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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, Nest!

    LC - Interesting thought. I believe that human societies have had ways of getting out of reality for a long time. My question is - what human societies DON'T alter their realities? I think about the fact that marijuana was made legal here in California - what if I tried some of that at a party? My answer to myself is that I am learning new ways to just be me and be happy being me, so probably trying another substance isn't good for me. I have a good, healthy fear of addiction right now - I'm going to stick with bubbly water and coffee. Peyote in the woods? A spin on a merry-go-round? Maybe I'll just watch Russell Brand YouTube videos... I don't really have a point, other than the question of what would the aliens see if they could time travel and came down all over the globe? Anyway - sounds like a lovely walk...

    Lav - Poor chicken! Wonder what she did to get to the bottom of the pecking order??

    Byrdie - beautiful cookies! I think we'll stick to baking the ones that don't need decoration...

    Monday after a 5-day weekend is always a shocker. I am glad to get back to work I like, but it will not be an easy day.

    Take care of yourselves -



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Back to the frantic schedule of normal. Trying to keep my priorities straight: do not drink, go easy on myself, and move my body when I can. I am grateful for another day.

      Way to go on 3 months Moonking! Family things and holidays are hard. Great job keeping yourself on track, you should feel proud!

      Ava, I never picked up what your new position is? I know you were schooling, but what is your new job? Happy for you.

      Common themes in posts: Mornings without hangovers are wonderful, and after about 4 years; there seems to be no interest whatsoever in becoming a drinker again. Cheers to that (with sparkling water of course).

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi again, Nesters!

        Congratulations on 3 months, Moon! I think cooking is a time to drink for many people whether you love it or hate it! That was a tough habit for me to break.. now, at home, I never cook with wine and I often have a sparkling water or a black coffee before and/or during. Somehow both of those things take my mind off of alcohol..? As for the situation with your Mother, I would say that even though it might be difficult to break tradition, it should be possible for you to leave and sleep at home. Everything changes when young children enter the picture and that is OK! Self preservation is the name of the game and I think anyone with small kids (not to mention being pregnant) has the right to make decisions that most/best benefit them(selves). Easier said than done, maybe.. but you really don't need any added stress and 10 hours is enough!

        Yes, Wags, I'm not sure what aliens would think of us Human Beings.. with so many of the crazy things we do. All I can say is that I'm very happy to be getting more and more distance from the poison I've been addicted to.. Like you mentioned, Kensho, it's lost all of its allure or promise for a "good" time.. now I can see that it was all a big fat lie, mostly that I was telling myself in the end. It does floor me, the stuff we'll put into our bodies to escape, which is what drinking had become for me. I wish that I could have stopped with the insanity 6 years ago, when I started here.. but I had to slam my head into the same wall 1000 times more to prove it to myself! Now I have to think, better now than next year.. or the one after.

        I'm very grateful for you wonderful people several times each and every day! I'm grateful that you didn't all give up on me and continued to support me.. I sure didn't feel worthy of it..:hug:
        Last edited by lifechange; November 27, 2017, 02:31 PM.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Life, you are SO worthy of it! We all need each other, please remember that you ARE worthy.

          I agree with your posts above Life and Pav. It is amazing what we do to our bodies to escape, its so crazy. I was in Vancouver on the weekend and my brother and SIL drank every night. They did not get out of hand but had a few glasses of scotch each. I know my brother hates his job and is not loving his life in Vancouver. I wonder sometimes if he needs to drink just to escape.

          Kensho, waking up Un Hung is the BEST!!!

          I went to Vancouver and we were on a food tasting tour. One of the stops was a brewery where I had my glass of water and watched everyone else drink. It was no big deal and I had No to urge to drink at all. Wow, how times has changed!

          Stay sober everyone.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Wags, you gotta think that the Native Americans felt that way when AL was first introduced to them! What an assault! If a group of folks ought to be pissed off, its them! Oy.
            What a crazy day at work, didnt finish up til 7:30, right thru the witching hour (in the old days). I would have never been able to work that late and remember what I did. Those weren't the days. I HATE AL.
            Lav, I feel bad for your chicken, poor thing is being bullied! Hugs to that little soul.
            Hope everyone has a peaceful evening. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Well at least I know my runaway chicken is still in the area. She left me a big fat brown egg in my herb garden this morning, ha ha!
              I don’t know what’s to become of her when the real wintery weather arrives. If I see her again I’m hoing to get her set up somewhere on her own, away from the other girls. Nature can be rough at times.

              Moonking, CONGRATS on your 3 AF months :yay:
              Just keep moving ahead like this, you’ll have no regrets!

              Byrdie, awesome cookies as always

              I’m in my shop stitching up tons of lace Christmas ornaments - tis the season

              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Evening check in, things are good.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest


                  Sorry I got confused!

                  Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! to Moon! I think we had a cross post this morning? I somehow missed that. I think 90 days is an amazing feat.

                  Beat that Alcohol voice into submission! You've got 6 months. I believe that not sleeping at your moms sounds like a good idea - DD is my specialty these days...

                  Well done,


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Checking in...hope everyone is well. I've got to a week AF now, it's actually felt like a lot longer - not because I've been craving it, but because the last week has been busy...
                    "one is never enough so one is one too many"


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Argh - lost a post.

                      Basically - thank you all for the congrats on 3 months. Wouldn't be in this mindset had I not found all of you. I woke up, once again eternally grateful to be un-hung. Had a beautiful drive all to myself to work. Although it's the end of November, the windows were down and the music was up. (Midwest can't make up it's mind about weather apparently.) Anyway, I was able to enjoy the sunshine and country view. The goings on as of late have made me not want to be alone with my thoughts, but this morning was actually OK. Cathartic, I think.

                      This song came on - "No Such Thing as a Broken Heart" (yeah, I'm a sucker for modern/pop country) and I really loved the lyrics. Basically took it as - "bad shit happens, good things come to an end, but life is a wild ride and you shouldn't be afraid to live it to it's fullest because you're scared of what's going to happen." Live in the moment, give yourself and break, and enjoy the good things as they come.

                      On a lighter note - I've finally felt some flutters and we find out the sex in 3 short weeks!! So happy to be entering the fun side of pregnancy, even if it means it's harder to get up off the floor. My cravings have taken off - I spent almost 2 hours researching yesterday if I could eat raw cookie dough (spoiler alert: I did) and today I can smell queso wherever I go, which means I guess I'm going to get queso at lunch.

                      OH - and I'm so excited. I've finally decided on new countertops and backsplash for my kitchen. Cannot wait to get it done - it's going to be beautiful!!!!

                      Life really is better and more exciting when you have a clear mind without alcohol. I know it's going to be a tough road, but at this moment in time I'm struggling to remember why being drunk is so much fun. (I know it seems I go from pity party why me one day to I feel awesome the next day. Part of life, I suppose. Sorry for the mood swings.)
                      Last edited by moonking; November 28, 2017, 09:04 AM.
                      Sober since: 8/27/2017 :yay:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Moon - congrats on 90+ days and hooray for entering the post-sickness part of pregnancy. I hope you find some good queso today! I sometimes crave that without even being pregnant

                        Kiwi - congrats on getting that first week under your belt. Yep, without al and hangovers, we have much more time to be active and DO things - isn't it awesome???

                        Lav - funny about your chicken and the egg. I hope she fully returns soon before winter sets in. I'm surprised she's made it this long what with coyotes etc I'm sure you have in your area. Sounds like a pretty smart chicken!

                        I think my musings about the aliens were my attempt to see our drinking culture with new eyes - ones that hadn't grown up hearing and seeing that it's a totally normal and even expected part of life. I just think sometimes, if we step back, we can see how absurd it truly is to pour this substance down our throats and purposefully do damage to our bodies. And yet somehow we as people have largely been sold on this notion. I'm so grateful to see al for what it really is and get it out of my life!

                        Happy days and eves to everyone!!!
                        Last edited by wagmor; November 28, 2017, 09:13 AM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good morning. Quiet day here and looking forward to getting past this cold. Don't think I was sick once during the long AF stretches I had. But I’m feeling grateful for waking up without alcohol in my system. I am SUCH a better mom without alcohol. Its subtle but kind of immesurable (is that a word?). I often struggle with feeling like I can’t be a good enough mom, designer, friend, etc. - well here’s a simple way to be better at it all - DON’T DRINK. How much duh? do I feel about that one?

                          LAV, interesting about the chicken! Hope you can find her again and help her. The lone little lady - poor thing.

                          Moonking, enjoy those cravings. Nothing satiates quite like indulging in pregnancy desires. And congrats on the kitchen freshen-up! I think kitchens are worth every penny!

                          Wagmore, I have actually wondered what aliens would think too, on the subject of alcohol and a variety of other silly things we all do. It’s an interesting perspective.

                          Happy Tuesday.
                          Last edited by KENSHO; November 28, 2017, 11:37 AM.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning all,
                            Congrats Moon on your 90 days!
                            We are still travelling quite a bit so haven’t had any down time to post. This trip has been full of temptation with family get togethers, dinners out, visiting and overall being social. I’m proud of myself and hubby for staying strong and working on our health. We are so very fortunate to have such awesome people around us who respect what we are doing and want to be part of the change as they have watched for so long the damage AL has caused both of us physically, mentally and socially. On the pooch front, Ottis is a gem we can’t get enough of his antics and fun personality. He is the best decision we have made beside being sober we have made in a long time. Animals are the best therapy ever, they have a sense of when you need that a laugh or a’s been magical.
                            We are home in a week! Thank goodness then maybe find some routine. I like boring sometimes and quiet time without appointments, schedules and social engagements. We have a bit of stress right now with my step daughter who is in college? Pretty sure she dropped out and kept the money....her mom and her have been pressuring grandma to release money we have set aside for school saying she needs to pay in advance and purchase a car, yet haven’t contacted’s all just feels wrong. (We left grandma and her uncle in charge of money for school) Last night she called her grandma and asked her to sign some papers...when grandma refused she yelled at her that hubby and I owe her money and hung up. Bizarre conversation not sure what to make of it since we pay her room and board, child support, all her schooling and books...not sure how we owe her.
                            So happy to be sober and on my I would probably just give her the money if I was drinking just so I didn’t have to deal with confrontation, but then drink more because I would be disappointed in myself for giving in and angry with her for manipulating me.
                            Thank you all for letting me vent.
                            Have a happy sober day!
                            Last edited by Inthesky; November 28, 2017, 11:49 AM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Inthesky, that really sucks about your step daughter. Hopefully she 'grows up' soon. It sounds like she is putting you guys through the ringer.

                              Kensho, I agree, we are ALL better mom's when we don't drink. Hopefully my kids have learned something from my struggles with AL. They tell me they are proud of me for quitting so they do notice!

                              Have a great sober day everyone!

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Kensho - I've struggled since day 1 with being a good enough mom (although postpartum depression didn't help that.) But I basically "failed" at everything you're "supposed" to do. I think in the age of social media where everyone is sharing their "perfect" lives it makes it especially hard. I think I thought alcohol would make me a better mom because it allowed me to sit and be with my kiddo instead of up constantly having to do something with cleaning, organizing, etc. But in reality I'm sure I'm just as absent, if not more, and definitely in a shittier mood. I hope I can instill the moderation idea into my kids' heads, but I fear they will inherit my mental illness/addictive personality. Maybe all the more reason they need to see me abstain from alcohol.

                                You are a good mom.
                                Sober since: 8/27/2017 :yay:

