Oh my goodness! Caught up for the last couple days. Not sure why I've been so lousy at checking in - and we all know what happens when we drift from the nest!!
AVA, glad for the progress of wanting smokes later in the morning. Hope you have some easier days ahead. I've never known anyone who quit smoking who doesn't feel a million times better!
JVO, glad for "deep in your soul". Isn’t that the truth of not drinking? You know its right when you feel that.

Thanks Nora. Great advice from Belle and helpful to me today

LC, empty is better than regretful. You;’ll fill that void soon enough. So glad you were able to enjoy your time with your family.
Choices, sounds like a nurturing afternoon for you! It’s the seemingly small things at times that are such a boost. Glad you are keeping those tricky times on your watch list. Good job. Do you have a lot of schooling left?
Happy birthday and congrats Tony! I worked at our Marriott Hotel when I was 16 - cleaning rooms. It is one of my favorite jobs ever - the productivity was so rewarding. One room done, check. Another, check.
As for the parenting and grand-parenting... My hope is that my kids grow up thinking of their mom as being brave and choosing life over numbness - and that they learn that alcohol is not a good coping mechanism. Alcohol was never discredited in my house growing up, but other drugs were and I seemed to stay away from them. I am not totally demonizing AL to my kids, but I am letting them know of the potential dangers, and I often tell them how much better life is working out problems for real instead of hiding from them.
That's all for now. Hope everyone has a good night!