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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Pav, your Thanksgiving Day Masacre is a classic and cautionary tale. I hope you know that I carry that story with me. In case you ever wonder if you have ever had an positive influence on someone, please know the answer is YES, that story effected me and I thank you for sharing it.
    I have had a wonderdul day off! I could get used to this! Did just a little shopping (for pajamas).
    Wishing everyone a peaceful evening. Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi all,

      well I'm feeling good this morning - last night was the first Friday night in I don't know how long where I didn't drink. I6nstead I made some dinner, chilled out and got to bed early. This morning I was up at 6, and off on an early morning cycle/coffee run. Can't believe that usually instead of cycling along the beach and seeing the world slowly waking up I would normally be at home in bed with a bad hangover trying to get myself together. I'm actually getting things done and feeling more normal - I plan on making the most of my first sober weekend. Last week was a nightmare of morning-hangovers, trying to resist the temptation to drink before finally giving in and spending all afternoon/evening drinking before passing out, waking up in the early hours feeling ill and anxious before repeating the same process again on Sunday. Ugh! I so happy I'm not doing that again!
      "one is never enough so one is one too many"


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Dragged all the leftovers out of the fridge so we could have Thanksgiving #2
        Guess what? There's still leftovers ha ha!

        Great to see everyone checking in & sounds like everyone survived he holiday quite well, nice
        I have zero interest in shopping today, thank goodness. Just not a fan of crowded stores & hectic highways. Bless all of you who braved the stores today.

        Sending greetings to all & wishes for a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters!!

          Slept in till 6:30 today! I'm with you, Kiwi, wondering why I would ever choose feeling utterly miserable over experiencing life, with all its ups and downs. I like how you spelled it out there.. thanks and continue to enjoy your weekend! Sounds like you're having nice weather.. do you live nearby the ocean?

          Lav! today you get to eat the leftovers from the leftovers.. that is my favourite thing about Thanksgiving. It's a lot of preparation but afterwards all you have to do is heat it up. I'm still contemplating whether or not to do a mini Tday tomorrow with the girls.. let's see. Do you have some nice plans this weekend?

          Roobs, I've been away for so long that I've never really experienced Black Friday.. was it going on like this 20 years ago? 6 a.m.!! Is that when the shops opened?That would actually be perfect for me on normal days..:happy2: But I imagine complete chaos.. Did your daughter find any great deals?

          Wags, did you have a nice ride yesterday? Is your body feeling back to normal now with regards to pain?

          So, what's everyone up to this weekend? Relaxing after Thanksgiving with family!
          I've got a whole lot of nothing going on, which is just what the doctor ordered! I used to feel like I should "do" something on the weekend and sometimes I'd pressure the girls to get out and about.. Now I do that during the Summer break.. but not on the weekends. We all have so much going on during the week, constant interaction with other Human Beings at work and at school.. Sometimes we just need to chill and do NOTHING.. and that's fine. If we feel like going to the market or a movie or swimming, whatever, great!.. but spending the day in jammies isn't to be underestimated!:happy2:

          Wishing you all a great Sattiday, as Byrdie would say.. and I'm glad to hear you finally got a day of rest, lady!! Funny, the one thing I need for myself is pajamas! Just can't seem to find the perfect pants.. so I continue to wear my stretched out, holey ones. Not a pretty sight!
          Last edited by lifechange; November 25, 2017, 01:19 AM.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            a nice message from Promise of a New Day..

            "Life is not always what one wants it to be, but to make the best of it as it is, is the only way of being happy....
            The posture we take while performing our tasks today, and the attitude we project toward those who cross our path, will emphatically influence what the day brings. No one else can decide for any one of us what we'll feel or think about the day. We have the power to be as content or discontent as we make up our minds to be."

            Of course, we know this intellectually.. but to practice it is sometimes a different story.. right?! It's what I'm learning.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by lifechange View Post
              a nice message from Promise of a New Day..

              "Life is not always what one wants it to be, but to make the best of it as it is, is the only way of being happy....
              The posture we take while performing our tasks today, and the attitude we project toward those who cross our path, will emphatically influence what the day brings. No one else can decide for any one of us what we'll feel or think about the day. We have the power to be as content or discontent as we make up our minds to be."

              Of course, we know this intellectually.. but to practice it is sometimes a different story.. right?! It's what I'm learning.
              Yes, it's easier said than done! I'm trying my best to think/live like this...

              lifechange - yes I luckily live right by the ocean (which in Auckland is easy as we're surrounded by it!).

              After the great start this morning, I had a busy, productive day (haven't had one of those at the weekend for a loooong time). Did some Xmas shopping, cooked dinner, I even treated myself to a couple of ginger beers (the non-alcohol kind!). I also threw out my kitchen calendar - when I was drinking I had a habit of writing down 'last drinks' or 'no more drinking' on certain days in hope that it would help me quit - of course it didn't - all I ended up with was a calendar with drunken scribblings that I no longer want to look at each time I'm in the kitchen. Before I threw it out, I went through the pages and counted no less than 12 instances of me marking a 'last drinks' or 'final drinks night' during the last 4 months. I'm a little embarrassed by it, but mostly horrified at how reckless it all seems now - those 12 instances were also probably the worst or heaviest drinking days as well so to have 12 within a few months is a little scary when I think about the effect on my health. Looking back I've also seen that I had 4 sick days off work - 3 Mondays and 1 Friday - when I was so ill I couldn't face going into work... I'm glad to say that this time I feel that something has clicked in my brain and this time will be the one - I felt the same way back in 2012 when I quit so that's good. My aim now is to find a new hobby or interest I haven't done before to focus my attention on...
              Last edited by K1wiBro; November 25, 2017, 03:16 AM.
              "one is never enough so one is one too many"


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Awesome, Kiwi!! I have the same sort of calendar, as I'm sure many here do.. so many day 1's crossed out and rewritten.. then day 30's and 60's with the same. On my "last" drinking day I would write a 1 for the next day and then count forward 30 and 60 to see where I'd be and what I could look forward to. All the great plans I made on my last day of drinking.. geeze. and like nothing, the months go by and I find (found!) myself sitting in the same spot. This time I'm not counting days.. though of course I know my day 1 and will celebrate the monthly milestones. but ODAT, enjoying/experiencing each one the best I can.. that's my big plan. Finding the tools to do that and putting them to use..that's my daily plan.
                I looked up Aukland and it looks beautiful with the surrounding landscape..I love a city with a "space needle"..or TV tower..

                ok. rainy day here. I visited my kid's 80 yr old surrogate Grandma (neighbor across the street) drank a(nother) coffee and let her get some stuff off her chest. I don't spend enough time with her even though she lives so close by.. and she reminded me the other day that she won't be around forever!
                Last edited by lifechange; November 25, 2017, 05:02 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Made it through Thanksgiving just fine, with no desire to drink, but was annoyed by one person who confronted me me about why I wasn't drinking, "is it a problem for you?"
                  None of your fucking business. I quickly turned the conversation around to my health, and what my exercise goals are, but Jaysus!
                  Just having to vent. Carry on!
                  Waves to all.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    GREAT job on blowing off the clod who asked you if you had a problem with drinking. Much to my shame, I used to say the same things to people who weren't drinking when my drinking was off the rails. I could kick myself.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      You should have told them that when you drink, it makes you want to kill people. Then see how long it takes for them to give you an odd look and beat a hasty retreat. :cuss:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters

                        Glad to see everyone made it through thanksgiving, i dont think i could do two celebrations so close together, xmas is enough for me. Im a baah humbug xmas person but as i keep telling my children, make me a nana and i will be as bright as a button at xmas. I still remember my first xmas sober at 25 days without a wine and boy was it a poor me day of deprivation of why cant i drink, i will never have fun, this is my now boring life, maybe i can just have one (said an alkie never) but near 4 years later xmas is just another day that i am lucky enough to spend with the fam, they can drink till the cows come home if they like as i dont care, i dont need a drink and i dont want one. What a difference time makes. Time has healed me physically and emotionally now i am away from al and i have achieved so very much.

                        Oh Mr V, i am with you on wanting to tell people to f#ck off who put pressure on me to drink. Normally now that i have been sober a fair amount of time i can ask why they want me to drink and then i am off on my tangent. If you ask me that question you will be listening to my answer for at least 20 minutes. Im happy i dont need a drink to have fun now but i will still avoid situations where there is a drinkfest happening, that is not my scene anymore.

                        Kiwi, i never had a calendar that i used to say i was giving up drinking, if i did mine would have been like yours exactly. when i stopped drinking someone suggested i get a calendar and mark every day off i did not drink. I did and every week i would drag whatever child (adult) was around and show them i had not drank. i do wish i had kept that calendar as it gave me motivation to keep going through each and every day. I took up knitting when i stopped drinking, could not hold two needle and a wine glass with that one.

                        LC, you are sounding so good girl. i just stopped accepting invitations at the end, always knew i would start drinking at 3pm or before on weekends and 5.15pm on weekdays and nothing was going to interfere with my timetable. Those memories are a good reminder of why we dont drink and can be put safely away for future reference. I dont have many memories now of "oh god" moments but they still pop in from time to time to remind me of where i never want to be again.

                        Have had a quiet weekend which has been great. mum bought me a small pod coffee machine for work so i have tried that out and works a treat, gave the fur girls a haircut, did some washing and shopping for xmas and looking after son after his operation. luckily this op was nowhere near as painful for him as his last. Lav i should have been a nurse i am thinking. I always wanted to be but could never handle blood or vomit. Cant wait to go to work tomorrow and start the week. It is so good to say that after the past few months.

                        Having a heat wave here, woke up to some rain which is going to send the humidity up to 100% but does give me an excuse to do nothing today also.

                        Take care xx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Originally posted by lifechange View Post
                          . and like nothing, the months go by and I find (found!) myself sitting in the same spot.
                          Hola nesters near and not so far.

                          This is the main reason i have stopped drinking Elsie. I always just end up in the same spot. My big ideas, great dreams........nothing happens. I don't allow them and myself to fly, to shine. No more. Life really is too short. Time is something i've never 'got' or respected. Dunno why. People half my age are saying 'life is short' and meaning it. I've sure dreamed a lot of my life away with a glass in my hand. Well, the good news is.....i have a choice about which path i take. I have to ask myself......'what do i want?' I've known the answer to this for years. Acting on that answer now though at least, and long may i continue on the road to the light, nodding respectfully (and compassionately) to the (my) shadows along the way.

                          Ava, glad to hear your young bloke's on the mend. KBro. Choice bro!

                          Take it easy out there. Big waves to all.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            I was just thinking. Not overthinking, but thinking a little about life and how i live it. I had lost the ability to live in my boozing days. I was lost, but 'sickly' comfortable in my boring prison that was my small time existence. Given that we only have this day, there's no reason why we can't live this day in the big time like a rock star (without the drugs and insecurities!). Whether i am day 1, day 8, day 88, 5 years, i still only have today. There is no such thing as tomorrow. It never comes. So i can live my dreams right now. I can think like the person i know i'm meant to be - today. I can act like the person i know i am meant to be - today. Right now. Why not? Throw some self care and self lovin' in and you're home and hosed. Simple eh?!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Our weather can't quite make up it's mind - warmish today & supposedly cold & nasty tomorrow. Guess it keeps us on our toes.

                              Ava, glad to hear your son is doing well.
                              I am eternally grateful that I no longer have to deal with all sorts of bodily fluids from strangers - now it's just the grandkids, ha ha!! Honestly, you learn to basically ignore all that funk if you want to continue drawing a paycheck. I always laugh when people tell me 'I always wanted to be a nurse', LOL

                              Mr V, I think the look on my face scared people off & prevented them from pestering me about drinking, ha ha! It's OK to ask me once but if you persist you'll see me with my feathers ruffled up & that's not pretty!!!

                              LC, today is my son's birthday, Tuesday is my grandson's birthday so today they came over for a visit & to pick up their gifts. My grandson is turning 9 & he's the main reason I quit when I did. I wanted to enjoy him growing up, not miss a thing & so far I haven't
                              The term Black Friday I can remember from back in the late 70's I think. A good day to stay home for me!

                              Hello to all & sending wishes for a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Kiwi, I started turning towards crafts and hobbies when I quit. First I got into making beaded jewelry. 300 necklaces later, I took up knitting scarves, then I turned to cake and cookie decorating. It keeps my mind occupied and gives me a purpose. Here is today’s project, I helped my friend decorate 67 Christmas cookies today. I am NOT responsible for the pink snowflake or the lips on the reindeer.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

