincere in saying it. It cost me nothing but paid off in so many ways.

            I decided years ago, when our kids were small, that I wouldn’t do some of the things my parents did. Or didn’t. I know my parents never intended to cause harm but they did. I intervened one time when my Dad was chastising one of my boys. I took him aside and told him that was unacceptable. He backed down but fell short of apologizing for his behaviour. He was wrong and should have manned up.

            The relationship I have with my 3 boys is far different from the one I had with my Dad. I’m glad and I think my sons appreciate the relationship we have. And now, I have the pleasure of watching 2 very well behaved (most of the time!) grand babies grow up. What a treat! So nice to enjoy it al free too.

            There are obviously differences between our work relationships and family ones yet there are valuable things to be learned from each. And incorporated into our dealings with both.

            AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
            F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Mondays aren't so bad when you're pretty much retired, ha ha! I used to dread them, for so many reasons especially when I had worked the entire weekend too. That was my life for nearly 30 years, working in hospitals. I didn't have a drinking problem then, I fell down that hole afterwards. Grateful it's over & I will be rocking this quit forevermore

              QW, I had to smile reading your post - you remind me of myself!
              Taking care of those who work for you is priceless

              Everyone sounds awesome, makes me happy to check in & see your posts.
              Wishing everyone continued success & a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                What a great batch of posts. This nest is so awesome. We are all more alike than we are different.
                Hope everyone is having an easy evening. Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I had some real, live, measurable cravings tonight. I did what I know I do to get through it, and I noticed that I am so much more patient and kind when I don't have even one drink. Man, what I've been missing. I reach times, like everyone, when I want to "get away". Tonight, I found myself asking myself what it is that I seem to want to "get away" from. I think it's the noise in my head. The ADD chatter. The constant, relentless overwhelm that I tend to feel. Time to find other ways to get around that. I much prefer the me that is not irritable and distracted from the things I most cherish - my kids.

                  Happy night everyone.

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Moon - glad to hear you're feeling better. And yes, get on top of that "I can have one after birth" voice right now! When you told the story of your recent storm, and your husband having just one drink, I couldn't help but realize that I never EVER had only one drink. I just never saw the point. Guess that should have been one of my first clues!

                    Kensho - great - we can rebuild our fitness together! Stand strong against those cravings friend - great job staying in there and asking yourself what you wanted to get away from. That's a useful tool but it also takes strength. And I understand the feelings about the US and the world - it's overwhelming sometimes. I have to focus on positive things and doing what I can to influence my little circle since that's really the only place I can effect change. It helps me keep things in perspective. Well, most of the time

                    Sky - so glad to hear that your hubby is past the worst of the withdrawal, although the seizure possibility sounds scary. Yay that you have Otis now! I can't wait to hear stories. Maybe a pic if are so inclined.

                    G-dude - I forgot to thank you for sharing the video :thanks:

                    Lav - glad you enjoyed your Monday!

                    Byrdie - yep, definitely lots in common and yet still some very unique folks in here. I love the combo!

                    As QW said to new folks, we extend you a warm welcome. Please keep visiting and posting. If you feel up to it, tell us a bit about yourself.

                    Hope everyone has great days and eves!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nesters!

                      I'm finally waking up after a cup of coffee and getting my mind in the right space. I seemed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm trying to form some new morning routines before having to head out the door and slowly but surely.

                      Yesterday I went for a coffee at my best friend's house and she asked me to tell her what had been wrong.. I had missed a special dinner party because I'd been drinking and it was too obvious for me to hide from my closest friends, so I just didn't show up. I wrote an email but didn't give details and then basically told all of them, as they called with concern, that I needed some time. Since then, I've been hiding myself in my work and kids and people who don't know me so well. I told her the truth and we talked for a long time about friendship, honesty, shame.. she suggested I go to a therapist to help me to find ways to deal with life, talk about problems, etc. It's been something I've thought of but have resisted because I haven't felt like drudging up and talking about the past.. but I've been looking around and maybe it's possible to find someone to talk about the NOW with. I wrote to a woman who has experience with addiction.. so I hope she'll get in touch.

                      Moon, what good news that you're beginning to feel better. Thank goodness! I'm also someone that almost never only had one drink.. I may have fooled myself into thinking I could.. then after the one I'd either be tortured, thinking about it the whole night or I'd go for another and so on until I passed out. Both situations sucked! Now I'm to the point where I don't fool myself about the "just one".. I KNOW what it means if I drink one. Why I've at times ignored myself/what I KNOW, is what I'm working on now. I wonder if when your mind goes to, "hey maybe I could have a glass of wine in the future", you could look deeper into the why and in what situations you're in that you feel like drinking.. and then possibly find sustitute "tools" to use, even now, other than your pregnancy? Just to get in the habit. Maybe that's something you're already doing or maybe it's a dumb idea.. Anyway, you're sounding good..

                      Sky, Welcome to little Otis! I hope you found a nice sweater.. I know you said what kind of a dog he is but I can't remember.. could you say again? I feel the same way about being more in the present/able to be present for others. There's so much more time in the day and yet sometimes not enough! The freedom sobriety gives us is wonderful. I'm really glad to hear your husband is doing better..

                      Kensho, when I drink it's also to escape the noise in my head which often leads to immense physical discomfort. Learning to acknowledge what's happening and then to sit and breathe through it is what I'm still in the process of doing. I'm so very happy you're back in the Nest and on path.. and I'm joining you and Wags to get back in shape! I was also amazed at how much strength I've lost.

                      Big hugs to all of you joining in here!!
                      Here's a nice "Today's Gift"..

                      Sobriety is a big gift box with a hundred little packages inside to unwrap.
                      --Oscar Morris

                      Sobriety is its own reward and then some. Sobriety is a condition of openness and receptivity to the treasure of life. It is the ability to view the world through gentler glasses and hear our fellows with kinder ears. It is the ability to see things as they really are, instead of how we'd like them to be. It is a condition of honesty and willingness to be true to ourselves and others.

                      On this day we can look out the window when we get up in the morning. No matter what we see - another building, a yard, even an airshaft - it can remind us that we're not the same people we used to be. We can look at this world without fear. It won't bite back anymore.

                      Sobriety is seeing the world with open eyes. It is the gift of learning how to view the world as a friendly and loving place to be. Sobriety is crying without shame and laughing with abandon. It is a gift that wakes us up with hope and puts us to sleep with peace.

                      Today let me cherish my gift of sobriety and not take it for granted.
                      Last edited by lifechange; November 7, 2017, 09:19 AM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, Nest:

                        Kensho - I know you're not new, but have you read through the Tool Box lately? There's some good stuff there, including ideas about urge surfing and getting through cravings. Saddle up and stick close!

                        LC- Most therapists let you set your own goals. If staying in the now and dealing with your drinking is your goal, you should be able to find one that supports you in that. I got a lot of help from a therapist. It took me a while to state my goal of quitting drinking...

                        I'm off to work. Great posts, sorry I can't respond to them all.

                        Happy SOBER Tuesday.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          LC - I think that’s a great idea. I won’t have pregnancy forever, so I do need to build up some tools for myself. I think, a lot like Kensho, when I drink I just want the voices to stop in my head. I think and analyze too much and it gets overwhelming. I need to work on letting go of the past, for sure. In social situations I drink to be a more socially acceptable person. I’m so very good at saying very awkward things. Or I’m just quiet and everyone assumes I’m stuck up. Alcohol seemed to cure that, although made me do some really stupid things. Really looking deep down, drinking at home allowed me to relax and turn off my mind. I like to be in control, I like to have everything just so - dishes done, laundry put away, floor vacuumed, pantry cleaned out, junk drawer organized…and if it’s not, I’m constantly doing those things until it’s done. When I would have 1, 2, 3, 4 glasses of wine I didn’t care as much and could be more “normal”.

                          Nothing much else to report other than 72 days today. Got some stricter due dates on some projects at work that I really need to get going on, but seem to have lost some motivation so trying to get that back!
                          Sober since: 8/27/2017 :yay:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, Nest

                            The life of NoSugar is still much busier than I'd like but there are some joyful pulls in addition to the hard ones, so I'm grateful for those. And as I've said many times, it is wonderful to be available to people who need me. Like you wrote in your fabulous post [MENTION=20527]Marylou123[/MENTION], addiction makes us isolate ourselves and become noncommittal, even about things our real selves would love to do, because nothing can be allowed to interfere with our drinking time. What a way to waste our lives ---- wasted :sad:.

                            I so relate to the posts about fighting the voices in our heads. I am capable of making up big (negative) scenarios of what is going on and what various people are thinking and doing, based on my expectations of them. And then I start being angry or resentful at those people because of things I totally made up!! When my kids were younger and all upset about something in the morning before school, I could give myself a full-day stomach ache, imagining what they were going through. Then, when they would come home in the afternoon and I'd ask how they were feeling and what had happened, 9 out of 10 times they were fine and hadn't given the problem they'd shared earlier another thought. So I'd made myself sick about something that wasn't even happening. Or in my job, I would get really stressed when I had what I considered too many documents to deal with. Finally I realized that I made all that pressure up. No one else expected me to always be caught up. So, I decided that 8 documents in my queue was the new zero. Ever since the moment I made up that new idea, I've felt very little work-induced stress. Heck, if I only have 4, I'm in negative workload and might as well do something fun :smile:! We can change how we think of things (and so what it means to us) any time we choose!

                            Understanding how and why we create our own experiences of life this doesn't "fix" everything but for me, anyway, understanding how things work makes it all less scary and I'm much more able to recognize what I'm doing with my thoughts and just let them go. For anyone interested, this thread provides some ideas and links to explore:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola nesters near and not so far,

                              Yes NS! How i think influences how i feel/how i feel influences how i think. The great news is that we've known for a few thousand years that managing our thoughts and taking control of them is doable, and something we can learn to do. But i didn't learn this info at school, i had to wait till i discovered buddhist philosophy and the wisdom of yoga and the Yogi's. It's all there in their centuries of writing and teachings, and available to us today if we want to seek it out. Learning how to manage my thoughts and hence control my actions is really my number 1 tool for inner peace and not feeling i need booze or to get numb with self destructive, unhealthy action and behaviours.

                              All good here on day 70! Right behind ya Kingy.

                              Love todays gift LC! Sobriety truly is a gift with unlimited treasure to discover. Have a bewdy out there y'all.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Congrats on day 70, G-man!!

