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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Thank you all for your warm birthday wishes! That went straight to my heart ��

    Going on day 11 and feeling great. We seem to be stuck at freezing temps here and I sure wish it would warm up a bit. Dying to get started on my vegetable garden and do like Lav, buy some new chickens! I don’t want to have them in my linen room ��, they’re messy enough outside!

    In the meantime, since I’ve got all my new found gumption, I’m going to get on top of all my dreaded administrative stuff (something I could not do with a hangover).

    Good (AF) day to you all!
    Go as far as you can see.
    When you get there, you'll see further.


      Re: Newbies Nest


      Lav is definitely the expert here but my chicken pen does not smell at all. I change the straw/woodshavings occasionally. We feed them corn and lots of leftover food and peels, their eggs are amazing, yolks are much bigger, a deep orange and don’t compare to anything you can buy.

      I think some people can drink. My husband’s grandmother (french), passed away at 105. She drank a small glass of cognac every night after dinner. Please note, that was 1 small glass! Of course we cannot do that cuz it would never be 1 and never small.

      I hope you can find some mindfulness this week.
      Go as far as you can see.
      When you get there, you'll see further.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good morning, Nesters!
        Lav, LOVE the chicks! They are so cute when they are babies! Do the brown ones lay brown eggs? Is that how it works?

        Im thinking of redo’ing my kitchen. Our home is 25 years old and while this is my 3rd countertop, it has always been black. I have white cabinets and I like the contrast. I am really struggling with changing it to grayish white (the cararra marble look). When I see it in other homes, I absolutley love it, when it comes time to make the decision, it seems too overwhelming. What if this? What if that? What if, what if, what if? After a while yesterday, I said ‘this feels familiar’. It is the same process I went thru when quitting AL. I am afraid of the unknown...afraid of going outside my comfort zone....afraid of change. Once I recognized this, I think I am able to take the leap of faith. I will listen to the people who have this countertop and love it.
        Change isnt easy, I love structure. However, Im not happy with what I now have and I know Im going to have to make a change in order to get what I want. Sounds familair, doesnt it?
        I have learned a great deal more than how to stop drinking in this nest. THANK YOU! Hope everyone has an easy day. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Morning to all on day 10. I've surpassed my attempted days of my quit in January. No celebration needed.

          Great thoughts, Brydlady. I agree 100%. The overlaps are everywhere. Go for the new look. What's the worst thing that can happen? In the grand scheme of life if you didn't like it would that really be such a terrible thing to endure anyway? Now it's your post that resonated with me. How hard it often is for me to make a decision for fear it will be the wrong one, so there I sit undecided and immobilized. I have often put too much importance on an outcome that wouldn't really have much merit in the true experience of life. We self impose so much needless worry upon ourselves and waste our precious energy. Take that a step further and now we need a drink to soften our fear of that unknown, failure, etc.

          Kensho, yes, the primal brain which would fit well into the above paragraph.

          For today, I'll add this from my notebook pages:

          * "It is in the midst of difficulties that man develops his intelligence because, in order to overcome them, he must observe, think and become clear-sighted. Nature has put difficulties here and there in life to develop her children's intelligence, but the children do not develop: they waste their time and energy crying, complaining, getting angry and upset, instead of trying to understand and look for solutions. Obviously when they are exhausted they calm down, but the difficulties are still there; their energies are gone but their problems remain. What a weird method! I ask someone, 'How long did you cry? - three hours. - Did you solve the problem? - No. - Well, next time, cry just ten minutes. As you would miss not crying, do it, but no more than ten minutes; and once the ten minutes is over, start thinking!'"

          Omaraam Mikhael Aivanhov

          Have a nice Sunday all!
          Last edited by Crusader; February 25, 2018, 12:51 PM.
          The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, Nest--

            Congratulations, Rahul, and thanks for stopping by! I do remember that Las Vegas trip... Go glad you've found your way out.

            Byrdie - that's what I call perfectionism, and for me it manifests itself in the same way. I have nothing hanging on my bedroom walls after painting several YEARS ago. I have this feeling that it has to be the exact right thing or I will regret it. It is so crazy to live like that. I am really trying to break myself of that habit. I finally have things hanging on most of my walls. I say to myself, "if I don't like it, I can change it later (and I can actually live with it...)" Go for that new countertop! You deserve it.

            G, yes, and thanks. I have reverted to The Great British Baking Show this weekend to take my mind off my worries. Such a great distraction, and I can imagine that I can actually bake (I never bake - I love to cook other food, and now I want to branch out to baking!) I'm hungry, however... I think the worrying stems from the fact that as prepared as I am, there are some factors over which I have zero control. I have to work on accepting that and planning for the worst. It will be fine.

            Crusader - as they say around here, "if only one, why not none?" I can't really remember a time when I EVER wanted just one drink. I sometimes had just one drink, but I ALWAYS wanted more. One 4oz glass of wine (that's a serving!) would do nothing for you. Best to stay clear...

            LC - that was cooking for me. A drink in hand, music on - very relaxing. Now I find that I have to have my fizzy water in hand - a much healthier substitute.

            Oh, Ava! That image of the woman being helped into the car... So sad.

            Ok, going to look into chickens here. I think I have to wait until my work isn't so crazy - a year or so - until I feel like I can take care of something else.

            Happy SOBER Sunday!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola nesters,

              Congrat's Crusader on day 10! Oh yeah! Your post reminds me of the power and magic of living amongst nature far away from city life. We can't run. We have to deal with situations as they arise. Ran out of drinking water? sheeesh! er, better go look for some, cry later! Is that a crocodile i see swimming towards me? Better move my ass now, cry later! Is that rain approaching? Better find or build shelter, cry later! etc. etc. lol.

              Have a beaut week ahead Pav. Baking must be another top form of mindfulness!

              It's monday morning over here. That means day 180 for me. 6 months booze free today! It's been a long time a'comin.

              Take it easy out there. Just do your best friends.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters

                Now i can say congratulations on 6 months G, keep plodding along each and every day. no one and absolutely nothing is worth drinking AT.

                At work today and really dont feel like doing much so i have lots of paper spread around my desk and i look busy.

                drs with my son this afternoon to get his stitches out and then the gym. Gone are the days where i planned which bottleshop i could go to (not that i remembered which one i had been to the day before), patted the dogs for 5 mins and fed them then opened that bottle and started my night to oblivion.

                take care x
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Pav... "if only one, why not none?"

                  I'm taking that one to my notebook. Thanks for sharing. It will come in handy when I have to make a call to my more reliable personality.

                  Guitarman, you are spot on with that reply regarding we can't run away, although, I have fantasies of living out in nature away from it all. I guess I better take yours with me, too. lol A big Congrats on 180 days! I guess I'm handing out another compliment today outside of the army. You should be so happy with yourself. I've never made a 180 day run. Hell, I don't run. Seriously, that is great. I'm gunning for 30 days now as the short term goal and dreaming of your 180 day goal success.

                  Lifechange, I did the same thing with my older journals. Interesting we were thinking about our deaths. This may or may not have direct or indirect meaning.
                  The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Day 180 , oh yeah G! You raaawk! Keep up the good work.

                    Crusader, yeah that’s a good one from Pav. I like it too.

                    Ava, that made me smile, all the papers around you to look like you are busy, lol.

                    I Wendy swimming this morning and spent a nice day with my dogs. It is SO nice to new Un Hung on a Sunday. Love it!

                    Don’t drink today.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      CONGRATS to Mr G on 6 AF months :welldone: :yay:
                      Keep doing what you've been doing & turn that into 1 year!!!!

                      Pav, quite a while ago I read an article somewhere that claimed you only need 5 minutes/day for chicken care. That's probably about right too. Fresh food & water, collect eggs, spend a few moments chatting with them & you're done. Of course there's always the spring/fall cleaning weekends in the coop, ha ha!

                      Byrdie, in 6 months all of those babies will be laying brown eggs. The breed determines the egg color. I have had some in the past that laid blue eggs, cute
                      I am making plans to paint my kitchen this year but the countertops are staying, they're 15 years old this summer & still look OK. Take a bold leap & make the change, it will be great!

                      LC, hope you continue to improve.
                      I love to bake things that don't need to be decorated like bread, ha ha!

                      Ava, glad the party was good.

                      Crusader, you're doing great.

                      Everyone, have a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi lovely Nesters..

                        G-man, Congratulations on 180 days!! I am so happy and proud of you.. keep up the good work. Should I tell you that as I meditated this morning I had 20 minutes of freedom from coughing.. what a wonderful state to be in.. hope you're celebrating. xx

                        Not a whole lot going on today. I've got to go in to work for a couple of hours and then to the doctor this afternoon.. exciting!
                        Spring is in the air and I'm looking forward to being well so that I can get out and exercise.
                        Being sick and stuck always reminds me of how necessary it is to take advantage of each and every day.. not to take Life for granted. I guess that must be part of the reason we get sick.. makes it easy to think of things for which I'm grateful.. I'll start my list off with all of you!:love:

                        Wishing everyone a happy Un-hung Monday.. to anyone who might be lurking, wishing you could make the leap.. do it.. post! Join us here in the Nest.. It's so much nicer on this side..
                        Last edited by lifechange; February 26, 2018, 01:41 AM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Congrats on 180 days G! You are an inspiration to us all!:welldone:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hiya Nest:

                            G! Whoot! Congratulations on that fantastic accomplishment. I agree with Narilly - you RAWK. Your positivity really helps me keep my head on straight, so thanks for being here with us. Onward and upward!

                            I hope that swimming was indoors, Narilly, and not plunging through an ice hole. I had a lot of dog time this weekend, too. So relaxing.

                            Well, today is Day 1 of my week I've been both looking forward to and dreading. I woke up very early and couldn't fall back asleep - not a great start, but I'm ready.

                            Happy Monday,


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              G-dude - Huge :congrats: on 180 days my friend!!! A big 6 months, a rounded half-year!!! All very big milestones. Thanks for always bringing your humor and wit to the nest - you seem to be a very upbeat person. Hope you have a fantastic AF celebration. See you on Day 181 :yay:

                              LC - Hope the dr is able to help you feel better (if that's what this visit is about). No fun being under the weather.

                              Byrdie - it's interesting how our patterns of behavior around drinking or quitting tend to show up elsewhere in life, huh? I was thinking about that same thing just the other day. Hope you're able to break through the inertia on your kitchen and choose whatever will make the next bunch of years of cooking, baking, etc as pleasurable as possible.

                              Happy start to the week nesters! Hope you all have (or had) fantastic Mondays.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning All!

                                I woke into day 11 on this Monday morning. I slept better last night as I stopped trying to change my sleeping aids. It's too soon for that goal. I started sleeping better without the alcohol in my system, but I became too ambitious trying to change my sleeping aids to natural ones. I'm a true insomniac, so the natural route may or may not work for me. It's too soon to put that pressure into my goals as that could become a stumbling block from sleep deprivation.

                                To that I'll add this quote I found reading my notebook this morning.

                                "Determine what specific goal you want to achieve. Then dedicate yourself to its attainment with unswerving singleness of purpose, the trenchant zeal of a crusader." (Paul J. Meyer)
                                The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...

