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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I didn't pop in today, but I was here in spirit.
    Just wanted to say good night folks, used the site and the chat tonight and feel much better than I did.
    Keep well, strong and warm nesters.


      Newbies Nest

      Ooh quick.I've got 2 minutes before I have to dash!!!!
      Mama-love Phillipa fave! Wasn't Henry the ultimate F*$#tard!
      Hippy-have a lovely weekend!
      Katie-give him a b'day hug from me!
      Welcome CCarp and Eli-snuggle up!
      Lav and Sunni-don't work too hard in those paradises you call home!
      Girly,Wanna and are all an inspiration..doing so well!
      Coco-stay with us!!!
      Nora- make sure you go easy on yourself!
      Chook (back later)
      Tranq-rest easy!You sound happy.


        Newbies Nest

        if u watch The Tudors Henry is a hottie..slurp!!!!!
        I love Coco too...who made her run away????
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          I'm going to have a look for that book about Henry the 8th wives. I love the real history and would be nice to read a fictional story about them. Have a great weekend everyone.
          Molly stay close. x
          Nora - hope your friend is doing well.
          Katie - stay strong and dont let the bastard win!
          Hi everyone else
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            I'm really missing the Coco & Mama show! When are you going to taking it back on the road?:H

            Sunni - Please let us know when Mr. Wonderful gets home.....I've had my 'worry hat' on all week so now I'm going to worry about that too. Please keep us posted.

            Katie - So glad that your son had a good birthday. Oh - I used to love watching Shining Time Station with my son. What fun that was.

            Hubby & I loved the English series 'As Time Goes By'. Romantic for the older crowd.

            Hello to everyone. Have a wonderful evening/night/morning/afternoon!!!!
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              sunshine_gg;849974 wrote: Evening Nestlings!

              Fennel!!! Do YOU know where my cat is????? Haven't seen her all day
              Nestling's felines are "off limits", sunshine....I swear, she's not in the truck!


                Newbies Nest

                :H Fennel.. what a relief!

                Well, both Mr. Wonderful and Bubbles (in one piece and with no scent of Taco truck) showed up eventually I'm sorry Nora, I really didn't mean to worry you!!! :l

                Turns out, Mr. W. went to talk boat engines and concrete pad for the impending barn (he's a bit of a chatter box, sometimes). Well, the barn as he had envisioned it is OUT. The engineered pad alone would cost around $30,000. No thanks. So, it won't be as original as we had hoped (or as HE had hoped, I don't really give two hoots, as long as it works and the horses are dry and reasonably warm during the winter) - back to the drawing board.

                The kid is at it again, too... all in all not great news today - but nothing earth shattering, either. Gotta look at the big picture.

                Well, I'm going to say good-night, oh... and COCO... are you done yet?? Miss ya!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  I'm glad to hear that both Mr. Wonderful and Bubbles are safe!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone!

                    Coco - P-l-ease come home!

                    Thanks Chooks! I'm resting easy. I went to a yoga class tonight - it was kind of tough. Looking forward to a quiet restful weekend. Mother's day this weekend, but no mum for me, so everyone will be off doing the mum-thing. Hopefully the weather will be good. I've got plenty to catch-up on around the house since my little b-day trip last weekend.

                    KB- your little guy sounds cute. My son (now in college) and I used to play with the Thomas trains for hours. Brings back good memories.

                    Welcome CC and Ell. No need to be shy. Ask anything, someone usually has an answer - we've all been there. That's what makes this place so cozy - no judging - just helpful friends.

                    Hi Lav. Wow, Sunni 30K before they even raise a timber for the barn? Whoa Nelly.

                    A big Hi to everyone!

                    Take care all.

                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      hello everyone,
                      I'm just popping in for a quick read and an even quicker reply. Knowing you guys are here keeps me strong even when I can't get to the nest. Thank you.

                      Hello Yellow Sunshine. I hope you can get the book MY WAY OUT and read it. Although it is not a magic spell that makes the alcohol problem go away, it made me stop and think. Now I consider alcohol a poison instead of a reward. It is no longer associated with pleasant feelings and experiences but I now remember all the real experiences with it that were awful. Try the supplements, I think they help me to focus on looking after my health instead of disregarding it in favour of alcohol. And stay in touch with others like us on this web site. Everyone has some support to give.

                      Take care everyone

                      AF since 12 April 2010


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning everyone... guess what? it's friday!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Everyone,
                          Mama, I have read every single Phillipa Gregory book, she writes so well - wasn't mad on her latest ones, The Other Queen, and The White Queen - not sure if she has strung herself out too much or if my concentration for reading was shook with alcohol. Loved the historical ones but some of her non-his are hysterical - one of my funniest holidays was in Kerry reading 'Zeldas Cut' and giving my family ( the grown up ones I hasten to add) an update every morning on what I had read the night before - give it a go!

                          Sorry everyone else - as you may guess reading is my passion!!
                          Hi to Sunny, Lav Tranq(passiondrawers)Willy, Tant, wow you really doing well, nearly a month already, lucky you! Fennel, Nora, dear HippyC, Wannachange, Mama and KatieB, hope all went well, and everyone else my pathetic memory has omitted and all else to come.

                          Day 3 for me and feeling a bit stronger, reckon I might be ok this time?!!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey everyone..
                            Finally got some time to myself!!
                            Tranq - yes I have adored watching my son play with his Thomas set today.. having a boy is such fun! i love the things that little boys love - cars, trains.. big rocket ship! we had a lovely day, ex was really nice and actually paid for everything - lunch out, the play area that was indoors.. etc.. I have to admit I did have a glass of wine with lunch, but with my food, and i had a big glass of orange juice and lemonade after the wine.. so i did well.. still have to keep vigilant with my drinking though.. my ex said to me "you were always able to have one drink.. its when you got to 3 or 4 there was the problem" - and i know he is right... im still learning..
                            Mollyka - great to hear you are stronger.. keep going as you are, you are doing great!
                            Hi to RC, Tant, Fennel, Sunni, Lav, Nora and to everyone else I may have missed,
                            Katie xxx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi All,
                              I was reading a post about 'having a plan'. This is something that so many of us fail to do. It might already be here and I just havent found it but how about all of us posting our plans? I like the idea of knowing what i am going to do before hand....its the type A personailty thing. I must be informed at all
                              Let me know what you all think!
                              Lion xxoo


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mollyka...the one I started last night is "The White Queen" ...hope I am not disappointed
                                I think Coco is taking a little break, but I am working on getting her back on stage.....
                                I always found her posts delightful and funny and I miss her
                                Hello to the shower and then to work
                                Have a great day everyone!!!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

