Good evening Nesters,
Wow, so many posts to read thru - glad to see everyone!
Moon, physical cravings are generally gone within a few days of quitting (same for smoking too). Getting a handle on the emotional/habitual side of drinking & smoking really is another story. All I can say is 'it takes what it takes', different for everyone I think. That's why we keep saying 'hang in there', you will get there in your own good time. You have a whole lot going on in your life but the distraction can be good too

ML, I am happy to hear that your mom has greatly improved. Congrats to her for being recognized for her service

Enjoy your holiday!
Really friend, give yourself a break.
I only have a few people coming for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow so I'm not overwhelmed with prep work, grateful for that.
Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest for all!