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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Wow, so many posts to read thru - glad to see everyone!

    Moon, physical cravings are generally gone within a few days of quitting (same for smoking too). Getting a handle on the emotional/habitual side of drinking & smoking really is another story. All I can say is 'it takes what it takes', different for everyone I think. That's why we keep saying 'hang in there', you will get there in your own good time. You have a whole lot going on in your life but the distraction can be good too Picking up a new hobby can very helpful.

    ML, I am happy to hear that your mom has greatly improved. Congrats to her for being recognized for her service
    Enjoy your holiday!

    Byrdie, STOP WORKING!
    Really friend, give yourself a break.

    I only have a few people coming for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow so I'm not overwhelmed with prep work, grateful for that.
    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest for all!


    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Byrdie - I agree with Lav - time for you to really take some days off work! I hope you have a great holiday weekend and you actually get to relax a bit.

      Moon - your pallet projects sound cool. I've seen some great ideas and would love to do something along those lines as well. I look forward to hearing what you decide to do!

      G, Pav, NS - great suggestions about quieting spinning minds (or otherwise working through thoughts) you've shared with others in your last few posts, thanks!

      On my end Thanksgiving will be just that - a day to be thankful and focus on gratitude. This year has taken a lot out of me, but it's also given me keen reminders that I have much to be grateful for. We're planning a small dinner with just my dad and a couple of friends. Before that will be a nice long bike ride to build up an appetite and enjoy a couple of days off. Friday is a big shopping day for some, but you couldn't pay me to go out in those crowds. Nope, we're going hiking instead! I do have to work a bit Sat and Sun, but that's ok. I've got several clients with a big deadline coming up on Dec 2 so we're down to the final push for them. My schedule should lighten up a bit after that, at least through the holidays.

      Waves and hellos to LC, Ava, K1wi, Nar, and everyone else! Hope you're all having good weeks (and holidays for those in the U.S.).


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi nesters,
        Narilly,I'm sorry about your dog. that must have been very traumatic.

        Yes, Byrdie, STOP working but keep baking. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

        Hello to everyone, great day in the nest. I'm grateful you all exist here in our little nest. Thank you.


          We all have so much to be thankful for, each and everyday of the year!
          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Thanksgiving, American Nesters!

            I hope you're all having/beginning to have a nice day.. not too much stress and delicious food.
            Remember, if you're having a difficult time, it's just a blip in the big picture..

            Ava, so happy to hear that you're happy at your new job.. funny with the phone. My eldest just switched her smartphone for a "bank robber" cell phone and she loves it. She loves not feeling so "attached" to it.. which seems to be a big problem with teens! I hear you though, what a PIA to text!

            Hugs, strength and peace to everyone stopping by here today..


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola nesters!

              Ah Ava, new job sounds fab. Gr8 work. Hope your young bloke's medical stuff goes smoothly for him and for you.

              Tis indeed pretty damn cool to be sober. loving it. The possibilities are endless. No limits friends, there are no limits.

              Happy thanksgiving y'all. Fairly busy here with work, and a bit of extra work related study. I'm not complaining. I seem to be handling rejection well after being knocked back twice on the dating front. mind you, both knockbacks were for fair and valid reasons. A little pissed off, but I'm still not complaining! Heh!
              Last edited by Guitarista; November 23, 2017, 03:32 PM.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters

                G, i think rejection hurt more when we drank and of course then we would drink more. Life is great for me now with this job, its still in the early stages but so much more relaxing.

                Sons op went really well and he is home now.

                Hope everyone has a safe and sober thanksgiving o/s.

                not much really to say, so damn hot here atm for which i am already over. Due to my lovely fair skin this heat and sun gives me little time to spend time in it.

                take care x
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Thanksgiving, Nesters!
                  We had a wonderful meal with my niece’s future in-laws. I almost exploded I ate so much. Everything was just delicious, it was a great day....and not a speck of booze in sight. Kind of amazing to me that there are some people to whom it would never occur to drink! These are those people, they just dont drink and think nothing of it. It was NICE! I hope I am becoming one of those people, too. I was today, and thats all that matters!
                  I hope everyone had a great day! Hugs to all, Im so thankful for this nest! Byrdie
                  Last edited by Byrdlady; November 24, 2017, 10:31 AM.
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good Thanksgiving evening Nesters

                    Byrdie, I stopped eating just before I exploded too, ha ha! So much food & I am not generally a big eater anyway.
                    My daughter brought homemade pumpkin & apple pies, oh my!!!

                    Ava, glad your son is OK & I hope he heals quickly!
                    It's below freezing here so the fireplace feels nice right now. Stay out of the sun lady

                    G, stick with us & know we will never reject you :hug:

                    Hello to Wags, LC, Pav, Moon & everyone else checking in. Nice to see you too cowboy!

                    Have a safe night in the nest everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters,

                      It sounds like everyone checking in made it through the day. We had a nice meal at a friends house — the sparkling lemonade and tea drinks were a hit. I agree with Byrdie - it was nice. More people were enjoying non-al drinks than were drinking wine. Most of us had not met before so it was a bit awkward at first, but a comfortable groove settled quickly and it was hugs all around by the time we left.

                      Ava - I am so happy for you! Tata village idiot, hello sanity. Also happy to hear your son’s med procedure went went.

                      Wags — I totally agree with your “Black Friday” strategy. We drove by two WalMarts on the way home and the parking lots were packed! If I do any shopping tomorrow, it will be from the comfort of my couch with a delicious cuppa.

                      Greetings to Byrdie, LC, Cowboy, Roobs, Gman, NS, Pav, Jude, Nar, Lav, those I’ve missed and guests who may be checking us out. (Come on in, if that’s the case.)

                      Have a lovey evening/day all.
                      Mary Lou

                      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, All:

                        Well, Thanksgiving was one of my notorious "over-served" days for most of my life. The last time I drank was a Thanksgiving weekend that extended to what I call the Thanksgiving Massacre. I am SO grateful that I am snug on my couch, the kitchen is cleaned, and I had a wonderful day with my family with no booze in it at all (for me...). Yes, Byrdie, my life is 1000 times better without alcohol. Thanks to all of you for supporting my getting here!

                        I woke up at 7am this morning - late for me. I got out of bed, put on the coffee, and got back in bed to wait for it to get ready. The next thing I knew I woke up with the sun shining in my window and it was 9:30am!!! Wow did that feel great. I was supposed to get the turkey in by 9:30, so we ate a tad later than planned, but I guess I was due for a nice, long sleep. It was a great (albeit disorienting) way to start the day...

                        I did have a drinking dream in that time - obviously this day is thought-provoking for me. I also have a hard time because I think a lot about the Native Americans and what a day like today means for them. So I celebrate gratitude in general, the Harvest Moon, and being with family and friends.

                        I hope you are all content, safe and sober.



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good very early morning, Nesters!

                          I don't know what my problem is.. it's 5:54 a.m. and I've already had a bath, 2 cups of coffee, read some news.. I feel good, so I guess it's not a problem.. just a big and very welcome change to not wanting to face the world! I love feeling more or less fit. Now if I could just take the next step and make it back to the gym.. and start eating better. Slowly but surely!

                          How is everyone doing? Marylou, Byrdie, Lav and Pav.. sounds like you all had very nice T-days.. I'm so happy to hear it. And that so few people were drinking is refreshing. The af arnold palmers sounded delicious, ML.. I will definitely be trying those out while visiting my Dad next month.

                          Ava, good to hear that your Son's surgery went well.. I hope he has a speedy recovery. I hear you with regards to the sun. After so many years frying myself in the desert, my skin can't deal at all with the rays. Unfortunate, but that's how it is.. I'm actually secretly glad it's Winter.. at least for the time being.

                          Well, not much going on here. I'm relieved to have the weekend ahead of me with a whole lotta nothing planned. Seems like I need quite a bit of alone time atm.. though one wouldn't have guessed it with the busy week I just had. Busy in a nice way, meeting up with friends.. with one of whom I had a very open talk. She's one of my best friends and during my most recent relapse (I sure hate that I've had so many.. I seem to have been in an almost constant state of relapse the past 6 years) I didn't show up to a dinner she was hosting. On that Friday I started drinking just after work at 3pm. It was so stupid. She's one of 4 who knows that I don't drink and we were the only ones invited on this evening, so there was no stress.. and I wanted to go. I got so drunk by 5pm that I had to have a nap, set my alarm and then didn't hear it, waking up on my own around 630, the time I should have been there. I called to say I was on my way, then looked in the mirror and saw my face as red as it's ever been.. the really ugly, ruddy red that screams out, "drunk".. I rode my bike over to her house anyway, sat outside knowing I couldn't face them because I couldn't hide the fact that I'd been drinking from my closest friends. So I turned around and came home then sent an email saying that I couldn't make it. I was so sad and depressed that I'd sunk to another level. This friend has us over to dinner so rarely and I couldn't even manage to make it there. I was too ashamed to explain why I hadn't made it. That is absolutely not how I want to live. I don't want to constantly dredge up the past, but I don't ever again want to become complacent. I have too much to live for and alcohol kills every part of me..

                          on that note..:happy2: Time to get ready for work. Funny that I'm now almost running late..
                          Wishing you all a good Friday. xx
                          Last edited by lifechange; November 24, 2017, 12:31 AM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by lifechange View Post

                            I got so drunk by 5pm that I had to have a nap, set my alarm and then didn't hear it, waking up on my own around 630, the time I should have been there. I called to say I was on my way, then looked in the mirror and saw my face as red as it's ever been.. the really ugly, ruddy red that screams out, "drunk".. I rode my bike over to her house anyway, sat outside knowing I couldn't face them because I couldn't hide the fact that I'd been drinking from my closest friends. So I turned around and came home then sent an email saying that I couldn't make it. I was so sad and depressed that I'd sunk to another level. This friend has us over to dinner so rarely and I couldn't even manage to make it there. I was too ashamed to explain why I hadn't made it. That is absolutely not how I want to live. I don't want to constantly dredge up the past, but I don't ever again want to become complacent. I have too much to live for and alcohol kills every part of me..

                            on that note..:happy2: Time to get ready for work. Funny that I'm now almost running late..
                            Wishing you all a good Friday. xx
                            I've done that countless times LC! I cringe when i look back. All i can do now is apologise if necessary and still relevant, and live as my best me every day, bringing my best game and turning up for my life. Your weekend sounds fab.

                            Have a beaut weekend friends, and remember......Just cos its friday don't mean no free ticket to no freakin boozeville K? K. No work till tuesday for me. Ride on pilgrims. :llama:

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Pav - thank goodness no more t-day massacres for you (or any other days, for that matter!). Glad you got some extra sleep, and it sounds like all went well despite the slightly later start.

                              Ava and Marylou - so glad to hear your son and mom, respectively, are both doing better. It's hard when folks we love are struggling or hurting, and always such a relief when things take a turn for the better.

                              Quick waves and hellos to all other nesters. We're off to spend the day NOT shopping but bike riding instead. Well, the first part of the day - we'll be out for the entire morning, but probably home by 1 or 2 pm. I've been working really hard recently and have felt very badly like I've needed these two days off, so I'm gonna get out there and enjoy them! Tomorrow and Sunday will be partly back to work but just four clients across the two days, so not too bad.

                              Have great days and eves all! Will check in again this eve...


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning nesters,

                                Good to hear people about to explode from full a fully belly vs. nursing a wicked hangover full of gsr! I had a fleeting moment yesterday of wanting a drink, it was a wobble and a little bit of poor me. It passed and I enjoyed the apple pie and ice cream. Usually I'd skip the dessert to save the calories for more wine, then I'd start cleaning up with another glass /goblet of wine to get me through because you know, I deserved it. Bleck, yuck and no thank you!
                                This morning I got up at 5:15 which is not really unusual but I could've stayed in bed BUT I told my teenager I'd drop her and a friend off at the mall by 6 so they could shop. I would NEVER have been able to do that had I been drinking. just thinking about the fact that I can commit to ridiculous requests from my kids thrills me to no end!

                                Happy sober Friday friends!

