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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Spent most of my day doing school work. Made some headway, but need to put it aside before I get too annoyed.

    The game is on here, too Lav...what inning is it! haha!

    I'm not ready for a new week yet, but here it comes...

    Have a good one.



      Re: Newbies Nest

      SO sad about Lil. Thanks for letting us know Byrdie.
      She was very helpful in my early days of sobriety. Poor Lil :heartbeat:

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Sad news about Lil. RIP.
        AF January 7, 2018


          Re: Newbies Nest

          So sorry to hear about LilBit. RIP strong lady - you will be remembered for all you accomplished, in sobriety and otherwise. Thanks for letting us know Byrdie.

          Choices - congrats on 30 days! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling great - I hope it passes soon.

          Kiwi - Sorry to hear about your blue mood as well. As others have said, we all get that sometimes and it does pass, but it's certainly not fun while in the midst, is it? Great job getting out for some exercise and nature anyway. You're on a roll and you sound strong.

          Jvo - The comedy show and dinner sound wonderfully fun. I'm married to a teacher so we checked out Eddie B's youtube channel and watched several short bits (something like, "Things teachers really say"). Hilarious! So glad you were able to fully enjoy your evening instead of having al rule the night. It's very freeing, isn't it?

          I had a pretty good weekend myself. I had several hours of work to do, which all went well, plus we tackled a few projects around the house. We also were able to do pretty long bike rides both Sat and Sun, which made me super happy. Watched a bit of the super bowl, although pro football isn't really my thing. Now just winding down and getting ready to read a bit before sleeping. I'm still waiting for my copy of "Unexpected Joy of Sobriety" - hope it arrives soon.

          Hope everyone has a great start to the new week! Catch you all on the flipside.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Very sad news about Lilbit..


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, Nest:

              So sorry about Lil - she was funny, vulnerable, and strong. Very sad.

              I haven't really watched football (American) in a while, but I did watch the big game yesterday. It was pretty exciting, actually. I also saw a YouTube video that someone made - it is a slow motion montage of all of the brain injuries sustained this season - only played backwards. It is pretty powerful (I can't remember what it is called right now). Most certainly it is a brutal sport - I heard some references to maybe some new rules they are making to help alleviate injuries? No

              The weather here is beautiful, so I was able to hit the trails in the morning in shorts and a T shirt. Very beautiful, but eerie as well because we are looking at more drought. Time for a rain dance...

              No thoughts of booze, I am happy to say. What a relief to have that freedom. Ava, in my brunch scenario I would have started drinking at the brunch, gotten drunk, gone to bed at 8 and then been up all night feeling anxious and being visited by the GSR brothers. My "insomnia" was BAD in those drinking days.

              Grateful to be starting the week unhung. Happy Monday.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters,
                Seems like everyone had a good Sunday, with or without the Super Bowl. Some of the snacks/recipes I saw posted sure looked yummy!:happy2: Pav, I'm jealous of your hike.. but I hear you with the fears of drought. Pretty darn scary to be having such warm weather at the beginning of February.

                Ava, it's so nice that you're now together with a man that wouldn't have been with the drinking you! I like and respect the men I've been with in my life, but I definitely had f***** up, co-dependent relationships with them.. not just because of drinking but that made it so much worse. I am excited about the possibility of a relationship after I've had a long time sober. To see who might come into my life.. Loved the hand in the cake icing story! Five is such a great age.. glad you're there for them..:love:

                Wags, how nice to have had a couple of long bike rides this weekend.. The friend I went on a walk with drove us out of town to the forest.. does wonders for the mood to get out into nature. We saw 2 quite impressive beaver dams but no beavers.. you have them up in WA, don't you?

                So, not a lot going on here. I had to take an ibuprofin for an unexplainable headache I had this afternoon. It was quite painful but I was just so happy to know that it wasn't from alcohol! Took a J-vo/Lifechange style nap and it was gone in no time. Funny, I hate taking pills and rarely do 'cause I don't like to cause extra stress to my liver. I didn't think so often about that before sitting down on the sofa in front of Netflix every day around this time with my bottle of wine.. which would be gone in half an hour and I'd be out the door to get more (if I hadn't already stocked up). The lies I told myself. Today I've done my shopping and have a healthy meal planned, am in my jammies, have a good book and the evening ahead of me.

                Wishing everyone a happy start to the week..
                Last edited by lifechange; February 5, 2018, 10:54 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  LilBit taught us all so much about not taking ourselves too seriously and seeing the humor in even the toughest situations. We're fortunate to have known her.

                  Spent the weekend sitting and "being there" with my mom. It is not my default way of being, to say the least (and I'm really really glad I took up knitting because it is great for helping me to sit still and listen). If I'd been chasing a fix or worried I couldn't get it, or if I hadn't learned to stay in and appreciate the moment, she would have picked up on my tension. I wouldn't have been there for her. I love knowing that if this were the last time I were to see her, I would feel good about our last time together. And shouldn't that be the goal in all our relationships?? Surviving addiction can be tough but can teach us so much. xx, NS


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Ah yeah. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about the fact that even though I had almost 11 weeks without alcohol, a couple of days drinking put me right back to the beginning as far as cravings and urges go. After the first day, the initial "slip", I thought I would just move forward and disregard that day. I have done this a few times before but still, I completely convinced myself that that might work. Then the next day I drank again and decided I must come here before it gets out of hand.. then I drank another few days. I know that I haven't lost the sober time I had and I have learned some things, but I am back to square one (or twelve) as far as having to work through it all again. I guess that's a good thing, though, because there was obviously still something missing. Just wanted to say that.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      NS, I am so happy that you can be there for your Mom. For both of you.. yes, that should be the goal in all relationships.:hug:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        What a funny, strong lady lost. Life can change so fast. It is so good to hear she enjoyed life without alcohol for a time before she passed.

                        Other than that, I don't have much to say this morning. I am happy to not be drinking. I am annoyed at drinkers. I have a lot to do this week - and will try my hardest to keep up with my exercise and yoga because it makes my cells feel alive!

                        Have a good Monday everyone.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          RIP LilBit. Thank you for touching our lives.
                          Mary Lou

                          A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good morning, I think I am almost through my funk! Thank goodness my mood is improving. Gah gotta run! The house is all go. I’m VERY happy to be sober and love not having a mind crunching hangover.
                            AF January 7, 2018


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Life, are you saying you are starting at day 1 again? Well, I am glad you are here...take it one day at a time. You can do it.

                              I am at work so I can just say a quick HI!

                              Talk later.

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                No, Nar, I'm on day 12.. I was just saying that deciding to drink a couple weeks ago after having quite a few weeks AF, put me right back to the start as far as cravings go.. I was thinking last night about how illogical it is. One would think (the AV would try to convince us), ok, 72 days af minus 2 days drinking is 70 days.. or something like that. But no, if I'm honest with myself, I'm back at the beginning. I have learned new Tools for sure and I feel like I know myself better and my AV.. so the af days can't be disregarded.. But letting alcohol back into my system, into my brain, set me back. But like you said, ODAT.. ever forward slowly, slowly!
                                Does that make sense?
                                Have a good day at work!

