G, so proud of you. Great work on 70. You often say just what I need to hear.
Presentation is done and went fine. I could have had more to show, but it was positive and I know where to go from here. AND, I didn't stay up late (which I really have to stop doing), AND I didn't drink. And what did I think driving home from the presentation? "Great job, that's over - now you can relax. Why not a glass of wine?" *SIGH*. I know this drill. I probably could have just one, but I decided I don't like that life.
So, going to take my shaggy son for a haircut and get take out so I don't have to cook. Maybe actually pick up my crochet project now that we have snow on the ground. Sounds fine to me!
Someone recently told me about a strategy for when we are feeling really overwhelmed and brain fried. The solution is this: establish some connection. With ourselves, with something spiritual, or even better, with another person. Stress melts away when we just stop and enjoy sharing some love with someone special.
LC, I forgot to congratulate you on your conversation with your friend. Awesome work. It IS such a weight lifted, right?

Happy humpy night.