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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi little beagle, just checking in! How you doin?:love:
    "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, Nest:

      Thanks for that, Wags. That is how I feel, too, and I believe her. Our friends who live other places want me just to go over there, but I am going to let her be. She has her kids and some of his family around, so I think she really means it. I'll remember to keep checking in.

      Hi, Making Changes. I lurked for a while, drinking as I scrolled through the forum. It was a huge relief when I finally decided to jump in and participate. If you found this website, chances are your life would be made better by quitting drinking.

      Welcome back, MyWayIn. What a cautionary tale. A glass of champagne at a daughter's wedding can seem so innocent. Congratulations on Day 5.

      I got to get out and get a lot of outdoor exercise this weekend - everyone was talking about how cold it was - down to 50F! I thought of you, Narilly, walking to work in temperatures far, far below that. It felt so good to get enough exercise and relaxation. I am ready to get back to work today (well, sort of).

      Happy SOBER Tuesday, all.



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Nester friends!

        Welcome Making Changes!
        Welcome back, Mywayin! Good to have you both here..

        Pav, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend's partner. Wags, I'm glad you wrote what you would do in the situation, based on your experience. I also didn't know what I would do.. and I'm afraid I may be in the situation soon. Very sad. I'm glad she'll have you when she needs you, Pav.

        Thanks for the reminder of Apple Cider Vinegar all.. gives me the shivers, just thinking about it, but I know it does wonders. Have some in my fridge and will have a swig soon.. yuck.

        Strange day at work.. with my boss coming in from a night of partying at 8:50 (20 minutes late), still drunk, to a breakfast with a very special guest we'd been preparing for since 5am. In the end he sort of pulled it off, but it was quite embarrasing for everyone involved. I've been working for him for 11 years and "know" him and haven't ever seen anything like this.. drunkenness, yes, but not in his work space during working hours. I hope this doesn't become a regular thing..

        It's getting lighter! Today the sun sets at 5:28.. I always forget how fast that changes here and how much of an improvement it is for the mood to have more daylight..

        Ok. Not much going on. I'm looking forward to a quiet evening, some good food and a movie.
        Wishing all of you a lovely MAE..xx
        Last edited by lifechange; February 20, 2018, 10:52 AM.


          Re: Newbies Nest


          I am not new to the alcohol battle and have been lurking for a few weeks. I was hit hard by personal tragedy in 2017 and other issues, so the drinking took a turn toward heavier consumption. I suppose it was a cover up and maybe a slow suicide of hopelessness in life. I made it to 8 days alcohol free in January, and I am now on Day 5 in February. If you've ever seen the movie 'Sea of Trees', you'll 'see' that you may feel like you want to die, but once you pursue that path, you realize you really don't want to die. You just didn't know how to cope/deal with such harsh pain. While lurking and reading the last few weeks, I have been developing a notebook to use in this fight to stop drinking and repair/change myself and my life choices. I realize this will be a tough fight, but today, I want to fight.
          The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Welcome, [MENTION=24140]Crusader[/MENTION]

            I like your hopeful screen name. It is something of a crusade - and definitely one worth undertaking! I have NO REGRETS about quitting other than not having done it sooner. You write that this is a fight and in some ways it is but to me, it is more of a calm, relaxing, beautiful surrender to the simple fact that I cannot drink alcohol. Paradoxically, this is very empowering!

            I'm sorry you've had a really tough time recently. I also didn't really care about living anymore so have a glimpse into the hopelessness you must have felt. I'm glad you know that life IS worth living - living fully, aware of each moment we are granted.

            You've found a great place to get the support we all seem to need. I hope you stay with us. All the best, NS


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi all, quick check-in as I've been feeling under the weather the last week - it just seems to be lingering. Good news is I'm on day 30 of my quit now. I'm so glad I've got the first month in - although it has seemed like a long time, the thought of giving it all up now and starting over again is just too much. Onwards to month 2...
              "one is never enough so one is one too many"


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nest

                So sorry to hear about your friends hubs Pav, cancer sucks big time. I am with Wags on this one, let her know you are always there for her if she needs you.

                Congrats Kiwi on 30 days, keep up the good work.

                Seeker, i hope all works out for you. As a wise soul from here told me, dont make any hard decisions for a year, focus on your sobriety in that time and decide after that. gives you time to really think about what you want but if you know in your heart you need to move on then do it. Only you know the right path to take. i hope it turns out well for you. I know i am the number one priority in my life now and i met a wonderful man after being sober so i am very lucky or he is very lucky!

                Welcome Making changes and Crusader and Myway. Never a better place to find yourself than in the nest, support is essential from people who understand what we are going through.

                Crusader, fight with all you have to get sober. at the end of my drinking career i didnt care whether i lived or died but i have 4 children and i want to be there for them, i want to see grandchildren. Now i want to live, i love life and i am happy. Some days are crappy but if i can find one positive out of then it has been a good day and i always find one positive as i am sober.

                busy at work for me which is a good thing. I have my 3 month review coming up next month but i am positive that i will still have a job. I am still trying to learn that there is no point in stressing about something until it arrives. yesterday i picked up a friend of my sons from the airport. He will be living with us for awhile so fingers crossed he doesnt annoy me. Apparently he has OCD with cleaning and i was thinking "woo hoo" to that one. my son is so lazy, cobwebs would grow on him except he moves occasionally.

                LC i remember constantly going to work hungover or feeling pissed. oh they were god awful days and the shakes were horrendous. i could not hold a piece of paper without my hands shaking uncontrollably. Thanks for the reminder of where i dont ever want to be again.

                Hope you are feeling better Kensho.

                Hi LB, glad you have come out the other side happy and not drinking. how are those puppies of yours going?

                hi Idaho, nice to see you pop in for a visit.

                Am at work ready to go to a meeting so best get prepared.

                Take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hola nesters.

                  Congrat's on 30 days K bro! Wowza!

                  Waves to Idaho! How are ya?

                  Welcome Crusader. Sorry to hear of your personal tragedy and the pain that brings. When i lost my girlfriend to drug overdose many years ago now, i turned to drinking hard. One thing i noticed was although getting numb every day/night was an instant fix to much of the pain, the problem with that was i would ruminate constantly and for a long time on her passing (like for a few years), actually causing more emotional pain and stress, and didn't really move through my grief as 'naturally' as maybe i could have. But i can't give any advice or tell anyone how to grieve or how not to grieve. I think it's a personal thing that we handle in our own way. What i know is that getting numb/escaping for too long can start to kill us. Emotional stress affecting our internal organs, and of course ingesting poison like booze. The grieving process has it's own timeframe i reckon, whether it's loss of job, home, relationship, loved ones. If i look at it, try to understand and acknowledge it, at least i know what's happening to me. The fact you are here posting and taking notes is a HUGE personal statement in self care. Which = HOPE. Well done on 5 days!

                  Here's a link to our toolbox. Essential reading.

                  Last edited by Guitarista; February 20, 2018, 04:27 PM.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Welcome, Crusader! Help and hope are on the way. Stay close and participate, We will be right beside you!
                    Kiwi, congrats on your 30 big days. Here’s your hat! :guy: We are massively proud of you!
                    Work was a bear, glad to be relaxing now. No AL in sight! Evening all! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Wow we had a wonderful May-like day in February, go figure

                      Hello & welcome Crusader & congrats your 5 AF days, great start!

                      Kiwi, awesome on your 30 days :welldone:
                      Be proud of your accomplishment & keep moving forward.

                      Hello to everyone, glad to see your positive reports. Nothing beats the freedom we gain when we get AL out of our lives. I tell myself that every single day & will always be grateful

                      Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        I loved reading all the replies in the threads I posted to, and give you all a big thank you and hug for taking the time to respond to them. I am very very tired, so I will postpone a proper reply until I feel more rested. Tomorrow will be day 6, and I wanted to be sure I let you all know I appreciate your words. They deserve a better response than I can muster up currently.
                        The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone. I've been running this week, and fighting a bug. So running, sleeping. Not much else! I have been sober for 71 days. It feels weird to say that. I still struggle to say "alcoholic" and "sober" - but it's probably time I use some of that language. I am a person who cannot drink in moderation, and drinking destroys my self-esteem and was beginning to wreck all that I was working so hard for.

                          I am now a non-drinker and am glad for it. I have thoughts sometimes of "you could just go back to drinking and numb out for awhile", but I know that it is a failed coping mechanism. I KNOW it is not an option for me - someone who wants the most out of life. So, on I go with breathing and stretching and coffee and sleeping in and baths and enjoying the smallest details in life - like flowery language in my new book, and how my dog makes me smile every single morning without fail. If I were numb, those details would be lost on me - and I'm convinced that they are the essence of a happy life.

                          Sorry to not comment - have to go to an all day photo shoot and then a meeting at 5:30 for a new client. Ugh. I may cancel the latter. Wishing everyone the best today!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            [MENTION=24140]Crusader[/MENTION] - welcome, and congrats on your now 6 days AF. I think many of us can relate to your story. I know I personally have had several personal tragedies that have brought me immeasurable pain, and I've seen the difference between the times I used al to "cope" and the times I didn't. Sending you all sorts of sympathy and empathy - you CAN do this, and you are not alone.

                            Kiwi - congrats on 30 days!!! Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well though - hope you're able to shake that off soon. As you know, breaking your quit and starting over again is a terrible idea, and I encourage you to put that in your rear view mirror.

                            Ava - wow, has it already been 3 months at your new job??? I guess time flies! Well, I'd be willing to bet that your review will go splendidly. Good luck with your new house guest, and here's hoping he volunteers to help with cleaning!

                            Things are pretty good here in wagland. We got walloped by a snow storm yesterday and woke to a city that is a winter wonderland. Not really sure I would have chosen more winter - feeling ready for warmer temps myself - but it is beautiful and I will try to enjoy that. We don't often get this much snow in this part of the country, and our city is poorly equipped to handle these conditions, so schools and many businesses are closed today. We have a 4WD truck (replacement for my car that got totaled by the hit-and-run last year) so we'll be fine if we need to go out, but we might just hunker down and stay cozy by the fire. Sooooooo glad to not be drinking - I would have been scrambling yesterday as the storm moved in to stock up on bottles, and then stressing now about whether I'd bought enough to get through potentially a few days of this weather. Instead, I'm just deciding which sweater our pup should wear when we go for a walk. Yay - another win for sobriety!

                            Have great days and eves everyone!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Way to go on 30 days, Kiwi! A great milestone. Yes, you can never go back!

                              Crusader - welcome. You've found a great place. I love Mr. G's advice - it seems that hiding emotions doesn't allow us to process them, and we have to do that eventually. Mr. G also says - the only way out is through. I really do believe that. I am sorry for your pain, but alcohol won't help you work through it, as you know. Congratulations on 6 sober days!

                              Ava - for sure, your man is the lucky one! I know my husband considers himself lucky that I quit drinking. I am a much easier, more even person to be with for sure. I need an cleaning fanatic roommate - ask if he wants to visit the states!

                              I have been doing too much computer work and my neck and shoulders are wrecked. Does anyone have a good set of stretches/strengthening they have found helpful? I have a few, but I'd take any suggestions.

                              Happy SOBER Hump Day.



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                X-post Pav! I saw your comment about neck and shoulders - as a quick reply, check out the McKenzie method for some great exercises that help a ton with the "forward head" of computer work. I have some others I can suggest as well but will have to come back later to post those.

